Part 44

285 11 3

** March 16, 2029 **

"Are you scared?" Grace asked me. We were on our way back to Harry's, over a week after I'd had a super long conversation with her about everything going on right now..

"Scared?" I questioned, briefly glancing in the backseat before focusing back on the road. "Yeah, I mean. Daddy's an alcoholic now, and you don't like alcoholics." She commented, mispronouncing the word "alcoholic" both times.. I shook my head. "No. I mean, yes I don't like alcoholics. But, no your dad is not one. Hopefully." I muttered the last part under my breath, pulling up in front of Harry's place.

I parked across the street, like I usually do, and turned my car off. "Okay, now. When we go in there, we aren't telling your dad that I told you about his drinking problem. Okay?" I commented, looking back at her. "Why not?" She asked. "Because.. This is just between me and you, remember?" I replied. She seemed confused. "But that would mean keeping secrets from daddy. And.. Secrets are bad." She said, and I sighed..

"Right, well.. This secret might make your dad feel bad if he knew that I told you. And we don't want to make him feel bad, right?" I asked. She shook her head. "Ok." She said, unbuckling her car seat and getting out of it on her own.

"What? When did you learn how to do that?" I asked. "I'm seven, mum. I can do anything." She replied, making me laugh..

After getting her out of the backseat, I locked my car and walked across the street, holding onto her hand.. I punched in the code to the door, opening it once it finished unlocking...

As soon as we walked through the door, I saw Harry lying on the sofa, knocked out.. "Harry." I said, waiting a few seconds. He didn't even remotely move.. I hesitated, glancing down at Grace after shutting the front door.. I locked it. "Honey, go on upstairs and start unpacking." I commented, and she looked at me. "You said no more secrets." She replied, and I sighed. "And I meant it. But you have to unpack your bag, so I can wash your clothes.. We can make cookies when you're finished." I said, watching her smile. She quickly nodded, taking her bag and running up the stairs..

I hesitated a moment, before setting my bag down and walking over. "Harry." I stated, getting no response from him, again.. I felt my heart start beating faster, knowing what happened to him in Paris all those years ago. I crouched down next to the couch, roughly shaking his shoulder.

He groaned, and I fell back on my heels, instantly relaxing. He was alive. He hadn't drank himself to death.. "Harry." I said, putting a hand on his arm. He groaned again, rolling over. I sighed, walking into the kitchen and filling a glass halfway with water. I walked back out, standing next to him and throwing the water at him.. He instantly sat up, rubbing his face. "What the hell?!" He exclaimed, looking up at me.

His expression softened, and he instantly stood up, wrapping his arms around me. "Oh my god, you're here. You came back." He murmured against my neck, his arms still tightly held around my waist.. "Yes, and you're hungover." I replied. "What? How'd you know that?" He asked, pulling back. "Because you wouldn't wake up." I stated, looking at him.

He glanced over at the couch, then down at what he was wearing. "You threw water at me." He said, and I shrugged. "Well, yeah." I commented. "Okay, well. Um. Yes, I'm hungover. But I promise I won't drink anymore. I meant what I said to you in the parking lot." He commented, and I studied his face for a moment. "Harry, you can still drink. Just, not to that extent. Know your limits." I said, and he nodded..

He looked around a little. "Where's Grace?" He asked. I made a motion with my hand. "I told her to go unpack, because I thought you might be dead and didn't want her to see that." I replied. "You thought I was dead?" He questioned. "Well, you weren't moving or responding when I called your name. And, you know what happened in Paris. It scared me." I explained. "Right, I'm sorry." He said, and I sighed.

"I'm going to go unpack.. I told Grace we could make cookies after she was done." I commented, turning to go grab my bag from where I'd left it by the door.. I felt him grab my wrist, and he pulled me back towards him. "I'm really glad you're back." He said quietly, and I looked up at him for a few seconds before moving away from him and going upstairs to unpack...


"Hey, Harry?" I called out, and waited a few seconds. He appeared in the doorway of our room. "Yeah?" He asked. "What is this?" I asked, holding up a pink silky shirt. "A shirt." He commented. "Right, I know that. Who's shirt is it? It's not mine; you know I don't wear pink." I said, and he nodded. "Yeah, I know. It's mine. My stylist was over here for a fitting a few days ago. Gave me some new pieces for my wardrobe." He explained, and I tossed it at him.

"Put it on. I want to see." I said, and he laughed. "You want to see?" He asked, and I nodded, leaning against the wall. "It's not going to go with these sweats." He commented, smiling. "That's fine, you aren't going anywhere." I replied. He rolled his eyes, pulling his t-shirt off, throwing it at me..

He put the shirt on, and I brought a finger up to my lips, thinking. "Interesting. Turn." I said, making a motion. He laughed, looking at me for a few seconds before turning in a slow circle. "Hm. You know, I didn't think you'd pull it off. But, with different pants it could really work." I commented, and he carefully pulled the shirt off, tossing it onto the bed..

"Mum, I'm done." Grace said, walking into the room. "Already? Wow, that was quick. Did you put your dirty clothes in the wash room?" I asked, and she nodded, walking over to Harry and wrapping her arms around one of his legs. "Can we go make cookies now?" She questioned, and I nodded. "Sure, babe." I replied, glancing down at my bag, which I hadn't even started unpacking...

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