Page Twenty*

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"Neesan? What's going on?" Kira worriedly asked and he was about to rush towards her but stopped when she swing her hands abruptly. She was looking down like something on her face that she's desperately wanted to hide it.

"No! Stay back!" She warned still looking down. Her voice was more frightening and cold but even it was, Kira was ready to help his oneesan.

He hugged her tight and wondering what's happening to her. She flinched for the first time and she really didn't like what he did.

"I said stay away!" Later she realised that the boy trying to help her was now threw out of the bathroom. Due to her force, Kira's head bumped on the floor hardly enough to bleed and knock him out.

She saw what she did. She realised how cruel she is. Frozen in her knees and couldn't know what to do, her eyes was wide open but it wasn't normal. It was covered with black and a very thin red line drew at the corner serves as her irises.

Footsteps echoed down the stairs which the one to break the silence. She wanted to run away as far as she wanted but her legs couldn't move. What happened right now is too familiar to her mind.

The door loudly creaked and a two unfamiliar to her sigh rushed inside with horrible look on each of their faces.

Part of her wondered who they are. Just little part

"What did you do?!!" The female shouted angrely without glancing at her.

"His bleeding so much!" Now the male cried out. Why can't they just treat him and everything will be ok? She was trying to calm her own as she grab her katana at the floor and pulled it out.

Both of the human stared at her—she stopped, their face was covered with dread from what they saw.

She growled out loud when her stomach started to get in pain—again and she couldn't hold back her hunger. Her mouth with thick saliva disgustingly dripping down and her nails turned black long.

"What the hell——"

"We—we need to get out" the female human whispered and they began crawling back towards the door, their eye's was lock on her.

They sprinted out and locked the door, started thinking what's going on.

Once she knew they were gone, she forced her self to walk near to the boy and carry him. Her katana was put back on her waistline, she slipped the window and jump outside, all she wanted is to stay as far away from those human. She couldn't help herself but to think how's good their meat are once she tasted them. She drools uncontrollable and her eyes that not belong to human could film a nightmare into someone's mind. She keep running while carrying the boy who still bleeding until she reached the Kyotas bridge, she look down to see his face and hug him tightly—then jumped above the river towards the opposite edge where she could able to put him and treat his wound.

It was easy due to her inhuman power, she looks like she have wings flying up the sky and went on the ground effortless.

As her feet touched the land, she knelt down and carefully lay him down while her hands supporting his head like she was so cared for him.

She closed her eyes hardly just to ignore her stomach that burning in a deep pain—but it didn't worken.



Deep growls escaping from her throat and she dig her long nails inside her flesh.

The smell of his blood is different, but still delicious making her wanted to bite his head off!


She pressed her hands at his wounded head and tried to stop breathing so that she couldn't smell his delicious scents.

Then she remembered something about her; to her blood. It was the only way to save this boy from danger, she bite her hands causing her black blood quickly oozed out and she let her them drops on his head. Soon, his wound slowly healing too quickly than she thought.


Her body abruptly crooked and yanked her self to stand up, big lines of veins started crawling on her neck and her teeth growing into sharp and long fang's.

Turning like this isn't good much more at this time, the sun was bright and if she ran to hunt some food, there's a big chances that someone could spot her in that form and the worse is, she couldn't control her self if she's really hungry.

She gritted her teeth and a black like blood started dripping out of her eyes, her saliva was all in her jaw and to her neck thats when she found herself running fast than how you blink. She'll make sure that no one could see her like this until she's full with meat.

She arrived the parking lot of the huge building of Rossen’s Murai which far away from the Kyotas bridge where she left the boy there. The parking lot was big, filled with lots of finery cars also a good place to hide her self and wait for the food to come.

This building seems very popular, she could tell from those lines of camera's just watching the place without blinking. Why would the owner will put such a security if it wasn't?

A sound of footsteps hitting on the floor making her hid at the back of an suv, she could heard someone talking to another and base from their smell they are male's. She licked her lips and wait for the food's could come closer, she was so desperate to have some meals. As far as she wanted to eat, the more she's lossing out of control.

They are coming....

She need to be patient. Her mind yelling at her to attack them already and eat them as long as she wants—but she wouldn't risk. The cameras are watching and she hate being seen.

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