Page Fifteenth

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They stayed there for god knows how long. The rain didn't stop yet comes more heavier and heavier with cracking storms. The room is kind of peace, there's no any luxurious things around. Only could be seen is the ticking clock that nailed on the wall, bed and table besides it. One pair of chair and clothes, she sniffed the air to know someone is coming, even knows that the person is miles away from the door.

She stood up and find place that can hide, the boy looks confused while drying his head but didn't say any words.

She sniffed again and the smell comes closer, that's when she realised. Why should she bothered herself to find some place to hide? She could easily kill whoever it was.

"What's happening?" He finally ask, she didn't muttered any words as she pressed her back against the wall next to the door, waiting to someone to open it. He seems, somehow understood and he quickly hid under the bed.

Now she could heard someone's footsteps.



And Thump...!

The door flung open and makes her sight go hidden, someone walk inside. Feeling the silence around made the person suddenly cautioned, that when the person turn around to about closed the door, only to meet her eyes staring and then felt he was pinned to the wall with hands above his head. He grunted in pain and look at her, horror run's on his nerves as he thought how did she got here as he always keep the door locked shut.

His eyes widened and tried uselessly to get away from her. His efforts is all kicked off as she stared at him like a prey.

"Ge-get off of m-me!" He screamed and she hissed. His voice is irritating her ears and she wanted his throat to split out.

"Who are you?" She murmured threateningly while tightening her grips. He cried in pain, he wondered if she's planning to broke his wrist!

"I-I'm Reco, please d-dont hurt me" he begged painfully. His mouth twitching when he grunts and his eyes way half closed. She sighed and let him slumped to the floor with a shaky breathing, she then turn around and lock the doors.

Reco, at the other side felt horrible. When he catch his breath, his able to stood and look at her then to the boy who's sitting on his bed.

"F-fuck! Who are you and how did you get here?!" He hissed once she glared at him. Her piercing eye's made him step back and shut up. That question is quite familiar to her.

Reco grabbed his phone and started dialling on it. She don't care as long as he won't do such stupid thing but calling the cops aren't a good one, she rushed and snatch his phone before he could speak to the other line.

"Give it back!" He barked in frustration. Someone just broke inside his room and now phone on her hands!

"You are not allowed here! Give it back!" He tried to get his phone but her hands are simply dodging him.

Both of them stopped when the phone suddenly vibrated on her hands. She stared for a moment, the screen shined and flashed a text came from Maureen. 

"No, no! Give it already!" Reco snatched his phone but she already read the message. It said "Get out of there! They are on the first floor!!"

And she slightly wondered what is it. Another beep sound intruded the silence, Reco glanced at the screen and read another message.

"Get an exit!! I'm waiting here at the back door! Get out now!" His hands suddenly trembled and he become pale. He look around nervously and grabbed a briefcase, he forgot to lock it and due to his trembling hands, the thing slipped and dropped into the floor. Opening wide and showing what's in the inside, Reco hurriedly grab all the papers and put back inside.

There, she just watching him then her eyes landed in an old newspaper. It wasn't important, thought as she saw a picture. Even it's black and white, she could easily identify the person on the image. Her blood suddenly back to alive, she grabbed the newspaper and read with blazing eye's.

She gritted her teeth all togethers and ripped the paper through her bladed nails. She looks so furious, and Reco with that boy shuddered on their knees. They saw her teeth growing into a bladed fang's.

"Wha-—whatever’s goin' on, I need to go!" Reco said and burst towards the door. He was about to twist the handle when a sudden knock stopped him to do it.

He froze for a moment, then decide to peek through the peephole wishing it wasn't trouble.




Three knocks then paused for a minute, she could smell their blood's behind the door......making her eyes slowly turning different.

Once Reco peered, he saw six mans in the black tuxedos and white gloves. Standing there, waiting for him to open the door and let them kill him .

Reco is now shaking repeatedly, too scared to open the door as he said he needed to go. He back away with a trembling knees and the boy run behind her back. She sniffed the air, inhaling deeply and the image of blood being visible at the moment on her eyes.

Knock knocks


"Mr Reco Takame, would you please open the door? We like to talk to you" a harsh voice had spoken from the back of the door and Reco flinched when he heard his name. He hugged the briefcase tightly, he won't allow them to get what they want. The data of experimentation is in there and he must not to lose it otherwise someone will die.

She peered at the peephole, stared at the six butler's that waiting patiently for him to open the door. Had gun on their waistband and all of them had firm looks.

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