Part 4

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** Brynn's POV **

Seeing Grace yesterday was never part of my plan. But I couldn't let Ryan get to her.. And now I'm simply hoping that she didn't say anything to Harry about it. I mean, I had no choice, right? I had to save her..

I pulled over onto the side of the road, feeling my phone start to vibrate. I answered it. "You know you can't run from me, right? And you can't always be there to protect her." Ryan said. I shoved a hand through my hair.

"Leave her and Harry alone, Ryan." I stated. "It's too late for that, sweetheart. They know. He knows." He replied. "What? What did you do, Ryan?" I asked, and he laughed.. "It's been five years, Brynn. I spent five years in prison for you. You really think I trusted you'd be there waiting for me? No. I always have a backup plan.. So, if I were you, I'd get the hell out of town." He commented.

"No. Because then you'll go after Grace." I said. "You're right. Your boyfriend upped his security, so it might be a little more difficult to get to her. But, not impossible. And, I'm not in any hurry. So... Either you tell me where you are, or your daughter and possibly even your boyfriend, are both going to be mine." He stated, anger seeping through his tone.

"Ryan, I don't want to be with you. What don't you understand about that? And there's no reason to bring Grace or Harry into this. They aren't even in my life anymore, and he isn't my boyfriend." I commented.. "Right.. So that's why you risked Harry finding out just to keep me from getting your daughter." He replied.. I clenched my fists, knowing I didn't have much of a choice at this point..

I groaned, frustrated. "Ok, fine. Fine. I'm in Manchester." I said, immediately regretting it. "Great. Text me where you're staying. I'll see you in an hour." He stated, and I sighed. "Fine. But you have to promise to leave them alone." I replied. "Sure. I'll leave them alone." He commented.

"Ok. I'll send you the address." I stated, hanging up and getting out of the car...


An hour later, Ryan walked into the apartment I'm currently staying in. "Good, you're here. Long time no see." He commented, walking over. I stood my ground, flinching as he wrapped his arms around me. He let one of his hands travel below my waist. "Ok. No." I said, pulling his arms off me and stepping away from him. He laughed.

"Oh come on. I've been in prison for five years, for you. I helped you avoid hating yourself by becoming a mother, and a girlfriend.. You kind of owe me." He said, stepping towards me. "Excuse me? No, I don't owe you anything. You volunteered to do all of that, and it was my understanding you just wanted me back in your life." I replied.

He smirked. "So, you thought I just wanted to hang out with you on occasion?" He asked. "Well, yeah." I said. "Okay, well that isn't what I meant. So, come over here, you look fucking amazing." He stated. I rolled my eyes. "I'm not having sex with you, Ryan. We both know how that makes you." I replied. "I won't hurt you again, Brynn. I told you that five years ago." He said, moving towards me.

"Besides, you look hot as fuck in that outfit." He stated, his eyes wandering down my body, making me uncomfortable. He met my gaze again.. "I don't believe you won't hurt me. You always do." I commented, tensing up when he put his hand on my waist, standing directly in front of me..

"I won't." He said quietly, his lips meeting the side of my neck. "Ryan.. I don't want to." I replied, trying to be as gentle as possible about it, to avoid him getting angry with me. "You don't have a choice, Brynn." He stated, gently forcing me backwards. I hit the wall behind me, feeling both his hands dig into my waist, his lips still locked around my neck.

"Oh god, you smell so good." He muttered, leaning back and pressing his lips against mine. "Ok no. Ryan, I—" I pulled away, and before I could finish my sentence, he gripped my throat, shoving the back of my head against the wall.

"You're going to do this for me, Brynn. I did all of that for you. I went to jail for you. You owe me this. It isn't optional." He stated, his grip tightening around my throat. I coughed, managing to nod. He let go of me. He smirked, grabbing my arm and shoving me into the bedroom..

He shut the door behind him, turning to face me. He pulled his shirt off, grabbing my wrist. "Ow, ow. Ok, Ryan please stop for a minute." I got out, and he looked down at me.. "You're hurting me." I said, and he sighed. "I'm not hurting you, Brynn. This is just how I am." He commented, his grip not loosening on my arm..

"Now. Take the shoes off." He stated, and I hesitated. His grip tightened, and I grimaced. "Ok. Ok." I said quietly, pulling them off, decreasing my height by a few inches.. "Now the top." He said.

"Ryan.. Can we please just.. Not do this?" I asked, looking up at him. He laughed. "Shirt. Off." He stated, and I sighed, knowing he'd hurt me if I didn't. And that was so much worse than this..

I pulled it off, and he took it, throwing it across the room. "Ok but you're seriously so hot. You haven't changed a bit." He muttered, grabbing me by the waist and pushing me onto the bed. He kicked his shoes off, going back to kissing the side of my neck. "Ow ow.." I cursed, trying to push him off of me.

"Just lay still, Brynn." He stated, tightly wrapping one of his hands around my neck again. I shut my eyes, trying to block it out as he pulled my skirt down my legs....


"Fuck.. Thank you so much." Ryan whispered, lightly biting my earlobe. I flinched, feeling him wrap an arm around my waist and drag his fingers across my skin. "We should have our own children." He said. I scoffed, sitting up and looking at him. "No. We aren't doing that. Ever." I stated. He laughed. "Then we'll just have to take Grace." He said.

I glared at him. "You said you'd leave her alone." I commented. He smirked, planting both hands on my waist and rolling on top of me so he was straddling me. "And yet, I can do whatever I want.. And I want her. And you." He replied.. "Fuck you." I stated, trying to get him off of me.

"You already did."

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