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**TW**: NSFW!! blood, knife kink, pain kink, extremely dubious consent, orgasm denial Dom/sub energy, Sub is sad, obvious emotional manipulation, degradation, sexual harassment, emotional distress, definitely some grooming here, Sub begins to manipulate others, Sub is actually kind of mean to the people she cares about, inappropriate Force use, men are assholes, men with bad tempers, slightly more than very VERY problematic, description of death, description of stabbing, description of family dying, kylo is mean to us again, kylo legit verbally harasses us, kylo throws us onto the floor, guys kylo is not nice, kylo makes us bleed, he may or may not pin down us with his knee, he may or may not cut us with a knife idk, there is aftercare but is it fake? he's an asshole here, but is he really? He confuses us, he literally tells us conflicting things, he is sweet and it feels sus, his kindness is most definitely toxic bc he is mean again shorty afterwards, sub uses sex and probably alcohol to feel better .....


Enjoy! As usual, I love the feedback! You guys don't even know how much I enjoy your comments. I will literally cry over my phone sometimes. Your interaction means everything to me!

**AN: Also if you haven't seen the CAST LIST, please check it out! It is published under the second "part" of this story: "Note to the simps"! You may need a visual for the new character that we meet in this chapter ;) END AN**

His words fell over you like a heavy veil, weighed down by the obvious symbolism of what he'd just done.

Suddenly, you found yourself unable to hold eye contact with him. You looked down at the throbbing 'K' now embedded in your upper thigh.

If he didn't own you before, he did now. He had branded you. Like cattle. Like a fucking animal...

You felt your body temperature decrease rapidly as cold chills swept down your spine. Your heart rate elevated slightly as you registered the oncoming panic attack. You tried to catch your breath as your body fought down the looming anxiety. Your hands shook as you lowered a finger to brush over the burning letter.

You felt his energy above you shift.

"Don't touch it." He snapped as he knelt down in front of you.

He looked cruel. Violent but...satisfied. He looked as if seeing you in his position fed him, gave him new life, gave him new emotional range. His brown eyes fluttered up to meet yours. You saw the extent of this newfound emotional range as an unfamiliar sentiment flashed over them.

You flinched and tried to slide away as he reached for your wrists, still bound in the rope

"Relax, Little One. You're ok..."

You trembled as he picked up your wrists. Surprisingly, his touch was gentle as he untied the rope. As he unwrapped the tight cord, he rubbed his thumbs over the insides of your wrists, smoothing over the red marks the rope had left behind.

You winced as he increased the pressure of his thumbs, massaging your wrists more intentionally.

His dark eyes were focused below him as he rubbed your wrists. You felt your face fall as you looked him over.

Sweat had dampened the sides of his face, matting his dark hair slightly. You watched his shoulders rise and fall as he breathed slowly. You watched the muscles in his neck flex as he swallowed. You watched his eyelashes flutter as he blinked. You felt your heart skip in your chest as you unintentionally admired his sharp features as he worked over your hands.

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