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Sake pov

"Ryu?" Is all I could said. He's gone, I said i will come back. I said I will just find someone could save him, I said I'll be quick but why hes gone? Why he left me? And these trail of blooded footsteps, did he made it? Is he actually awake all along I was panicking and so scared that he might be die and just pretending that he's asleep? But—but why. The pain here in my chest breaks even painful, I couldn't understand why. Ryu, did you just walk away when you know I'm there—running to find help? That was for you? I finally regain my consciousness but I just then slumped down as my knees can't stand it anymore. Im looking at the point of nothing where I knew.....

....that he's gone....

I look down into the concrete road where his blood started to dry, did he just tricked me again? I know Ryu is always like that but I never thought he'll do more worse into me. But its true, he just hit by the car that supposed to be for me and bleed right away.... It wasn't a tricks but how he could walk by his own? I carefully look the footsteps that visible on the road because of his blood, it was just a straight path like how he always walks. I cried more heavier, why he didn't tell me that he was awake while I was so scared I might lose him? All of the sudden, I heard too many noises behind me, I could also heard those rushing sound of cars and footsteps nearby. I was confused and I slowly stood up and turn around. As I did, I realize that I'm here at the corner of the roadway that full of running cars that passing by. I was more confused, just minutes ago I know it was all an empty space but now it's all fully crowded. There's the people I needed minutes ago walking at the side walk, talking someone at the phone and they're rushing to have money. The road was occupied, the sun is bright that once I seen lately is just a pale grey sky.

I was nailed in my feet and looks my world started to spin.....faster....and then...faster.

A loud beep blasted on my ears causing me to jump back, I was extremely shock and seperated from my thoughts when it didn't stop, I began crying again and wish Ryu is here beside me because I felt so alone.

"Hey! What are you doing here! Do you wanna die?!" He shouted and looks he didn't care about the very loud noise came from his car that hurting my ears. I didn't said anything as I remember my Mum's voice saying never speak into the stranger but he become mad from my silence..... I don't care.

"Set aside, kid....or else" he sat back on his car and the engine suddenly roared for life, i takes his cautions and ready to step aside but stopped when a pair of hands wrap around my wrist and pulled me out of the roadway then I felt the sudden embrace at my back. "I've been calling you, Sake" my eyes went really wide when those voice are too familiar to me, too familiar that whatever happens is I cannot forget. I couldn't be wrong that it was him.

"Why you didn't look at me? Sake, I'm just right there" his embraces is really good, his voice that warm and smooth that i started missing it from the other reason. His face that already painted on my  head went dull and foggy,  those smiles that I was always adore looks hiding something behind. I knew what happened. I knew what I saw.

"Sake? I have something for you..." He whispered at the back of my ears while caressing both of my shoulders, I gulped as I turn around. Our eyes meet each other, and I could see the difference. The way he look at me is something isn't just a stare but he's definitely glaring at my soul, I could see through the color of his eyes. I ignored the odd feelings and listened at the wild sparks of happiness here in my heart, he's here.

"R-ryu?" I mumbled with tears, he smiled at me and wipe my tears using his thumb and nods. "Are y-you ok?" I ask but he seemed, shock? For some reason, he looks mad but he give me a forced smile that didn't mede me less worsen. I'm really really confused now, there's so many emotions flashing on his eyes and he tighten his holds on me. "Why? Sake, is there something happened?" He ask me from his low voice, it looks a whisper and his smile never been disappeared. I back away and try to remember what had happened. Its clear into my eyes that Ryu has been hit by a car that was meant for me and he lost consciousness while bleeding in head, I remember that I was calling for help but no one had come and when I look back at him......he's gone. Now he looks confused too, he frowned and drop that odd smile on his face and he steps to hold my shoulders. "Sake? Are you all right? What are you saying about?" He ask me and he looks so clueless about everything but....

"You've been hit by a car...." My tongue just slipped and toss out those words but what I can do? He already heard it, I look straight to his eyes and try to see if he would made another tricks on me.

He suddenly put his hands on my shoulders and he is obviously trying his best not to burst out laughing here in my front. "Pffft! That was a great joke! Sake, you really needs help don't you?" And then he's now laughing with hands on his stomach. I'm starting to doubt that what happened is really true or did I was just hallucinating? "Do you think?" I ask him made him stops laughing and he holds my hands but the smile has been on again, I continued, "about that I really need help?" Do I really need help? I'm just a twelve years old and I don't know if I'm crazy.

He didn't said anything after I said than and he pulled me for walk. I'm going to understand if I'm just dreaming but when I saw the glimpse of blood and the back of his ears made me so terrified. Where d-did Ryu get that b-blood? Was....was....couldn't be....

I quickly look behind and look at the place where I knew~~~

And I saw the blood still there.

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