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**TW**: NSFW!! blood, extremely dubious consent, Dom/sub energy, Sub wants to die, Sub literally asks to die, more than once... rough sex, rough oral sex, degradation, humiliation, sexual harassment, emotional distress, Force use, men are assholes, men with bad tempers, slightly more than very problematic, kylo is mean to us, kylo chokes us, kylo throws us into stuff, guys kylo is not nice, he hurts us for real, aftercare kind of but not really, he says mean things to us, he literally beats the shit out of us, read the last phrase again. And again.

Guys this one is ROUGH. Please do not read this if you have issues with anything listed above.

** also don't read this if you are in a tender mental state plzzzzzzz **

--AN: As usual, I worked really hard on this one! It is very plot heavy so I hope you can pick up on my direction! PLEASSSSSSE let me know what you think. I LIVE for the comments and feedback<3 END AN--

You awoke to the smell of coffee. The bright sunlight filtered through the window filled room and floated up to cast shadows over the loft.

Sitting up in bed, the white sheets fell around your waist, exposing your bare chest.

You looked down.


The previous night came flooding back into your memory. Holding your breath, you quickly snapped your head to the right, inspecting the bed next to you.

It was empty.

You exhaled in relief and searched the loft with your eyes. There was no sign of the Commander.

You scooted to the end of the bed and made the effort to stand. Pain shot through your body at the movement. Talking small steps, you hobbled to the refresher in the corner of the loft. Wincing, you pushed the door open. You gasped aloud as you stepped in front of the full body mirror.

Your hips were marked with dark bruises that mimicked the pattern of large fingers. Bruises intermingled with purple bite marks, peppered the inside of your thighs.  The bruising around your throat was different than normal. The back of your neck, where the Commander had pressed his forearm, was spotted in purple and red splotches that curved around slightly to the base of your neck.

You remembered the way he had pushed his full body weight on that spot, using it as the support for his violent thrusts.

Of course it would bruise.

You scowled, staring at the large bite mark on the right side of your neck. You could make out the indentations of his teeth. You shuddered as you turned your eyes away from the mirror and towards the vanity. Your clothes from the night before were folded in a neat pile and were waiting for you on the side of the vanity. A handwritten note sat on top of the stack.

You unfolded the letter and read the small, scrawling script.


Your ships are waiting.

Everything else you need has been delivered to your room.

Get to work.

I will expect a full report tonight. Use your key.

- KR

Below the signature, there was another line. Your heart flipped over as you read it.

One more thing, pet...

Don't take any pain reliever.

I want you to feel me all day.

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