Part 41

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"Brynn, please.. Just... I didn't mean it. I was drunk." He commented, following me up the stairs and into our room.

"Harry, getting drunk loosens our inhibition, which means we're more likely to tell the truth. Which means, you meant to cheat on me, and you also meant everything you said in our argument last night." I replied, pulling my shoes on..

I heard him sigh, but he didn't say anything. "So what are you doing? Where are you going?" He asked. "Away from you." I stated, walking out of the room. I knocked on Grace's door, before pushing it open. She ran over, jumping on her bed. I knew that she'd been eavesdropping through the door, but didn't care. "We're leaving." I said, and she sat up, looking at me. Her gaze moved behind me, where Harry was probably standing. "Where are we going?" She asked.

"On a short trip. Just you and me." I said, motioning for her to get up..

"You can't take my daughter." Harry stated, and I turned, facing him. "Actually, I can. Because she's also my daughter, and I don't want her living in this house with a drunk father who cheats in his relationships." I commented, grabbing Grace's hand after she picked up her backpack.

"Brynn, seriously? You cannot be serious right now. We had one fight. I got too drunk once. I made one mistake, and you're leaving me? Is this some kind of joke? I'm not perfect, ok? I make mistakes. And I apologized for them already. I can't be this perfect boyfriend all the time." He explained as we walked down the stairs.

I didn't say anything, grabbing my keys and laptop and walking into the garage..

After putting Grace in the backseat with my computer, I shut the door, walking around to get in. "Brynn!" Harry shouted from the doorway, and I ignored him, getting in and opening the garage with the button inside my car....

•• March 7, 2029 ••

It had been just over a week of being away from Harry, before I got a phone call from his mom. Grace was in school, so I answered it, putting it on speaker and setting it down on the table while I continued to work..

"Brynn, hey. It's Anne. I just got off the phone with Harry.. He explained everything that happened, and that you've been keeping Grace from him for over a week." She started, and I sighed. "Yeah. That's true." I replied. "That doesn't seem fair, hon. She spent the first five years without you. Her birthday was four days ago, and you kept her away from him.." She commented. "In what way is it not fair? I'm sure he told you how he got super drunk, cheated on me, then came home and started arguing with me for protecting our child." I stated.

She didn't say anything for a few seconds.. "He cheated on you?" She asked. "Yeah. He didn't tell you?" I questioned, pausing what I was doing on my computer. "Um, no.. He just told me you two had a small fight and then you took Grace and left." She commented. "Yeah, no. He cheated on me. While I was at home trying to keep our daughter from being kidnapped." I replied. "Right.. Well, um. That certainly changes things.. Where are you?" She asked.

"London. We've been staying in a hotel." I commented, and I heard her sigh. "And, Grace? How is she doing?" She asked. I ran a hand through my hair, still wet from my shower. "Uh, I think she's alright. I just really don't want this to create any issues for her growing up. You know, like, emotionally. I feel like she shouldn't have to hear Harry and I fighting. And her being away from him like this.. It just seems like it would be bad for her at this age." I explained.

"I know it can be hard, but I think you did the right thing by taking her with you.. When were you thinking you would go back to Harry's?" She questioned, and I sighed. "Uh.. Well, honestly.. I didn't have any plans to do so. He knows my past, and he once told me that he would never do any of that to me. And yet, he did. So, it definitely hurt to hear him admit that." I replied.

She seemed to hesitate for a moment. "What hotel are you staying at?" She asked, before saying: "I won't tell Harry." I looked around the room. "The Waldorf." I replied. "Wow. Okay, um. Will you still be there tomorrow? I want to come down there so we can talk in person." She asked. "Yeah, um. We'll still be here." I said. "Okay. I'll see you tomorrow. I'll give you a call when I get there." She commented, hanging up before I could say anything else...


I picked Grace up from school, seeing Harry pull into the other side of the parking lot just as I was going out of the other exit. He's been trying to beat me to picking her up all week, but hasn't been able to..

I turned out of the lot and looked in my rear-view mirror, seeing him quickly drive around the other cars. He'd recognized my car.. I sighed, being forced to stop at a red light as I watched him speed out of the parking lot and pull up next to me at the light. I ran a hand through my hair, seeing him signaling me to roll down my window.

I glared at him, continuing to drive when the light turned green.. He sped past me and swerved in front of me, forcing me to slam on my breaks. He continued to slow down, and I checked my mirrors, trying to get into the left lane, but failing due to all the cars now going around us..

I groaned as I was forced to come to a complete stop and saw him turn his hazard lights on. He got out of the car, walking over and knocking on my window, trying to open my door. I glanced back at Grace, who was watching me. I turned my hazard lights on, rolling down the window. "Harry, we can't stop here. We're in the middle of the road." I stated, annoyed.

"You can't keep her from me, Brynn." He commented. He looked like he hadn't been sleeping, and I smelt alcohol coming off of him. "Are you drunk?" I asked, confused. He ran a hand through his hair. "No." He replied, not elaborating. "Right.. Well, did you need something?" I questioned. "Yes. You, and my daughter. I want you both to come home." He stated. "Uh huh.. Well, I'm a little busy right now. So, I'd appreciate it if you got back in your car and left me alone." I replied.

"No. We need to talk." He said, and I rolled my eyes. "If not for us, then for Grace. Please, Brynn." He commented, and I sighed, glancing back at where she was sitting in her car seat.

"Fine. But I'm not staying here. I could get rear-ended." I replied, and he nodded, going and getting back in his car.. I rolled my window back up, turning the hazard lights off and following him as he turned into the nearest parking lot, which was about a mile down the road.. I parked a few spots away from him, pushing both my hands through my hair. I really didn't want to talk to him right now..

"Grace, will you be okay in here for a few minutes while I talk to your dad?" I asked, and she nodded. "Why are you and daddy fighting so much?" She questioned, and I sighed. "It's sort of complicated.. But it'll be okay, I promise." I said, leaving the car running as I got out and shut my door. Harry got out of his car, meeting me halfway.

I crossed my arms over my chest, looking at him. He sighed. "I don't know how to fix this, Brynn. I know what I did was wrong, but I can't undo it. I wish I could; I really do. But I can't.. Can you please just... Tell me how to fix this?" He asked. "No. I can't tell you how to fix this.. I don't even want to be standing this close to you right now." I replied. "I don't even understand why you're so mad, Brynn.. So, I made out with another girl. That's not really cheating. I didn't have feelings for her, not like I do for you." He commented, and I laughed.

"You're joking, right? That's not cheating? So I should just go get super drunk and make out with some random guy? Harry, how would that make you feel, if I told you I made out with someone else?" I questioned, finally looking at him.. "I-um..." He groaned, not finishing his sentence.


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