Part 16

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I parked across the street from Harry's place, checking for any cars I didn't recognize, since apparently the media had been following both Harry and I everywhere recently..

"Ok. So..." I hesitated, getting unbuckled and glancing over at Niall. I sighed, shaking my head and grabbing my coffee. He followed me across the street and I typed in the code to Harry's front gate. I then typed in the second code to the door. After that, I pushed open the door, walking right in.

Grace was on the sofa, and immediately got up, running over and wrapping her arms around my legs.. "Dad said we were giving you space, but I really don't like that." She commented. Niall came in, shutting the door behind him. It automatically locked. Grace pulled back, looking over at Niall. She grabbed my leg, hiding behind me..

"Brynn?" Harry asked, and I glanced up, seeing him walk down the stairs. He looked at me first, then over at Niall.. "Sorry.. Um. Wow, definitely wasn't expecting to see you here. How's it going?" Harry questioned, walking over and giving Niall a hug.

"It's good. I ran into Brynn getting coffee, and she didn't want to answer any of my questions, so I figured I'd come ask you." Niall explained..

"Right, yeah ok. Grace, how 'bout you go to your room for a little bit?" Harry asked. She pouted, looking at him. "But she just got here." She replied. "Go, now." Harry stated.

"No." Grace replied, still holding onto one of my legs. I laughed, crouching down to her height, which forced her to let go of my leg. "Hey. As much as I love hearing you say no to your dad, I actually agree that it's best for you to go to your room. But, if you go up there, you can color something for me. And you know how much I love your drawings." I commented, holding onto her hands.. She nodded, letting go of me and running up the stairs..

"I see she has a favorite parent." Niall said, and I laughed, standing back up.. "Brynn isn't—" Niall cut Harry off mid-sentence. "Don't give me that.. I've seen the articles; I saw the pictures. First of all, I'm not sure why you ever thought you could get away with saying she was adopted. They've got the same hair and eyes." Niall stated.. "Right..." Harry said, turning and going into the kitchen. I took another sip from my coffee, and followed him.

"So.. Are you just going to keep lying to me? I mean hell, how often do you lie to us?" Niall asked. He was being really abrasive, which confused me considering he had the reputation of being the chill/funny one in the band...

"What do you want me to say? You seem like you already know the answer." Harry stated, glancing in my direction. "Ok, well why wouldn't you tell us this? I mean, she's almost six years old." Niall commented. Harry sighed, looking over at me as if he wanted me to answer.. I took another sip from my coffee, sending him a confused look. He raised his eyebrows at me, and I sent him another look, not wanting to be the one to explain it.

"Ok, enough of the secret love language. Can one of you explain to me why I'm being lied to?" He questioned. I sighed, setting my coffee down on the counter. "It's kind of a long story." I replied. He motioned for me to continue. "I mean, ok. Fine. Harry, you really want me to tell him?" I asked, jumping up and sitting on the counter. I picked my coffee back up. "Yeah. Just.." He sighed, walking over to where I was..

He stood between my legs, leaning towards me. I turned my head so he could say something into my ear. "Try not to mention the whole faking your death thing." He said quietly, pulling back and meeting my gaze. I nodded. Niall was watching us. "Alright. So, I got pregnant. Had the baby, then I left. And now I'm back." I summed up, and Harry laughed.

Niall sent me a look. "Ok? Can I get a little more detail? That was all what I already assumed." He stated. "Details on what?" I asked, not sure what he didn't get about what I'd said. He looked over at Harry. "Is she being serious?" He questioned. Harry was smiling. "Brynn can be difficult sometimes." He said, and I simply shrugged.

"Great... Ok, well like how'd this happen? 'Cause you look way too young to have a five year old. I mean you had to be like 18 back when the two of you dated." He commented.

