Part 23

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** April 12, 2028 **

Another two weeks passed, and I'm still in France.. I'd just gotten out of the shower when there was loud knocking on my front door. I groaned, wondering who could be needing something from me at nearly 10:00 at night.. I wrapped the towel around my body, folding the top over so it would stay in place..

I grabbed my hairbrush, walking over, pulling it through my hair while I went to answer the door. I opened it, and sighed. "You really need to text me or something before you decide to randomly show up. Where's Grace?" I asked. "She has school tomorrow, and it's late. I thought I'd come surprise you." Harry said, stepping past me and walking into my apartment.. "Yeah sure, because I totally invited you inside." I muttered, shutting the door back.

"Sorry if this is a bad time." He commented. I turned, facing him while I continued to brush my hair out.. "What do you need now?" I asked, walking back into my room and into the bathroom. He followed me, as expected. He stopped in the doorway, leaning against the doorframe. "What, I need an excuse to stop by?" He questioned, watching me while I started my skincare routine.

"Yes.. Because it's like five hours to get here, and you usually need something." I replied. He sighed, and I could feel his eyes on me. "What? Why are you staring at me?" I asked, looking over at him after I finished what I was doing.. "Because you're beautiful." He stated, and I rolled my eyes, finishing what I was doing and turning to face him.

I took a step back, realizing he'd moved to right behind me. My back hit the bathroom counter, and he reached up, lightly touching the side of my face. "Harry, don't." I said, looking to the side. He gently grabbed my jaw, pulling me back to look at him. "Why not?" He asked, softly, his eyes on my lips.

"Because, I really just.. Can't." I replied. "Why?" He asked, briefly meeting my gaze. "Well, for starters, I'm not wearing any clothes." I stated. He smirked, looking at my lips again. "You don't need clothes." He said quietly. "Yes, actually, I do. Because you're making me uncomfortable. Can you please stop touching me?" I questioned, and he sighed, slowly letting his hand slide down my neck, his fingers dragging against my skin..

"Brynn. I know you remember what it was like.. And I know you liked it as much as I did." He commented. "Harry, are you on something? Is this why you came here? To try and get me to have sex with you?" I asked, pushing him away from me and walking out of the bathroom.. I opened my chest of drawers, and before I could grab anything, felt Harry's hands on my hips. He turned me around, moving closer to me and pressing my back against the drawers. Before I could say anything, he turned his head, kissing the side of my neck. I tensed up, flashing back to Jackson doing the same thing, and then Ryan.

I tried to move away from him, and his grip tightened on my hips. He moved his lips up to the spot beneath my ear, and I sucked in a breath, shutting my eyes.. His hands slowly moved up, trying to undo my towel. But the way I'd done it, he couldn't. I grabbed his hands, stopping him. "Don't." I said, feeling his teeth lightly bite my earlobe.

He managed to get his hands free from mine, and he grabbed my waist, pulling my body closer to his. "Harry. Can you just—" He pulled back slightly, pressing his lips against mine.. He let go of my hips, running his hands through my hair. After a few seconds, some part of my brain told me to kiss him back. And... I did..

I felt him smile into the kiss, one of his hands gently touching the side of my neck as he deepened the kiss further. After a few minutes, he pulled away, meeting my gaze. "Brynn.. I love you." He said, his thumb sliding across my cheek. I searched his eyes, trying to figure out why he would say that to me..

"And I know you'll never say it back.. And that's ok. But I needed you to hear it. Because.. I do, Brynn... I love you." He commented.

"Are you saying these things to me to try and get me to sleep with you?" I asked, and he looked at me, his eyebrows drawing together in confusion.. "No." He stated.. "I'm going to get dressed, then." I said, turning around to get some clothes. "Wait, are you saying if I said yes, that's why I was saying those things, that you'd sleep with me?" He asked. I looked at him. "No." I replied. He nodded. "I'm sleeping in your bed." He commented, and I looked over my shoulder, seeing him slip his shoes off..

"Fine. But you're keeping your hands to yourself." I replied, grabbing some clothes and going into the bathroom....

I usually sleep in a t-shirt and underwear, but decided that probably wouldn't be good considering he's shown me today that can't control himself.. I put on a t-shirt, and pulled on a pair of sweatpants. After brushing my teeth, I walked out, shutting off all the lights and climbing into bed. He immediately moved closer to me. "Harry—" He cut me off. "I'll keep my hands above the waist." He said, gently pulling me more towards him..

I sighed, feeling his arms slide around my waist, and he moved closer to me, holding my body against his.. "Is this necessary?" I asked, really just wanting to sleep on my side of the bed where I could spread out a bit more.. "Yes." He replied, and I sighed again.

This would be a long night....

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