Part 29

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After picking up Grace, I drove her back to Harry's place, seeing two guys with cameras sitting on the curb outside across the street. They saw me, and instantly both moved and started taking photos.. I sighed. "Ok. Um. I can't go in with you. But, I'll see you sometime next week." I explained, walking her across the street. She gave me a hug, and then went through the main gate.. I shut it behind her, and walked back to my car, flipping off the cameras on the way across the street...

** Tuesday - May, 16, 2028 **

"Harry? Are you here?!" I heard someone shout from in the living room. Harry and I were in the kitchen. "Yeah, in here!" He called back. We were standing by the counters, talking. He was standing in the corner leaning against one of the counter tops, and I was in front of him, leaning against the other. He had his arm around me..

I heard footsteps. "Oh, hey. Sorry to drop in like this." It was Louis, one of his old band mates. Behind him was who I assumed to be his son. Freddie, I think is his name. He looked to be 11-12 years old.. I hadn't seen many photos of him, but I think Harry brought up Louis' son at some point in our many conversations.

"No, it's alright. What's up?" Harry asked. "I wouldn't ask if it wasn't absolutely necessary, but do you think he could stay with you for a few days?" Louis asked, motioning over to Freddie, who had already gone over and sat down in one of the chairs by the table..

Harry looked at me. "It's not up to me, I won't be here." I replied quietly, meeting his gaze. "Why not? Where are you going?" He asked, his arm slipping off my shoulders and falling around my waist.

When I didn't answer him, he pinched my side. I laughed, reaching around him and pulling the end of a piece of his hair. "Oh my god, don't. Don't." I said, laughing and trying to move away from him when he tried to tickle my side. He tightened his hold around my waist, keeping me where I was.. "Okay, this is great and all and clearly you two are very happy together; but Harry, will you watch him?" Louis asked, and we looked back over at him.

"Yeah, of course." Harry said. "But seriously, Brynn? Are you leaving me again?" He asked, looking down at me. "I told you, I'm going to Colmar. I might take Grace with me, I haven't decided. I'm still trying to teach her French, you know. And there's no better place to do that then in France." I commented. "It's the middle of the week." He said. I sent him a look. "Harry, her school let out for summer last week." I stated.

He looked at me. "Really? So why isn't she here during the day?" He asked.. "Ok, do I need to be concerned? Do you guys seriously not know where your child is?" Louis questioned. "No, we know where she is. She's with Anne today. And might be in Colmar tomorrow; it depends." I replied.

"When did we discuss this?" Harry asked quietly, and I looked over at him. "Yesterday. In the shower." I mouthed the last part. "Right.. Yeah, ok well I was distracted, obviously." He said, his eyes dropping to my lips. I turned, looking back over at Louis. Harry's arm came around my waist, gently pulling me back so I was being held against him. I rolled my eyes. He's seriously the most clingy person I've ever met..

"Right... Ok. Well, Harry, can we talk out here? Privately?" He asked. "What for?" Harry questioned. "Just, come on." Louis stated, going out into the living room. Harry sighed, his arm sliding off of me. He followed him out of the room, and I glanced over at Freddie.

"Why do you guys have to do all that?" He asked. "What?" I questioned, leaning against the counter. "Be like, all over each other all the time." He commented. I looked over at the doorway, wishing they'd come back in here so I wouldn't have to answer his question.

"Honestly, I don't know. He just sort of does that, and I guess I go along with it." I said.. "But like, why?" He questioned. "What do you mean?" I asked, confused. He shrugged. "Is that what love is or whatever? Like, you two are dating, right? Is that what you have to do?" He asked.

I sighed, running a hand through my hair. Kids ask too many questions.. "It's sort of complicated. We're kinda dating, sure. But not everyone is like that with the person that they're with. You can act and do whatever, as long as you're comfortable with it. That's sort of the point. Is having someone that you can be yourself around, and know that they aren't judging you." I explained. He nodded, seeming to think about it..

Before he could continue asking me questions, Harry and Louis came back in. "Alright. Freddie, your bag is by the door. I'll see you in a few days, alright?" Louis commented. Freddie nodded, but didn't say anything...

May 19, 2028

I've been in Colmar for three days. I'm staying in a hotel, and have been working a lot. Harry's been busy watching both Freddie and Grace, since I'd decided not to bring her with me..

It was almost 11:00PM when someone started knocking on my door. I glanced over, not sure why anyone would be doing that.. When they knocked again, I got up, walking over and checking the peep hole. It was a girl probably in her late teens, maybe early twenties.. I sighed, opening it. "Hi, sorry for bothering you so late. I know you don't know me, but I was just wondering if you could help me with something? Just real quick, it won't take long." She commented. She spoke great English, which meant she was a tourist..

I ran a hand through my hair, which was still wet from my shower. "Sure." I said, getting a weird vibe off her. I grabbed my hotel key from the table by the door, and walked out, making sure to shut the door behind me.. "So, what exactly did you need help with?" I asked as we walked down the hallway. "So, I met this guy. And he seemed really great at first. But then he started threatening me, and it just turned into this whole thing.." She trailed off, nervously glancing at me. "You should probably call the cops on him." I stated.

"Right, yeah no, I thought about that." She said, scanning her key to another one of the rooms. "But?" I asked, following her inside. I looked around, seeing that it was just her here, and nothing seemed to be broken or anything. "But, he told me that he'd kill me before they even got here. He gave me a choice, though. Either I can find you, and bring you to him. Or, he kills me." She commented, and I turned, facing her. "What? Wait, who are you?" I asked, taking a few steps back from her. She was blocking the only exit.

"Who's the guy?" I asked, confused. It couldn't be Ryan. They sentenced him to seven years, which in my opinion was nowhere near enough for the amount of stuff he was charged with..

"That's the thing.. He told me not to tell you." She said, and I looked at her. "You can't be serious with this, right? Did whoever this guy is, tell you that it'd be impossible for you to take me down on your own?" I asked, raising my eyebrows, mentally preparing myself to defend myself.

"Oh, well you see.. I'm not alone." She said, and right as she said it, I felt a rope come around my neck. I immediately grabbed it, glancing over my shoulder and seeing a guy in a mask. He must've been hiding behind one of the beds or something.. Before I could try anything, he pulled his arm back and slammed his elbow into the back of my head. At the same time, knocking my knees out from under me..

I collapsed onto the floor, groaning, my vision blurring at the edges.. "Hand that to me." He demanded. The woman walked over, giving him the rope. He forcefully shoved his shoe into my side, and I rolled over, groaning again. "Fuck. Get away from me." I got out, trying to hit him as he bent down next to me. "Sweetheart, you didn't really think you could escape me, did you?" He asked, and I felt my heart drop, recognizing the voice. It wasn't possible.. He couldn't be here...

He tightly tied my wrists behind my back with the rope, and stood back up, pulling the mask off.


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