"Ok. Um. Thanks?" I replied. "She's 29, and we never actually dated." Harry said, and I nodded. "Seriously? Ok, and Harry you're 34 right now... So.. Ok. And how did this happen exactly? If you two weren't dating." He questioned. Harry looked at me, and I sighed.. "What do you want me to say? It was your fault." I stated. He scoffed. "Excuse me; not completely.. Your sheets were too soft and I slipped." He said.

"Ok, but you're the one that wasn't wearing a rubber and didn't feel the need to tell me." I replied. "That's not fair and you know it. It broke, and it was the last one in the box." He stated. "Why can't you just admit it was your fault? I don't think any part of that was my fault." I said. "Um, the sheets?" He replied, and I laughed. "Oh, I'm sorry I like to be comfortable when I sleep. You're still the one that waited until the very last second to try and pull out." I argued, and he rolled his eyes..

Niall was standing there, watching us argue. "So she was an accident." He commented. Harry and I both looked over at him. "Don't call her that." Harry stated, immediately getting defensive, and I looked at him.

Harry was still standing somewhat between my legs, leaning some of his weight on my left one. "Ok. So, that rumor is true, which doesn't surprise me. And obviously the second one is true, so I'm not even going to ask." Niall said, and Harry sent him a confused look. "What second one?" He asked.

"That the two of you are back together." He elaborated. Harry looked over at me, and then back to him. "We were never together in the first place." He said, and Niall rolled his eyes. "Right.. But you are now?" He questioned. "No. Not in the slightest." Harry replied, and I nodded, agreeing with that statement.

"That sounds like a load of bullshit, but ok." He said. "Alright. Well, this was great. Very informative. Brynn, could you give me a ride?" He asked. I sighed, taking a sip from my coffee. "Yeah." I replied. "Great. I'll wait in the car, since the two of you probably have some super long, weird goodbye process." He commented, and I tossed him my keys...

Once he was out of the kitchen, Harry turned so he was facing me. "You know, we've been in this position before." He commented, moving closer and placing his hands behind where my legs were on the counter. I realized he was right, and laughed.

"Alright, well I should go. Can you tell Grace that I'll get her drawing next time I see her?" I asked. He nodded, studying my eyes for a few seconds.. "So, are we not going to talk about this morning?" He questioned. "Nope." I replied. He laughed a little, and I realized that he obviously wanted to talk about it.

I sighed, glancing over at the doorway. I hadn't heard the front door open or close. "He's still in the house." I said quietly. "Niall, get out." Harry stated, and Niall appeared in the doorway of the kitchen. "You know, normal people don't have conversations in that position." He commented. Harry looked over at him. "Go get in the car. Brynn will be out in a minute." He said.

"Uh huh. Right.." He replied, leaving. This time, we did hear the door open and close, and Harry turned back to look at me. "So.. This morning." He commented, his gaze briefly dropping to my lips since we were so close together. "Was nothing. I was trying to sleep." I explained, and he nodded.

"And.. You know why it's that easy, right?" He asked. I sighed. "Well, if I didn't know it this morning, I know it now." I replied.. He seemed to hesitate for a moment. "You have no idea how badly I want to kiss you right now." He said quietly, his gaze dropping back down to my lips.. "I know.. But, it's best if we don't do that." I commented, not moving when he moved slightly closer to me.

I held my breath, thinking he was going to kiss me anyway, but he stopped less than an inch away from my lips. He moved, his arms sliding around my waist and pulling me into him. He tucked his head inwards, and I sighed, hesitantly hugging him back.. "I get scared every time you leave, you know? I'm afraid you won't come back." He murmured. "I'm sorry." I said quietly, and he pulled back, taking a few steps away, so that I could get down..

After I got off the counter, he walked me over to the door, and I felt his hand lightly brush the back of my arm, so I turned around. "You won't leave me again, right?" He asked. I sighed, looking up at him.. He saw my hesitation, a pained look crossing his eyes.. "Not right now, no.. I'll be back." I said.

"Ok.. Bye, Brynn." He commented as I opened the door and stepped outside.

"Bye, Harry."

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