Part 21

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The next day, Harry was sitting on my sofa when someone FaceTimed him for the interview. He told Grace to stay quiet, which seemed unnecessary because she's not a very loud kid to begin with, other than her being really talkative..

I was lying on the other couch, working on a file I had pulled up on my laptop..

I ended up zoning out of the first half of the call, but then heard my name.

"Yeah, sure." Harry said, and I looked over at him. "So, there's been a lot of speculation about whether or not your daughter is actually adopted, given that she looks a lot like one of your ex-girlfriends, Brynn Matthews.. You have refused to comment on this until now, is that correct?" The man asked. "Yes, that's correct; I haven't commented on it." Harry said. "Alright. So, our question, because we just have to ask.. Is Brynn Matthews the biological mother of your daughter, Grace?" He asked..

Harry glanced over at me, sighing. "She is, yes." He stated, looking back at the screen. "And so, is there any particular reason why you chose to lie about this for so long?" He questioned. "I'm not going to comment on that." Harry said, and I got up, going into the kitchen to make coffee...

*** March 15, 2028  ***

A little over a week passed, and Harry made me come back to London. Jeff had apparently scheduled an in-person interview for the both of us, since a ton of rumors had started to spread and he wanted to get ahead of it or whatever.. So, that's where we're at now.

"It's going to be live on the radio." Harry said. "Ok.. Is that your way of telling me to behave?" I asked, and he sent me a look. I raised my eyebrows at him, and he laughed. "Sorry to interrupt, but we're getting ready to start." Someone said, and Harry looked over at them..

The main interviewer-lady walked in, and Harry stood up, shaking her hand. "Hi, I'm Emily. You must be Brynn. It's great to finally meet you." She said, and I stood up, shaking her hand. I felt Harry's hand on my lower back, and sat back down.

She did the little introduction thing, and then started off talking to Harry for a few minutes.. "And we also have Brynn Matthews with us today. Brynn, if it's not too forward to say, you're just as beautiful in person as you are in photos." Emily commented, and I glanced over at Harry, who was watching me. "Thank you." I said, pulling the mic closer to me..

"You look very young, how old are you?" She asked. "I'm 29." I answered. "Wow, so you're much younger than Harry. I shrugged. "So when you first met Harry, you probably knew what his body count was, and still decided to just go for it." She commented, and my jaw literally dropped. "I'm sorry, what?" I asked, confused as to when we started talking about that..

"His body count. You know, like the amount of—" I interrupted her. "I know what it is. You just threw me off a little." I replied. "Okay. So then, you did know what it was though? And still wanted to be with him?" She asked. I held in a laugh..

"Um.. It doesn't matter. I'm not sure what you want me to say to that, because it honestly doesn't matter. Sex is sex. To me, that number is irrelevant. You're trying to make him out to be some guy who sleeps with anyone and everyone. And he isn't that. He's a person, just like you and me. So stop labeling him, stop sexualizing him. Just, stop." I replied, feeling myself getting angrier at how she chose to bring this up in the middle of a live interview..

"But you're just another name on his list. Doesn't that bother you?" She questioned, and I laughed. "Honestly, what are you even talking about? No it doesn't bother me. Why the fuck would that bother me? It's his life, not mine. It's not about who you've been with, it's about who you end up with, and I'm quoting someone else on that.." I commented.

"Ok. So then, what's your magic number?" She asked me, and I looked over at Harry, raising my eyebrows at him. He was watching me, and smiled a little when he saw me looking. He knew how ridiculous these questions were.

"I swear it's like you didn't hear anything I just said. It doesn't matter what it is." I commented, getting annoyed. "So then, you also have a high body count." The interviewer stated. I laughed. "Is that what I said? Is that what you heard come out of my mouth? No. You're just assuming things, just like you always do." I replied. "So.. Give us a number, since you obviously don't care. Or is it so high that you don't even know what it is? It is, isn't it? Let me guess, triple digits." She commented, laughing like she made some funny joke. I sent her a look, and her smile instantly faded.

"Even if it was, that's no ones business. But no, to clarify, it's not triple digits." I answered. "So.. Under fifty?" She asked. "Seriously? Ok, how about this. What's yours? Since sex is obviously very important to you, yours must be pretty high." I stated, turning it back on her. Harry laughed.

"That's not important. I'm the one asking the questions." She stated. "Right, right of course. God forbid I ask you something super personal and invasive." I said sarcastically, and she scoffed. "Alright, let's go back to you, Harry. What's your opinion on this whole body count thing? Have you and Brynn discussed this before?" She asked, looking over at him.

"I agree with Brynn; it's not important and doesn't matter. And no, we have not discussed it." He stated. "Alright, so moving on then; how long have the two of you been dating?" She asked. "We aren't." Harry replied. "Ok, well you aren't the most credible of people, Harry. You lied for six years about your own daughter's biological mother. Brynn, you seem like you're honest, based off of today. You care to answer my question?" She asked, looking at me.

"Harry and I have never dated, and are not currently dating. Yes, we have a child together, but that's the extent of it." I answered. "Right, ok. And so about a week ago an interview with you was released, and the man asked you a question about Paris six years ago. When the two of you were seen being put into ambulances, and then spending months in the hospital." She commented, and I looked over at Harry, who shoved his hands through his hair..

"I'm not going to comment on that." He said. "Alright, well. Brynn? Your turn." Emily stated. "We're both fine now, what's there to know?" I replied. "Was it drugs? Harry, are you doing shrooms again?" She questioned. "What is this, an interrogation? Could've sworn it was an interview." I stated, and Harry rolled his chair over towards me. He pushed the microphone away from me. "Don't. It just makes it worse." He said quietly.

"For you. Harry, you're a person, and she's treating you like you aren't one." I commented, looking at him. He searched my eyes for a few seconds. "You want to tell them?" He asked.

"They're currently having a side-conversation, for those of you listening." Emily said, and Harry briefly glanced in her direction. I sighed, and he met my gaze again. "I mean, it isn't my image on the line. Also, it was six years ago." I said quietly. He nodded, obviously thinking about it.. He pulled my mic back in front of me, and moved closer, one of his legs hitting mine under the table.

"Alright. Well, to start, a lot of the blame was put on Brynn when this happened six years ago, because it was at her apartment. So, I want to clarify that what happened was my fault, not hers." Harry started. The interviewer motioned for him to continue, already seeming entranced in the story...

This was definitely going to piss Jeff off...

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