Part 7

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** Brynn's POV **
•• February 7, 2028 ••

Over a month after Grace started at her new school in London, I realized that maybe Ryan had given up, or changed his mind. I hadn't seen him hanging around, or heard anything from him...

I'd rented out a house a few streets down from where Harry is staying, just so I could keep an eye on them from a distance. Plus, the rent was cheaper than most other places, and I got a lot of work done here, rather than in a loud apartment complex.

Well, until today. I got a call from an unknown number, and decided to answer it. I always do, and just don't speak until I know who it is..

There was silence on the other line for a few seconds. "Brynn? Are you there?" I recognized his voice immediately, and was hesitant to answer.

"How'd you get this number?" I asked. He laughed. "After you faked your death, I hired a new assistant to watch over everything Harry does. You know, the way you did. He's quite good at his job." Jeff replied.

"So, why are you calling?" I questioned. "Harry told me you were alive. I wanted to make sure he wasn't going crazy." He replied. "Uh huh." I said. "Ok, well anyway, where are you right now?" He asked. "None of your business." I stated.

He laughed. "You're in London, aren't you?" He questioned. "If you don't tell me the real reason why you're calling, I'm hanging up." I said. He sighed. "I forgot how difficult you are.. I need you to go to Grace's school." He commented. "Um, what? No." I replied. "You have to, Brynn." He said. "Why?" I asked, annoyed that even after all these years he still thought he could tell me what to do..

"Because Harry received a threatening letter from Ryan last night, explaining in detail what Grace does every day. Everything.." He explained. "Ok.." I trailed off, realizing that's what Ryan's been doing this whole time. Stalking their every move..

"She gets off school in three hours. Harry's supposed to pick her up, but he's worried Ryan will beat him to it." He said. I sighed.. "Did Harry tell you to call me?" I asked. There was a pause on the other line. "No.. And he'd probably be mad if he knew that I did. But this is important." He replied.

"Listen.. Harry told me to stay away from them. He doesn't want me involved in her life, and I don't think I should be either, especially if he doesn't want me around.. Ryan won't touch her." I commented, not 100% sure about that.

"And what if he does?" He questioned. I sighed. "Again, it's none of my business.. Harry doesn't want me involved." I stated. "And yet you're the one who caused this in the first place. She's being threatened because of you." He replied. I rolled my eyes. "She wouldn't even be on this planet if it weren't for me. Stop trying to threaten me." I said, hanging up before he could anger me further..

I went back to what I was doing before, but couldn't stop picturing Ryan holding Grace hostage and threatening to kill her..

I sighed, standing up and grabbing my keys, just hoping I could get to her before he could....

*** Harry's POV ***

I pulled up in front of Grace's school, five minutes before her school gets out. Usually I'm a few minutes late due to traffic, but I made sure to get here early today after everything that's happened in the past few days...

Ten minutes passed, and she was nowhere to be seen. I kept myself relaxed, knowing she's used to me getting here late, and is probably just spending some time with a friend or whatever five year olds do..

Five more minutes went by, and most of the kids had been picked up.. I glanced over when a woman started walking towards my car. I rolled down the window. "Hello, Mr. Styles. Good to see you, as always. How can I help you today?" She greeted me. I nodded. "Have you seen Grace?" I asked. She seemed to hesitate, which immediately made me panic..

"I'm sorry, we were informed someone else was picking Grace up today." She replied. I cursed, shoving a hand through my hair before looking back over at her. "Who?" I asked. "A nice gentleman named Ryan called at around Noon, and informed us that you were feeling ill. He made sure we knew that you didn't want the word to get out to the public that you weren't feeling well. So, he was the one to pick her up." She explained..

"Damn it.. Ok. Um, you're sure it was him? You saw her get in the car?" I asked. "Well, no. We try to let the children go to the cars on their own. It's a new thing we're trying.. I actually never saw Grace today. Busy schedule, I guess." She commented. "Ok. Ok, um.. Can I see your security footage? The man you're talking about has been threatening my family." I stated.

"Oh my.. Um, yes absolutely. You can follow me to the office." She said, and I shut the engine off, getting out of the car and following her into the building...

We couldn't see anything on the footage. In fact, Grace wasn't anywhere on it. She never actually came out of the building after school got out. "Where is she?" I asked, adrenaline flooding my veins. "How do you guys lose my child? I don't understand that." I stated, but knew it wasn't their fault, and that I needed to try not to be that parent. I'd tried to make sure that Grace would have a semi-normal life growing up. I told them she didn't need any extra security or anything, and I was now regretting that decision. Of course she needs extra security..

"I'm sorry, Mr. Styles.. I'll go get her teacher, and hopefully she'll be able to tell us something." She commented, and I sighed, shoving my hands through my hair..

I needed to call the police. They could help find her..

While the woman was getting Grace's teacher, I called them and explained the situation. They said they were on their way, which somehow didn't make me feel any better.

"Alright. This is Mrs. Evans. She's Grace's primary teacher. On the walk here, she informed me that Grace never returned from free-time, which is held outdoors at 11:30." She explained. "11:30? My daughter has been missing for over three hours, and you failed to tell someone?" I questioned.

"Sir, it's fairly normal for the children to get sick or injured while they're playing outside. I just assumed she'd gone to the nurse, and that they'd sent her home. It's happened a few times in the last month." She explained. I sighed, knowing she was right.. Grace had a tendency to fall off of, or trip over things, and I've had to pick her up early a few times because of that..

"Who supervises them when they're outside? Did you see her talking to anyone? A guy around my age, maybe? Brown hair, lots of tattoos?" I asked.

She shook her head. "Grace and her friends all play over by the fence. I think they collect ladybugs or snails or something; I'm not sure. I have over 20 kids in my class, it's difficult to keep up with all of them when they're outside." She explained to me. I sighed. "Ok. Ok. Um. Damn it..." I muttered, not sure what to do...

I'd just have to wait for the police to get here...

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