Part 47

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•• August 22, 2029 ••

Two more months passed before I realized that Kailyn and Rebecca were not actually my friends.. As of this morning, a series of videos had gone viral of Harry and I. They'd been recording practically everything when we'd all been here drinking two months ago at our house..

"Jeff, you have to let me take them down. Clearly your new guy isn't capable of it, because otherwise those videos would've been taken down as soon as they came out." I stated, pacing across the living room, my phone held against my ear. Harry was sitting on the couch, watching me..

"I can't let you do that, Brynn. You take them down, I sue you. And you know that won't end well, because technically the way you go about it, is illegal." Jeff replied, and I rolled my eyes. "Who cares? Why won't you let me take them down? That's what I don't understand. It's a huge invasion of both his and my own privacy." I commented, turning and pacing the other way.

"You know how I see it? I see it as good. Because despite you and Harry officially declaring your relationship, a lot of people still think it's a publicity stunt. These videos, show that your relationship is very real, and that it's not just some sort of call for attention." He explained, and I sighed. "You know I hate you, right?" I questioned, and he laughed. "It looks good for both of you. Those videos did the two of you a lot of justice. So, you can't take them down. And my guy is leaving them up.. Have a nice day, Brynn." He stated, hanging up before I could respond.. I tossed my phone onto the couch, shoving my hands through my hair.

"Well? What'd he say?" Harry asked, and I turned to face him. "That I can't take them down or he'll sue me. He apparently thinks it's good to let everyone see that our relationship isn't just a publicity stunt or whatever." I explained, and he motioned for me to come over to where he was sitting.. I walked over, taking the spot next to him on the couch. "I mean, based on the comments, there's nothing negative. Sure, it's a huge invasion of our privacy. But, all the fans are extremely supportive." He commented, and I looked over at him.

I sighed, letting my gaze wander across the house. It was quiet today, mostly because Grace was spending the day at Anne's.

"Do you remember that conversation we had in the hallway that night?" He asked, and I nodded, glancing over at him.. "You kind of hinted that you had feelings for me.. I know you didn't say it directly, and I know you sort of said it a while back.. But.. Has anything changed?" He questioned, and I sent him a confused look. "What do you mean?" I asked, and he sat up a little, turning so he was facing me.

"I mean.. Your feelings towards me. Have they changed at all?" He questioned, and I sighed.. I moved so I was lying down on the couch, and looked up at the ceiling.. "I um.. I don't know. How do I know if they have? Like.. How does someone know that?" I asked, briefly glancing at him.. "Um. Well.. I don't really know how to describe it. I guess I'm just used to knowing when I start feeling a different way towards someone.." He trailed off, running a hand through his hair..

"I mean.. Ok. I guess I can try to explain what I'm feeling, and maybe you can help me interpret that?" I commented, and he nodded. I sat up, so we were both facing each other..

I hesitated to say anything.. It felt weird discussing my thoughts out loud with someone. But, I felt like I could trust him; which was a really weird feeling..

I sighed, and felt him grab one of my hands. "You can take your time." He said quietly, meeting my gaze. I nodded, trying to convince myself in my mind that it was fine to talk about my feelings out loud, and that it wouldn't end in me being hurt.

"Ok. Um. I guess, I kind of feel like I can trust you.. You know pretty much everything about me, and you're still here, telling me you love me. So, I guess there's sort of a comfort in knowing that.. Let's see.. Um. I don't get super annoyed every time you open your mouth. I'm sure you remember when we first met, you pissed me off so much. But.. You don't anymore. And, I think I might.. I dunno. Care about you, I guess.." I started off, and he laughed a little.

"You guess?" He asked, and I smiled, lightly hitting his chest. "Shut up, I'm trying my best." I said, and he smiled. "Okay, you can keep going. I'm listening." He said, still holding onto one of my hands..

I let out a breath, trying to ignore all the red flags that had gone up after telling him all of that.. This was good. This was healthy. This is what I'm supposed to do.. My whole life, my brain was engineered to keep everything to myself. I wasn't allowed to express how I was feeling about anything.. And it wasn't until I went to therapy for 5 years that I learned I was being lied to by my own mind...

"I care about you, and I care about Grace." I got out, slowly, trying to force myself further out of my comfort zone.. "And, I'm ok with that.. I feel this need to protect her, and you, from any potential dangers that might come back from my past.. I just.. I don't know. I think..." I trailed off, hesitating, and he looked at me, studying my face.

I tried to gather the thoughts in my head.. Everything in me was telling me to stop talking. But, I'd learned that all of those imaginary voices in my head, were past traumas coming back to haunt me. And that I shouldn't listen to them anymore, because I'm no longer in the past. I'm no longer the person I used to be. And, I'm okay with that...

I took a deep breath, meeting his gaze, pushing away all the warning signs and red flags.

"I think I might love you."

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