Part 22

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"Alright, so what happened?" Emily asked, and Harry hesitated. "Maybe we shouldn't.." I said quietly, and he looked over at me. Since he was sitting so close to me, his face was only inches away from mine. His eyes briefly dropped to my lips and then back up. He covered the microphone with his hand. "It's been six years, it doesn't matter, right?" He replied. I sighed, looking at him for a few seconds. I shrugged, and he nodded, uncovering the mic..

"I drank a lot more than I should have the night before the videos were taken of us being put in ambulances.. Brynn was also drinking, but not as much as me, and she actually went to bed early. However, I stayed up and kept drinking by myself. I ended up passing out, and she woke up when she heard me fall, and tried to help me get to the couch. And, uh.. I tripped, and fell." Harry explained.

"So.. What happened after that? 'Cause I don't think you'd both end up in the hospital for weeks just from you falling." She asked. I ran a hand through my hair, meeting her gaze, and she looked away..

"Yeah, no. Um, that was what put Brynn in the hospital, actually. When I fell, I took her down with me and she hit her head on the ground, which caused, um.. Problems." He summed up. "Like what?" Emily questioned. "Bleeding. In my brain." I said, and Harry looked over at me. I gave him a small smile, knowing he was uncomfortable talking about this..

"Alright, and so.. Why were you in there for so long too?" She asked. "Right.. Well, the next day, my manager, Jeffrey, came over to check on us. And Brynn was already awake. But, I wasn't.. So.." He trailed off, leaning back in his chair, sighing and looking over at me. "I can't." He said quietly, his leg still pressed up against mine. "Do you want me to?" I asked, covering the mic. He nodded.

"Are you sure?" I asked, feeling Emily watching us. Harry nodded, and I slowly uncovered the mic.. "That morning, I wasn't feeling well. Jeff noticed, and told me he was going to take me to the doctor, since he thought I had a concussion. But before that, he went to go wake Harry up. And.. Harry didn't wake up.." I explained, shoving a hand through my hair and glancing over at him. He was stressed, and obviously uncomfortable to be releasing this information..

I held out my hand under the table, and he moved forward in his chair, gently grabbing it. "Are you sure?" I asked him again, covering the mic while I spoke. He seemed to hesitate, before nodding..

"Harry had gone into cardiac arrest from the overconsumption of alcohol the night before. If you don't know, cardiac arrest is often times fatal, because it happens so quickly. But, Jeff did CPR on him, and I called the French police, since that's where we were. Of course, at this point my brain had been bleeding for over twelve hours, and I passed out while still on the phone." I continued, feeling Harry squeeze my hand.

"He had heart surgery that day, and slipped into a coma.. During our hospital stay, Harry recovered and I got worse due to a heart condition that I was born with. But.. We both recovered with time, and are both perfectly fine now." I finished, my brain flashing back to the memories of all that happening. I instinctively winced..

"Wow.." Emily commented, obviously at a loss for words. I leaned back in my chair, looking over at Harry, who was watching me. "Thanks." He mouthed, and I nodded. "And, um.. I hope you don't mind me asking, but you've got a lot of scars. I couldn't help but notice the one on your hand, and I've seen in photos that you have some on your arms as well. What is that from?" She asked, and I sighed.

"What is this? I mean really? There's no reason for you to be asking us these questions." Harry stated, and I sighed, glancing over at him.

This was far more intrusive then any other interview I've ever heard of, and knew she could be fired for it.. However, I've discussed this a lot with my therapist, and have found that it's a lot easier to talk about now, especially with Ryan behind bars.

"You don't have to answer that." Harry said, and I met his gaze for a few seconds. "It's fine.." I replied quietly.. "I do have many scars. Before I met Harry, I was in a very abusive relationship. So, those are from him." I commented, immediately sensing a red flag go off in my brain. I hated talking about myself, and knew there was a good chance I'd shut down again, emotionally, after we left here today...

After a few more questions directed towards Harry, she finished off the interview.. Harry let go of my hand, standing up. "I won't be returning for another interview here. You were incredibly rude and intrusive towards the both of us. And while I'm sure you were just doing your job, you took it way too far." He stated, and I got up, lightly grabbing his arm.

"Come on, let's go." I said quietly, and he sighed, taking his arm from my grasp and lightly wrapping it around my waist. I didn't bother looking back as we walked out, and got in the black SUV that was waiting outside the building...

On the way back to Harry's place, he turned and looked at me. "Brynn, I'm so sorry about all of that.. I didn't know she was going to ask about Paris, or about your scars... I know you don't like talking about yourself." He commented. I shrugged. "It's fine." I replied, feeling his eyes on me....

*** March 28, 2028 ***

Harry has been lying low since the interview. I'm not sure if he's even left his house. Anne picks Grace up from school and drops her off, and I'm pretty sure he gets someone to deliver his groceries..

I, on the other hand, went back to France, started renting an apartment there, and continued working.. However, when I go out I try to keep a low profile, and have started wearing more hoodies.

After the interview, Jeff lectured Harry and I for a good half-hour about how we shouldn't have talked about what happened with our hospital stay. And then he told both of us to not interact with anyone until he said it was okay to do so. Which, I thought was a bit excessive, until I saw that Harry's fans were going insane over all the new information they'd gotten.. Surprisingly, there were a lot less people saying/posting hateful stuff towards me.. But they did go after the woman who did our interview.

Even now, nearly two weeks later, they're still harassing her about how horrible her questions were, and how she never should've forced us to tell that story. They were also pretty pissed about her forcing us to discuss our body counts..

My phone went off, and I glanced over at it, seeing Harry had texted me a link. "Emily made a video about our interview this morning." He said, and I picked up my phone, clicking the link. A video automatically started playing, and I turned up the volume.

"Over the last few weeks, I have gotten many hateful comments about my interview with Harry Styles and Brynn Matthews, and would like to apologize to anyone I may have offended. I was simply doing my job, and was reading questions from a script that my company had provided me." She started, and I scoffed. Not once in that interview did she read off a script..

"I have also gotten a few questions from people who were not rude to me, so I'd like to take this opportunity to answer those." She said, grabbing a piece of paper.. She was filming this video from inside her own home, and from what I could tell so far, this wasn't an official apology video. Which meant that she could say whatever she wanted and not just what her company wanted her to.

"To start, I've gotten a lot of questions about Brynn. You guys wanted to know what she was like, since she hasn't ever done an official interview before mine.. From what I could tell, she seemed very uncomfortable during the actual interview. But she was very blunt and honest with all of her answers, and was honestly kind of intimidating at times.." She commented, looking over her shoulder. I smirked, knowing I've been told more than once that I come off that way..

"Also, I feel like I should talk about how her and Harry were acting around each other. Despite both of them denying any type of romantic relationship, it was very clear that they are more than friends. He was pretty much all over her the entire time, and couldn't keep his eyes off of her. So, do what you will with that information, because there's no way the two of them aren't dating." She stated, and I rolled my eyes.

I exited out of the video before she could continue, and turned off my phone, going back to the project I'm currently working on for my job...

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