Page Twenty Eight

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As Kico’s intention is to put the topic about Kaito, that name quickly stole her attention and she look and listen to him speaking while showing something on his laptop that she didn't even know, she carefully listened to all what he was talking while her mind started to build her plan.

"When it is? Is that accurate" she pointed her finger at the screen making him nod and smiled. "On Saturday morning, Kaito have an announcement at the Rossini's Murai building. Sake-san, now what're you planning?" He asked while looking at her, she didn't waste any second as she said, "I'll come" with no hesitation on her voice. Rico assured her that they are on her side and willing to help her, he found a new born of hope, she come from nowhere and suddenly popped up with pure anger towards him and wanted to destroy his cruelty out of the history. He won't bother himself asking what she is, why was she's so mad at him and where did she came from, all is it matters is, she have the powers to go against him. Rico can tell the powers he saw when she killed that monster isn't her real one, there was more and she was stronger .

The plan is settled on Saturday morning, she will hide her identity to everyone's attention, she'll portray herself as one of the low workers of that building and waited for him to show up. Tell to the medias his disgusting vows and promises that she knew will never be true.

They tell to Maureen the plan and she desperately wanted to come along with Sake to help her killing that bastard but Sake simply said she can't come with her, Maureen get annoyed but give up and hope she can kill him in that day.

Sake knew he was good in tricks, wise and he's just her mirror , maybe now he was thinking who she is. She wanted when the day come, it should be special to finally reveal her name to him and she wanted to see what kind of face he'll made.

When Kira overheard their plans, he quickly begged to her to let him come with her so that he could show to her how he'll punch that bastards face. Sake simply said he can't and Kira burst out crying, he said he could be useful and wanted to protect her but it didn't budge her decision that he will stay here in that day.


Inside of the van was Maureen, Lala, Rico and Kira who's watching the building from a far, Sake sternly said to them not to go out and show any glimpses of their shadow if the scene weren't nice if they don't want to end up as a corpse, sure she was just telling them warnings if they really don't want to be corpse.

When everything will gone wrong, Sake will run out immediately and hop inside the van before fleeing away.

"Mr Kaito Hibarra pleased  everyone to have a sit" the speaker ordered and all the crow's solemnly obeyed his pleased. She sat down wearing her uniform, have an eye glasses and a fake ID displayed on her chest and patiently waiting for him to show up, the crowds was noiseless which showing how they don't want him to be upset.

Her katana was hidden on her back inside her cloths and her hair was covering it's handle, her eyes glued at the stage and the place went dead silence as the glamorous red curtains slowly moving side to side, the center lights focused on someone who's wearing a red tuxedo and have an innocent bright smile that perfectly sketched on his perfect face.

He was holding a microphone, staring at the crowds, smiling to them like they were the most important things.

Her eyes pierced on him and she banged her teeth all together that slowly turning to fang's while clenching her hands and her long black nails digging inside on her flesh, she wanted to teleport behind him and whisper the words, hi against his ears.

"Ohayou gozaimazu~ gomennasai if I made ya wait" he said, his voice never change; it was gentle yet cold. Every words comes out of his mouth seems so true making all the people easily nod, except to her to knew it was a lie. He was really good lying on front of them without blinking, in his warm smile can gain their trust that makes her wanted to vomit on his face.

"I have an announcement for ya my great workers, we have a raffle promo's but I'll only pick one. All of your ID’s is here inside of this box and whoever the lucky one will have a prize" he said and the crowds quickly prayed, she realised her fake ID was also there inside of his box.

What if he could get her ID ?

What if this is all a tricks?! Her mind went dull, the red like blood slowly creeping on her raven eye's and her palms that now oozing out of her black like ink blood and anger swelling on her nerves as he meet her gaze, give her his wide gentle smile and never leave staring her with his deep curiousity on his head.

"Now~ let's see who's the lucky one~" he dove his right hands inside the box and picked one of the workers  ID, eyes still put on her.

Slowly pulling out and he read the name out loud.

"Oh~ your so lucky Miss Asuka~" he purred and all the eye's went on her,

The name on her ID is Asuka.

"Wow, she's so fortunate!"

"I wish I was her"

"Argh! She's so lucky!"

So many voices ring on her ears, and she couldn't focus by that, they both share their gazes and she wanted to rip that smile out of his face.

Couldn't hold any longer.....

"You're so l u c k y Asuka-san!~"

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