An Enigma

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***TW: Choking, bruising, bleeding, emotional distress, light descriptive violence, Force use

You must have fallen asleep.

You woke up to the sound of someone banging on your door.

As your body moved vertically from the bed and staggered through the room, your eyes searched for the kitchen clock.


You were not sure what time you had come back to the room, but from the way your muscles felt you figured you had been asleep for several hours. The sleep had allowed your body to accept the physical consequences of your altercation with Commander Ren.

Walking to the door you winced as you recognized a splitting headache and soreness around your neck. Oddly, you noticed the back of your head was stinging just as much as your throat.

Damn him.

Your visitor knocked aggressively and continuously. From outside the door you could hear a voice.

"Kyber, if you're in there open up!" it was Avery.

"No one has heard from you and I'm worried." His voice sounded slightly panicked. "Listen, if you don't want to talk just knock back or least let me know you're safe."

Tears started to form in your eyes again. You would always be able to count on him.

You opened the door.

Avery was standing in your doorway wearing standard issue exercise clothing.

"Ky! You're here! I—woah...what the hell happened to you?!" You watched his face as the initial look of relief slowly turned into an expression of horror.

You squished your eyebrows together and looked down at your formal uniform. It was a bit out of place and slightly wrinkled from your nap but looked relatively normal.

You opened your mouth but instead of hearing your voice, you were surprised by a raspy, unrecognizable sound exiting your throat.

"Whh...what...are you talking about?" you managed to croak out the question as you coughed, attempting to clear your throat.

Avery continued to stare at you in disbelief as he pulled you into your room, walking you into your refresher and turning you towards the mirror.

You flinched at your reflection.

A combination of mascara and tears stained your puffy, red face. Dark red bruises spanned around the entirety your neckline, vaguely mimicking the pattern of a large hand. Your eyes narrowed as you noticed a trail of dried blood moving from the back of your head, down around your ears and into the collar of your uniform.

Impulsively, you reached behind your head, towards the center of the stinging sensation. Wincing, you located the source of the bleeding. 

Towards the back of your skull, you felt the outline of an opening in your skin. The edges of the small gash intermingled with your hair and had left the surrounding area covered with blood that had now dried together in a tangled mat.

Your lip started to quiver as you remembered the way Kylo Ren had thrown you against the metal wall of the elevator. At the time, your adrenaline had masked the true condition of your body. 

Now it was obvious that the force of the impact had literally spilt your head. You couldn't stop yourself. The tears came again.

Avery grabbed you sympathetically as you fell into his chest, sobbing into his shirt.

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