Part 27

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"Now, let's talk about why the box of condoms in your bag were already opened." He commented. "Why do we need to talk about that?" I asked. "Because, I want to know." He replied.

"No, you really don't." I said. "Were they 'cause of Ryan?" He asked, and I sighed. "Are you sleeping with someone else?" He questioned, and I looked over at him. "Are you?" He asked, studying my face. "No, Harry. I'm not. Change the subject please." I commented.. "Ok... Well, we can talk about the pros and cons of us sleeping together on a more regular basis?" He offered.

"No thanks. I'm going to go shower." I said, freeing myself from his hold and getting off the bed... I went into the bathroom, turning on the shower and getting in.

I washed my hair and whatnot, and then the curtain moved and Harry got in. "What're you doing?" I asked, annoyed. "Well, considering I'm naked, and you're naked, I'm pretty sure you already know what I'm doing." He said, closing the curtain and stepping closer to me.. He pressed his lips against the other side of my neck, and I sighed....



"You know, I wasn't sure about the whole shower thing, 'cause sometimes the water temperature is weird and the steam makes it hard to breathe right. And sometimes the position is uncomfortable and I get tired of standing. But that was... Awesome." He said, and I laughed, pulling the towel around me and brushing out my hair..

"I feel like you should get checked for a concussion." I said, glancing over at the shower. The curtain rod had fallen and hit him in the head. He laughed. "I'm sure it'll be fine. Do you know how to put those things back up though? I feel like the hotel staff shouldn't have to deal with it." He commented, and I shrugged, setting my brush down and walking over. It was still in the tub, and I managed to pick it up..

"Of course." I muttered, turning it over and studying it. "The end broke off and cracked, probably when it fell." I said, dropping the whole rod back into the tub. "So, what do we do?" He asked, and I shrugged again. "They'll just charge extra to my bill, for damaging property. We can just leave it there I guess." I replied, doing my skincare routine.. I proceeded to cover the bites he'd left on my neck and collarbones.. "Can you at least try to cover yours?" I asked, looking at him in the mirror. He only had two marks on his neck.

"You're tanner then me, so the makeup would be obvious." He said, and I sighed. "What time is the flight?" I asked, changing the subject. "Uh, well mine flies out in like an hour, and yours is an hour after that." He replied. I nodded. "Ok. Well, just try to wear like a hoodie or something. Jeff would be mad if photos of you were taken with that on your neck." I commented, going out into the room and grabbing a change of clothes....


On my way out of the hotel, I almost ran into someone when they suddenly cut in front of me to try and get my attention. "Oh, it's you again." I said, seeing it was one of the girls from before. Emma, I think was her name. "Yeah, I kind of followed you back here unintentionally. Like, I was walking this way anyway, and so I saw you go into this hotel.. And, um.. I was just curious as to if you were lying to me earlier when you said that you and Harry weren't dating. I also remember you saying you hadn't talked to him in a while, but before you said that, you checked your phone and had a bunch of texts from him." She explained..

I sighed. "And so which part of that makes you think that I was lying to you?" I asked. "Um. Well, I've been here a while and saw Harry leave an hour ago. I can only assume he was with you." She commented, and I looked at her. "Ok. Right.. Well, I didn't lie to you when we spoke. At the time, I hadn't seen or spoken to Harry in a few weeks.. He came to visit me at my hotel, which is right here.. And we aren't dating, which is what I told you." I said. She nodded, taking all the information in.

"He had hickeys on his neck." She stated.. "Yeah, I know. I saw them.. Listen, I've really got to go though. It was nice meeting you." I said, knowing I'd miss my flight if I didn't.. I walked away, calling a cab and getting into it...


A week passed, and things took a turn for the worse on Friday, May 12th..

I was over at Harry's, lying on his bed while he showered, when his phone started ringing. I looked over, seeing Jeff's name, and ignored it..

He then proceeded to call three more times, and I finally answered it. "Harry, you seriously have some explaining to do. You told me you weren't going to get involved with her again, and now there's pictures out of you with hickeys on your neck while leaving a hotel in New York. And now some lady that cleaned Brynn's room at that same hotel, is saying she found a used condom and that the room was left a mess, and the shower curtain rod was broken and just left in the tub. And I swear to god if you tell me you're having sex with her again, I'm going to lose it." He stated.

"You already sound like you're losing it. I mean geez, did you even take a breath during that?" I asked, lying on my back, pulling the sheets over me. "Brynn." He said, sounding surprised. "Why are you answering Harry's phone? Where are you?" He asked. "Lying in bed. Harry's in the shower." I commented, and he cursed. "Fucking hell, Brynn. Why would you do this? Are you trying to destroy his career? I mean seriously, you couldn't bother to clean up the hotel room?" He questioned.

"He's the one who broke the shower curtain thing, and at least we used a condom. You're welcome." I replied. He scoffed. "You can't do this to him again, Brynn. Did you forget what happened to him last time?" He asked. "No." I replied, looking over when Harry walked out of the bathroom with just a towel around his waist..

"Who's on the phone?" He asked. "Harry? Are you there?!" Jeff practically yelled in my ear. "Seriously? The phone isn't on speaker, stop screaming in my ear." I stated, holding the phone out towards Harry. He walked over, grabbing it and putting it to his ear. "Yeah, what's up?" He asked. Jeff started talking to him.

"Yes." Harry said, and I instantly heard yelling coming from the other end. "Calm down, Jeff. It isn't a big deal." He commented, listening to what he had to say after that..

"I dunno, like a week?" Harry said, looking over at me while he paused to hear Jeff's next question. He sighed, shoving a hand through his wet hair. "A lot. Not that it's any of your business." He commented..

I got up, grabbing the phone and putting it on speaker. "—the middle of the day?" Jeff finished whatever he was asking.. "Because, Grace is at school and we don't want her walking in on us." Harry answered. "Ok, well because of what happened at the hotel, and a conversation that Brynn apparently had with some girls in New York, the two of you have to do another interview. To either confirm or deny your relationship. Which, at this point, they'd know you were lying if you said you weren't together." Jeff explained..

I rolled my eyes, going over and getting back in the bed, pulling the sheets over me. "Another public interview? Jeff, I know you saw how bad the last one went." Harry stated. "I know. But it's important to address these things, especially at this point in your career. You have a daughter, and the media needs to know that you're doing the right thing for her." Jeff replied.

"When?" Harry asked, and Jeff seemed to hesitate. "Did you schedule an interview without my approval?" He questioned. "Yes. But it needed to be done." Jeff said. "So when is it?" Harry asked, looking at me. "Well..." Jeff trailed off.

"Just tell me, Jeff." Harry stated, and I heard Jeff sigh into the phone. "It's in like ten minutes. They're FaceTiming you. I had to schedule it before Grace got out of school." He explained. "Damn it.. Why couldn't you make it tomorrow or something? I literally just got out of the shower, and Brynn isn't wearing anything." He said.."Just, get dressed. And, try not to make this situation any worse then it already is. And no more back stories." Jeff commented.. Harry hung up, tossing his phone onto the bed.

"I guess we have to get dressed."

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