Part 46

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•• July 18th, 2029 ••

Over the last two months, things have settled down a lot. A week after my talk with Kailyn and Rebecca, Grace had become friends with the two girls who'd bullied her..

I'd hung out with the two mothers a few times since then, which surprisingly wasn't absolute torture. I hadn't had actual friends in a long time. Now, don't get me wrong.. I 100% think they only wanted to befriend me because I'm with Harry. But, they haven't asked to meet him yet, so I just go along with it.

Right now they're over at Harry and I's place, while the girls all were playing in Grace's room. "I never thought I'd be in this house. I mean, never. This is massive." Rebecca commented, still looking around. Kailyn was sitting on the couch next to me, sipping her wine. "So, I don't want to come off the wrong way, because we really are friends. But, where is Harry?" Kailyn asked. "Uh, out. I'm not sure where." I replied. "You don't keep track of where he's going?" She questioned, and I shrugged. "No. Why? Am I supposed to?" I asked, and Rebecca laughed.

"K's just paranoid cause she doesn't trust James, her husband." Rebecca commented, turning back to face us. She'd been admiring the artwork on one of the walls.. "Right, yeah no I get that." I said, leaning back on the couch, finishing off my third glass of wine.. "Now.. if Harry comes home while you're here. I need you to not be like.." I trailed off. "Crazy fangirls. Yeah, no we're past that phase." Rebecca commented, and I nodded. "Good." I replied, getting up to refill my glass...


An hour passed, and we were all standing in the kitchen when I heard the front door open. Rebecca and Kailyn looked at each other. "Brynn?" I heard Harry ask. "In here." I commented, and he appeared in the doorway a moment later. "Holy shit." Rebecca said, and I glanced over at her. "Um, hey. Who's this?" He asked, his eyes still on me. "Oh, uh. These are some of my friends. They're other mom's from Grace's class." I replied, and he raised his eyebrows at me.

"Right. Well, it's nice to meet you both. I'm Harry." He said, shaking both of their hands. He looked at me. "Can I speak with you?" He asked, and I set my glass down on the counter, following him out into the common area..

He turned to face me. "You need to tell me when you're having people over." He said quietly. I sighed, shoving a hand through my hair. "Okay, sure. I'm having some friends over tonight. They're other mom's from Grace's class." I replied, and he rolled his eyes. "Okay. Well, next time tell me earlier in advance so I can actually know what I'm walking into. And you know, be sober." He said.. "Ohh, so that's what this is about. You're drunk. And you don't want people to know that you drink." I commented.

He sent me a look. "Don't be like this, ok?" He said, and I raised my eyebrows at him. "You're being difficult. I just need to know that you understand that next time you choose to invite people over, you need to let me know in advance. I'm not mad at you." He explained. "Right, ok." I said, and he shoved a hand through his hair. "So.. Do you understand?" He asked. I looked at him, studying his face. "Yes, I understand." I stated, moving to go back into the kitchen. He lightly grabbed my arm, pulling me back towards him. His hand came up to my jaw, lightly cupping it as he pressed his lips against mine..

He pulled back after a few seconds, and I sighed, grabbing his hand and pulling him back into the kitchen. "Alright, so what are we drinking?" Harry asked, and I laughed, picking up my glass and handing it to him...

About an hour later, we were still in the kitchen. I was sitting on one of the counters, while Harry stood between my legs, facing away from me. He'd been asking them questions about what they do for work. Which, apparently neither one of them does anything for work.

Grace walked into the kitchen, looking at me and Harry. "I don't want to sleep in my room tonight." She said. "Why not?" I asked. "Sophie was telling ghost stories." She replied, and I sighed, setting my wine glass down on the counter.

"I guess we should probably get going soon anyway, it's getting late." Kailyn commented. "Okay. Are you both alright to drive?" I asked. Harry moved away from me, going and taking Grace back upstairs.. "Yeah, we're alright. Thanks for having us over." She replied, and I nodded, getting off the counter and going out into the common area..

Their kids came downstairs after a few minutes and then they were all out the door, leaving the house quiet.. "Alright, so I put Grace in our bed. She insisted on sleeping with us." Harry commented, walking down the stairs. "Okay, yeah that sounds good." I said, starting the process of making sure all the doors were locked. He shut off all the lights, and we went upstairs.

I paused in the hallway, looking at him. The only light was the one coming from our bedroom.. He stopped, turning around and looking at me. "What?" He asked. I shook my head, pushing away the thoughts. "Nothing." I replied. "Are you sure?" He questioned, and I sighed, knowing I was about to have to explain how I was feeling..

"I was just thinking about how normal this feels now. Being with you.. But, there's this part of my brain that keeps reminding me that it's not real. That this is all just.. Temporary. And that I'm not actually capable of having this type of relationship with someone." I explained, biting my lip. I wasn't sure he'd be able to understand what I was saying, given that my brain works so differently..

He took a few steps towards me, and grabbed my hands. "This is real, Brynn.. It's not temporary. And, I think you're proving yourself wrong. I've seen you grow so much. I mean, this right here. Just this simple act of me holding your hand. Do you remember when we first met? And even months after that. You wouldn't even let me touch you. In any way... I know you don't think you're capable of feeling anything, but.. You are." He replied, studying my face for a few seconds..

"But, am I really? Or am I just pretending like I am, to try and feel as normal as possible?" I asked, and he sighed. "That's up to you to decide. But, I think you are. I've always believed that you're capable of all the things you say that you aren't capable of." He commented. I briefly glanced over at our bedroom door, before looking back over at him. "But why? If you know I don't believe I'm capable of it, because I know who I am and what I went through.. Why do you still believe in me?" I questioned.

"Because, Brynn.. I love you."

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