Part 15

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*** Harry's POV ***
•• February 20, 2028 ••

Two whole days passed and Brynn was still sleeping. She'd gotten up a few times, used the bathroom and then went back to sleeping.. On Friday, I hadn't wanted to leave her, so I called my mum and asked if she could grab Grace from school and watch her for the weekend..

I'm currently lying on one of the sofas in Brynn's living room, watching a show on Netflix while she sleeps...

I glanced over at her when she started waking up, and she wordlessly got up, walking down the hall, and then returning a minute later. It's what she's done the last few days, and then she lays back down on the couch and goes back to sleep.

She stretched a little, and then walked over, sitting next to me. "Hey." I said. She didn't say anything, and laid down in front of me. I hesitated, before adjusting my position on the couch, gently putting one of my arms around her. Her body relaxed into mine, and I realized she'd fallen back asleep already...

She'd changed so much in the last five years, and I couldn't help but be impressed, and obviously really proud of the progress she's made in her therapy.. Also just the fact that she went to therapy in the first place. It takes a lot to put yourself into that...

I felt her move a little, and tensed up, trying to focus on literally anything else. "Please stop." I murmured, feeling her move again.. "Damn it." I muttered, and heard her laugh. "Of course you're awake." I said, and she rolled over, facing me. "That was way too easy." She commented. I studied her face, hating myself for already feeling this way towards her.. But it was impossible not to. I'd never stopped loving her. Hell, I don't know how anyone ever could. That's probably why Ryan's as obsessed as he is with her..

I reached down, fixing myself. "Why would you do that?" I asked, and she laughed again. "You know, you'd think that you're around women everyday, it's just another part of your career. So, shouldn't you have better control over that?" She questioned.. "You didn't answer my question." I stated, and she met my gaze.

"I didn't do it on purpose. I seriously was just trying to sleep, and couldn't get comfortable." She replied..

I grabbed one of the pillows, putting it between us. She rolled her eyes. "Also, for the record, when someone tells you to stop, you stop." I said.

"Right.. Well that certainly didn't apply to you when you wouldn't stop touching me a few years ago." She commented. I opened my mouth to say something, but sighed instead. "Yeah, sorry about that." I replied..

"But seriously, that helped you in the long run.. I mean, if I hadn't been doing that, we probably wouldn't have Grace." I said, and she laughed. "And I wouldn't have had to fake my death." She stated. "And we probably wouldn't be lying here right now." I murmured, realizing everything that had happened since the moment we met, helped lead us to this moment right here...

** Brynn's POV **

Following our conversation on the couch, Harry left, deciding he needed to pick Grace up from his mom's.. I got up, going and taking a shower. I washed my hair, and then washed my face while deep-conditioning my hair.. Once I finished showering, I got out, doing my skin-care routine with my hyaluronic acid-serum, followed by the moisturizer I use. After that, I did minimal makeup, which was basically just mascara and some concealer to cover the ever-so darkening circles under my eyes...

I changed into a pair of ripped black jeans and pulled my grey oversized sweater on over a bralette..

After eating something, I walked out of my house, locking the door behind me and getting in my car.. I drove to a small café, going in and getting a coffee.. As I turned around at the counter, coffee in-hand, I nearly ran into someone. "Sorry. I was actually just coming up to talk to you." He said.

I glanced around. "Are you a reporter or something?" I asked, and he laughed. "No. I'm not. I guess I thought you'd recognize me. I'm Niall. I was in the band with Harry." He explained. "Right, ok. Well what can I do for you?" I asked, moving away from the counter and taking a sip from my cup.

"I'm sure you've seen the articles. So, I was just wondering if the rumors were true." He commented, and I sent him a confused look. "Sorry, I haven't actually been on any social media recently." I replied, still feeling like someone was watching me.

I looked around again, but everyone in the café was minding their own business.. "Oh. Ok, um. Here." He said, pulling out his phone. It took him a minute to find one of the articles, and he handed it to me.

"Is Brynn the real mother of Harry's child?" Was the headline. I silently cursed. Under it was a series of photos taken outside my house, from when Harry had picked up Grace after she spent the night there..

It showed her hugging me, and then it showed many pictures of Harry giving me a hug as well.. I quickly skimmed through it, seeing that they all were assuming Harry and I were "dating again" and saying that Harry had lied about Grace being adopted..

I handed him the phone back. "So which rumor were you asking about?" I asked. "Um. Both of them I guess.. I don't mean to pry; I just can't help but be curious, 'cause we were all pretty shocked when he adopted a baby out of the blue.. And now that she's gotten a bit older, people can't really help but realize that she looks a lot like you." He explained. I laughed, and looked around, knowing this wasn't something I should discuss in public. And I also shouldn't say anything without Harry's permission, even if it is to one of his old band mates.

"How about this.. Harry is staying sorta near here. I'm not going to say anything without getting his permission first. I really haven't been back here for very long, so I wasn't expecting the media to do all this.. So, if you aren't doing anything, we can go to his place and you can ask him. Or you know, give him a call and ask." I commented. He nodded, thinking about it.

"You know.. I actually will take you up on that offer." He said, and I shrugged, walking out of the shop. "I'll ride with you, since I walked here." He commented, and I just nodded, getting in my car.. I started it, glancing over at him when he got in, pulling the buckle across his lap..

I wasn't quite sure how this would go, but I guess there's no turning back now...

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