Part 25

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** Harry's POV **

After Brynn and I got nowhere with our conversation, I left to go back to London.. I had to pick up Grace from my mum's place, so I stopped by there first...

"You look like you've got a lot on your mind. Everything go alright with Brynn?" She asked. "Yeah, it was fine. How was Grace?" I questioned, turning the subject away from talking about Brynn..

"She was lovely, as always. I thought you weren't coming back until Monday though, what happened?" She asked, and I pushed a hand through my hair, crouching down as Grace ran over to give me a hug. I looked up at my mum. "Well.. She's not a big fan of surprise visits, and was busy with work. So I only stayed the one night." I lied, and she nodded. "I see.. Alright, well did you want to come in for some tea?" She asked, and I nodded. "That'd be great, thanks." I said, standing back up and following her and Grace inside...


May 4, 2028
•• Brynn's POV ••


Almost a whole month passed. I'd been ignoring Harry completely, and had gone back to America for a few weeks. I'm currently in New York. It's pretty weird after being in Colmar and London for so long..

It's raining outside, and I'm on my way back to the hotel I've been staying in for the last few weeks.

I flinched when someone suddenly stepped in front of me, touching my arm out of nowhere.. "You're Brynn Matthews, oh my god." She said, grabbing her friend's arm and pulling her over. "Yeah, that's me." I commented, still slightly uncomfortable with being recognized in public.

"We're huge fans of Harry, and honestly of you too. Especially after that radio interview where you stuck up for Harry and told that girl to stop sexualizing him. That was really cool." She explained. "Oh, yeah. I kinda forgot about that." I replied, looking around and stepping off to the side of the sidewalk as-to not be in the way.

I kept my hood up, watching the two girls follow me over.. "So like.. Can we maybe get a picture with you? Would that be ok?" She asked. "My name's Emma by the way. This is my friend, Rose." She commented. "Nice to meet you both." I said, shaking their hands. "And yeah, I think that'd be alright." I replied, knowing that's what Harry would do..

They handed their phone to some random person, which is sort of risky in this part of New York. He looked annoyed. "Is it ok if I put my arm around you?" One of them asked. I nodded, honestly surprised she asked me. Harry doesn't even ask my permission to do that and he knows my history of hating physical contact. I took my hood down, fixing the way my hair was.

The guy took a single picture, and handed her the phone back, walking off. I pulled my hood back up. "Can we maybe ask you a few questions, like, about Harry? If you're busy or have to be somewhere, that's ok we totally understand. We've just never met him and want to know what he's like in real life." The one named Emma commented.. I thought about it, hesitating after that interviewer asked us all those horrible questions. Also, Jeff told us not to talk to anyone...

I smiled a little, knowing it'd piss him off. But, I don't work for him anymore, so he can't tell me what to do. "Sure, I have a few minutes." I said, checking the time on my phone, seeing Harry had texted me eight times in the last ten minutes.. I put my phone back in my back pocket, giving them my full attention..

"So, like.. I know he's a celebrity and everything. But like, he's still a normal person. So, I guess we want to know what a normal day is for him. Like what does he do?" Emma asked.. I laughed a little, thinking about it. "Honestly, I haven't really talked to him in a while. But last I checked, he takes Grace to school in the mornings and then picks her up in the afternoon. Sometimes Anne does that though, if he's busy.. Uh.. Let's see... He really doesn't do much unless he has meetings, or if he goes into the studio." I explained, seeing they were listening to me like I was giving them nuclear launch codes in the middle of a war or something..

"Wow.. It's so cool that you're on a first name basis with his mom. Is she nice?" Rose asked, and I nodded. "Yeah, she is. She's very nice." I commented. "Wow." They both said, and I laughed a little.. "Ok, so I guess another question we have, and it's fine if you don't want to answer, cause I know it's kind of like really personal.." Emma trailed off, clearly hesitant.

"So like.. Grace is your child.. Which means that you and Harry have like.. Slept together... So um..." She laughed, not finishing what she was saying. Rose nudged her arm. "Is he good.. like.. in bed?" Emma finished quietly, nervously glancing around.

I laughed, shoving a hand through my hair, my hood falling down.. I pulled it back up, since it was still sprinkling a bit. "Wow. You really just went for it there.. Yeah, I don't think I'm gonna answer that one, sorry." I replied, meeting her gaze. She looked down at her shoes, smiling. "But you two are like, a thing. Right? 'Cause you're so cute together, and you aren't like his other exes. They were all these perfect models and—" She cursed, and Rose hit her arm. "That came out really wrong, I'm so sorry. Because you're obviously just like.. Really perfect and it made me nervous so I just started rambling. You just aren't as.. Stuck up, I guess is the word? I dunno.. But yeah..." She commented, her cheeks turning a shade of pink.

"No, it's fine, I get what you mean." I said, lightly touching her arm. "But listen, I'm not perfect. No one is.. And, no. To answer your question. Harry and I aren't together." I commented. "Awe, well why not? You two were cute when you dated." Rose said, and I looked over at her, hesitating.. I was about to go on to tell her Harry and I never actually dated, but knew it would just confuse them and I didn't want to explain the whole thing..

"Yeah, uh.. I think we just.. The timing, I guess? We're both pretty busy." I answered, knowing it didn't sound like a real answer.. I rolled my sleeves up, immediately regretting it when they both looked at my hand with the scar across the back of it.

I pulled them back down over my hands, sighing. "Alright, well it was really great meeting you guys. I've got to get going though." I commented. "Ok, thanks for stopping to talk to us." Emma said, and I gave her a small smile, and then continued my walk back to the hotel....

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