Part 37

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•• January 28, 2029 ••

Harry had his arm around my waist as we walked into the airport. I kept my sunglasses on, and he let go of me as we passed a group of people.. He glanced over at me, and I looked at him. "I'm glad you're coming with me." He said, and I smiled, looking back to where I was walking..

I heard someone squeal, and then there were three girls in front of us, talking to Harry.. They were obviously American, and had very southern accents.. I sighed, shoving a hand through my hair. He talked to them for a few minutes, taking pictures with them. "You're Brynn, right?" One of them asked, and I zoned back in, looking at her. I just nodded. "Wow. We all thought you two had broken up. You haven't been seen together in months." She commented, and I felt Harry's eyes on me.. "Yeah, I took a vacation." I replied.

"Oh my god. I always forget you're from France. Can you say something in French? I love that language." She asked me, and I laughed. "Nous devrions arriver à notre vol." I commented, glancing over at Harry, who smiled.. "What's that mean?" She asked. "Oh, I just said we should be getting to our flight." I replied. "Can we maybe get a picture of you and Harry really quick before you go?" She asked, and I looked over at Harry, who shrugged. I took my sunglasses off, placing them on the top of my head.

"Sure." He said, walking over to me. "You know this is technically our first real picture together." He said quietly into my ear, and I laughed.. The girls moved a few feet in front of us, taking their phones back out. Harry put his arm around my waist. He pressed his fingers into my side, and I sighed, knowing he wanted me to smile...

They took their pictures, and Harry moved away from me again, checking the time.. After talking to them for another minute, we continued through the airport....


Once back in London, we drove to Harry's mum's place to pick up Grace.. "Brynn." Harry commented, gently shaking my arm. I opened my eyes, looking over at him. "You sleep like a fucking rock. I've been trying to wake you up for five minutes." He stated, and I laughed a little.

I was still exhausted. It was a 23 hour flight, and I only slept during a part of it, because Harry wouldn't stop talking.. "We're here." He said, and I nodded, running a hand through my hair and then opening the car door.. I followed him into the house. "Mum! You're back!" I heard Grace exclaim and looked over. She ran down the short hallway and threw her arms around my legs. I smiled, crouching down and picking her up. She was getting bigger, so it wasn't as easy. But I think she only weighs about 41 lbs last I heard..

She threw her arms around my neck, resting her head on my shoulder. She had her legs wrapped around my waist.. I saw Anne come out of the kitchen. "Well this is a surprise.. Harry wasn't sure if he could get you to come back here. You know, to take care of your child." She commented, mostly being passive aggressive.. I nodded, glancing over at Harry, who was giving his mum a look.

"Right. Well, I'm glad you're back. Grace was lovely as always." She said, and Harry walked into the kitchen to talk to her..

Grace suddenly pulled back and looked at me. "Oh! I have something to show you!" She exclaimed, and I put her down. She grabbed my hand, pulling me upstairs and into the room she had obviously been staying in. There were colored pencils, crayons and paint brushes all over the floor. She ran over, grabbing a few of the papers off the ground and rushing back over to me. "See, I drew all of these. Well, these ones I painted. I wanted to paint with my fingers but nana made me use brushes." She explained excitedly, showing each one of them to me.

"How is school going?" I asked. She shrugged. "Good I guess. It's boring." She said, then ran across the room and grabbed a book. "Nana got me this coloring book. Look how many pictures." She said, handing it to me. I managed to open it while still holding onto her other drawings. "Wow, you know you could be an artist." I commented, and she smiled. "I know." She replied, making me laugh..

"Are you all packed?" I asked, and she shook her head, taking the book and all the papers from me and going over, shoving them into her backpack..

She picked up all her clothes off the floor and shoved them into her other bag and zipped it up. "Ok. Ready." She said, and I laughed at her lazy effort of packing. "Do you have your toothbrush?" I asked, and her eyes lit up. She ran out of the room and came back with her pink toothbrush, shoving that into the side pocket of her backpack. She put that on and grabbed her other bag. "I can carry that for you." I commented, walking over and taking it off the bed.

"Now, let's go find your dad." I said, and she grabbed my hand, pulling me out of the room and down the stairs...

"Mum, just let me deal with it, ok? She's doing better, really. I'll be fine." I heard Harry say. "I just don't want you to end up hurt again. She's a runner, Harry. She's never going to settle down with you." Anne replied, and I sighed, looking down at Grace. "Mum... Ok. I'm going to go find them, and we're going to head back home. I'll see you sometime soon." He said, walking out of the kitchen.

He met my gaze, and stopped in his footsteps. "How much of that did you hear?" He asked. "Just the last little bit." I replied, and he sighed, glancing over his shoulder as Anne appeared behind him..

"Nice to see you again, Anne. Thanks for watching Grace." I commented, biting my tongue, knowing I wanted to say something much different.. "Come on." I murmured, turning and walking out the front door, still holding Grace's hand.

Harry met me in the car a few minutes later.. "She didn't mean what she said, you know.. She's just worried about me." He commented as we drove down the highway.

"I'm sure she is."

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