Part 38

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** February 23, 2029 **

"Brynn, one of Grace's friends is sleeping over tonight." Harry commented, walking into the common area. I was sitting on the sofa, working on a project for work.

"Um. Ok. Why are you just now telling me this?" I asked, looking around. The house wasn't clean. Grace is a fairly disorganized child.. "Because, I forgot." Harry said, walking around and picking up a few of Grace's toys. "Don't do that. Let her clean up her own mess." I stated, and he looked over at me. "She's not going to have time, Brynn. My mum is picking her and her friend up from school and bringing them back here." He replied.

I shrugged. "Then she can clean them up when they get here. Other children don't care what our house looks like. Besides, she needs to learn to clean up after herself." I said, and he sighed, sending me a look. He put the toys down on the arm chair, and walked over. "You know I won't be here, right? I will be for a few minutes, but then I have to go to a meeting with Jeff and Tommy." He explained, and I looked over at him. "What? Harry, you can't leave me here alone with two children. I can barely take care of one, and he's 35." I commented, watching as he smiled, turning to face me.

"You'll be alright. Besides, her and Grace will probably just be up in her room coloring." He replied, sitting down next to me. He took my laptop, closing it and setting it down on the table..

"I was in the middle of a project." I stated, reaching to grab it off the table. He gently placed his hand on my cheek, turning my gaze back to him. "God you're beautiful." He murmured, studying my face. I sighed. "Yes, I know. You tell me fifteen times a day." I commented, and he laughed, leaning closer and pressing his lips against mine..

"Harry, we're here!" I heard Anne shout as she walked through the door. He pulled back, glancing over his shoulder.. Grace ran over, jumping onto the couch and climbing in between us. "Mum, guess what?" She asked, looking at me. "What?" I questioned, smiling.

"We collected 15 rocks today during free time." She said. "Wow, that's a lot! How'd you find so many?" I asked, forcing my brain into parenting mode..

"Jasmine helped me. Right, Jasmine?" She asked, leaning forward. Her friend was still by the door, and seemed quiet. She nodded. "Wow, well great job." I commented, despite not really being impressed by rock collecting. But, if I've learned anything from watching tv, it's that parents fake a lot of shit to make their children happy..

"Oh! Come see my room! My mum just got me a new coloring book!" Grace exclaimed, jumping off the couch and running over. She grabbed Jasmine's hand and they ran upstairs.

"Okay. Well, good luck you two. I've got to run." Anne commented, and Harry got up to walk her out.. I picked my laptop back up, going back to working on the project I was doing...


An hour passed, before Harry stood up off the couch again. "I've got to head out, ok? I'll be back later tonight. Late.. Don't wait up." He said, grabbing his keys and his phone. "I never do." I replied, still typing in the algorithm for the website I was building.. He laughed, walking over and bending down. He pecked my lips, and walked out the front door...

About thirty minutes had passed when the girls came running down the stairs. Grace ran over, hiding behind me. I figured they were just playing a game, until I saw the look on Jasmine's face.. "What's wrong?" I asked.. "Mum, where's dad?" Grace whispered, and I glanced over my shoulder at her. "He's at a meeting. Why?" I questioned. "There's um.. Um..." She trailed off, and I stood up, setting my laptop down on the coffee table.

"Grace, what?" I asked. Jasmine walked over, hiding behind me. "There's a man." She said quietly. "Where?" I questioned, feeling my heartbeat quicken.. "Outside.. He was watching us through the window." Grace explained quietly. "He's outside?" I asked, trying to think clearly..

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