Part 20

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Jackson laughed. "Honestly, I'm going to recommend you take that child and leave. This is none of your business." He stated. "It is my business, actually. You're trying to hurt Brynn." Harry replied. Jackson took a few steps forward. I recognized the movement in his feet, and quickly pulled Harry backwards just as Jackson swung his fist out..

It just barely missed Harry, who was now behind me. "What, you seriously think you have a better chance against me?" He asked. I glanced over my shoulder, seeing Grace watching me.. I hated that she was watching this. No one that young should have to see something like this happen...

I looked back over at Jackson, feeling anger seep into my veins. "Ah, there she is." He said quietly, and I glared at him. "What are you gonna do, push me through a window?" He asked.. "Don't tempt me." I stated, quickly lunging towards him. I used the height difference to my advantage, ducking when he tried to hit me. I swept his leg out from under him, and quickly turned, using my other foot to kick him backwards. He fell, and I shouted for Harry to dial 112 on the phone, then realized he doesn't speak French and wouldn't be able to explain to them what was going on..

In order to pin him down, I had to move fast, which took a lot of energy that I didn't have after running six miles. I ended up with my legs around his neck, and had his arm being held at near-breaking-point. Harry walked over, handing me the phone.. I easily switched over to French, explaining to them what was going on... After they said they were on the way, I hung up and set the phone down so I could maintain my hold on Jackson, who was still fighting to get up.

He was nearly a foot taller than me, and definitely weighed over a hundred pounds more, which made it even harder to keep him pinned..

"Harry, can you come here?" I asked, looking over at the door. He walked over, avoiding Jackson's legs when he attempted to kick him.. "Can you do me a solid and hold his legs down?" I asked, twisting Jackson's arm further when he tried to kick Harry again. He cursed, and I watched as Harry managed to pin down his ankles..

"Great.. And now we wait. Hope you and Ryan have a great time in prison together." I commented. "I'm not going to prison; you have nothing against me." He stated. "Ok, well I have two witnesses. Also, breaking & entering on private property, along with assault.. Not to mention I still have all those bruises from last time." I replied. He laughed, but continued to struggle to get free...

I stayed like that for a solid 20 minutes before two police officers rushed into the room. Grace moved out of the way, and they came into the bathroom.

Harry got up, and Jackson immediately started fighting back against me. I tightened my hold, and they managed to get him onto his stomach and handcuff his arms behind his back. I stood up, going and standing by the door. "Alright, we're going to take him down to the car, and then I'll be back up to take your statement." One of them said, and I nodded. "Thank you." I commented, rubbing the back of my neck...


An hour later, the two officers left, and I finally was able to take a shower. I changed into another hoodie and a pair of shorts, and then walked out of the bathroom. Harry was lying on my bed with Grace. "How are you feeling?" He asked. "Fine." I replied, going out into the kitchen to get something to eat.

I jumped when Harry suddenly appeared behind me, placing one of his hands on my lower back. "I just wanted to come apologize. I didn't realize he was in the apartment." He said. I shrugged. "You couldn't have stopped him. He would've threatened Grace, or gone after you, and he's got training." I replied.. He slowly nodded. "Are you sure you're ok? There was a lot of commotion before Grace told me he was in there." He commented.

"I'm fine. Just some more bruises on my neck." I replied. He lightly grabbed my arm, and turned me so I was facing him. He pulled my hood down, and gently brushed my damp hair away from my neck.. He studied it, then met my gaze. "This one looks like a bite." He said, and I tensed up when his fingers lightly slid across the skin on my neck..

"Yeah, he uh.. Tried." I commented, and he looked at me again. "I'm going to make sure he gets locked up. Ok? With all those charges, and the bruises as evidence.. It'll be ok." He said, and I sighed, meeting his gaze. "Will you go back to therapy? Please?" He asked. I shook my head, turning back around and going back to making my sandwich..

He didn't say anything for a few minutes after that. "Jeff said the guy you talked to this morning recorded your conversation and it's now all over the place.. I think I'm going to make an announcement about Grace being yours." He commented, and I finished my sandwich, drinking some water and looking at him. "I'm going to schedule an interview, and make the announcement tomorrow." He said. I nodded. "Ok." I replied.

"Are you going to make a run for it as soon as it's out that you're her mother?" He questioned. "Probably not." I said, and he shoved one of his hands through his hair.. "Ok. Well, I guess we'll head back to London tomorrow after the interview. If that's alright with you." He commented, and I just shrugged.

He studied my face for a few seconds. "Are you sure you're ok?" Harry asked. I didn't meet his gaze. "Brynn." He said, watching me.. I finally looked over at him.

"I'll never be ok. But, I'll survive."

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