Part 45

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•• May 23, 2029 ••

Three months had passed since Harry cheated on me, and I was still having trouble fully trusting him every time he went out with his friends. But, I wasn't going to tell him he couldn't go out, because that wouldn't be fair to him. I had to force myself to believe that he wasn't going to do it again. And so far, he hadn't...

"Mum, I don't want to go to school." Grace commented, walking downstairs. Her hair was a mess, and she was still in her pajamas.. I'd woken her up fifteen minutes ago so she could get ready. "Why not? You love school." I replied, sitting up a little on the couch. She shrugged, walking over and climbing onto the couch. She laid down between my legs, resting her head on my stomach.

"What's been going on? Are you feeling okay?" I asked, touching the back of my hand to her forehead. No fever. "I feel fine.. These girls in my class said mean things to me yesterday." She replied quietly. "About what?" I asked, managing to contain my anger.. "They said that my dad dresses funny." She commented. "I see.. And so they were making fun of you for that?" I questioned, and she nodded.

"Did you tell them who your dad is? And what he does for a living?" I asked, and she nodded. "They said they don't know him, and that he doesn't matter." She explained. "Okay. Well, how about this.. We're going to go get you dressed. And I'm going to take you to school and have a word with your teacher. Then I'll speak with the girls' parents. How's that sound?" I said, and she looked up at me. "But what if they keep bullying me?" She asked.. "Trust me, baby. Once I'm done talking to the parents, those girls will never say another mean thing to you." I replied. She nodded, sitting up....


After changing into a black leather jacket with my black ripped jeans, I drove Grace to her school.. I parked, getting out and walking her into the school. She led me down the hallways, and to her classroom. I pushed the door open, seeing the teacher had already started teaching. Grace looked up at me, and I bent down, telling her quietly to go find her seat.. She went off and sat down at one of the desks.

"If you don't mind, I need to speak with you privately. Now." I stated, looking at the teacher. She'd stopped teaching, and hadn't stopped staring at me. "Um, yes of course. Absolutely." She replied, telling her class to behave for a few minutes.. I walked out into the hall, and she followed me. I crossed my arms over my chest, looking at her after she shut the door. "What is this in regards to?" She asked. "My daughter informed me this morning, that she's being bullied by some of the other girls in her class." I commented..

She sighed, playing with a strand of her hair. "I'm sorry. I wasn't aware of that." She replied. I nodded. "Well, have you noticed anyone harassing her?" I asked. She glanced over at the door. "Maybe. There's two girls that weren't being very nice to her yesterday. But, that was the only incident I can think of." She explained. I ran a hand through my hair, meeting her gaze. She took a step back, almost unnoticeably. "I need to have a word with their parents. So, if you could just give me their contact information, I can get out of your hair and you can go back to teaching." I stated, and she nodded. "Yes, of course. Just a moment." She replied, walking back into the classroom and coming back out a minute later. She handed me a post-it note with names and phone numbers written on it.

"Great, thanks. Sorry for the interruption." I commented, turning and walking back down the hall....


I sat in my car in the parking lot, reading the note and then calling both of them.. I told them that I was a mother of a child in the same class as their daughters, and that I wanted to meet up with them today for lunch.. Surprisingly, neither one hesitated to agree...

• 1:17PM ••

I was sitting in a local café, waiting, when I saw two women walk in. Both were probably around Harry's age. I stood up. "Oh my god. Wait, are you the one who called us?" One of them asked. I recognized the voice from the phone, as Kailyn. Meaning the other one was Rebecca.. "I am, yes." I replied, shaking each of their hands. "Wow, we're such huge fans of Harry. We're good friends, and were both shocked when our daughters told us that his daughter was in their class." Kailyn explained, and I nodded, motioning for them to sit down at the table I'd been waiting at..

"So, why the sudden meeting?" Rebecca questioned after we'd talked for a few minutes.. I sighed. "Right. Well, my daughter woke up this morning and told me she didn't want to go to school anymore, because two girls in her class were making fun of the way her dad dresses." I started. "I spoke to Grace's teacher this morning, and she informed me that those two girls were your daughters." I explained, seeing the realization hit them..

Before either of them could speak, I held up my hand. "So, I wanted to meet with their mothers, to try and work things out. Because, my daughter shouldn't be getting bullied." I stated, leaning back in my chair.. Kailyn was the first one to speak. "I'm so sorry to hear that. I wasn't aware that was going on. I'll definitely talk to Olivia about that." She commented, and I looked over at Rebecca. She was staring at me..

When she continued to not say anything, I raised my eyebrows, making a motion with my hand. "Right, sorry. It's just hard to concentrate when you're sitting right in front of me." She said quietly. "I'll have a talk with Sophie as soon as school gets out today." She commented. I nodded, sitting up a little. "Okay, good. If my daughter comes home at any point this week and tells me she's still being bullied, we're going to have a problem." I stated. "Are you threatening us?" Rebecca questioned. "No. Not really. But, I recommend taking what I said seriously." I commented.. "We will. Thank you for letting us know what was going on; we had no idea. And to think they're bullying Harry Styles' daughter? I mean, that's just.. Absurd." Kailyn said. I nodded..

"Great. Glad that's settled." I stated, moving to stand up. "Wait, um.. I don't want to speak for both of us when I say this. But, I think we'd both really like to hang out with you some other time. You know, once this is all sorted out. We're good friends with a lot of the other mothers in the class, and would love it if you'd come hang out with all of us later on." Kailyn commented, and I studied her face for a few seconds. "I'll have to think about it. I'm pretty busy with work these days. But thank you for the offer." I replied, standing up and walking out of the café...

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