Page Twenty Three

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"The wind whispering at me" he mumbled while smiling like a maniac.

"My Lord, our subject 029 are ready tomorrow" I said to him as I pulled down my head to show my undying respect at him.

"Good. Can you feel that the wind are so fascinating?"

"Yes, my Lord" I said, watching him as he closed his eyes and the smile never drop.

"I could tell that someone will come, I wonder who it is"

"Maybe another one trying to destroy you, my Lord" I said as I look up in the night sky, that filled of twinkling little starts poring back at us.

My Lord pointed one, "I wish I could be like them, but at the same time I don't" he said heartily, sometimes it so hard to understand him like what's happening today; I couldn't understand him.

"Bodies found chopped in my building , and there's no one saw who did it. Fantastic, right!"

"I wonder who it is, camera's never missed only this time"

"I am thinking about that, my Lord and I'll handle this" I said, My Lord suddenly stared at me, still smiling buy his eyes was just cold as ice.

"A General Dedo Hara; graduated from the most excellent academy who leave a vow to protect the country was now a monster with no mercy" he said. He always like that but my respect to him didn't rot for once. My adoration, my respect, for him will never stop.

"Yes, My Lord" I said. I will always applause him for everything.

"You'll manage the tomorrow, Dedo Hara" he drunk all the way the full glass of wine without chocking it out.

"Yes my lord"


Cold night knocked on each doors and the freezing wind blew inside the windows.

Rico still can't fall asleep even his eyes was tightly closed, he was thinking about what gonna happen tomorrow. He knew that the person behind all of  this is a dreading nightmare making him felt weak and wanted to run then curl under his blanket.  Not until he remembered that mysterious girl with katana, the way she stared was too scary and intimidating. Rico opened his eyes, starting to remember what had happened that morning and what they saw about her. He was surprised but scared at the same way, he saw with his own eye's that her once raven eyes are turned into the eyes of demonic, like she had possessed and don't know who are they.

"Maybe she's one of them?" He mumbled then the next is, he keep toss and turn on his bed trying his best to sleep.

Then he felt the feeling that someone seems watching him. He become uneasy as his scared heart beat wild inside his cage, sweat began dripping out and couldn't take off the odd feeling.

His bed was next to the big window and the thin curtains are pulled side by side showing a big creature glued at the back of the window with wide staring eyes and smiling, drooling mouth. All his nerves wanted to run and hide but all he did was to let out a blood curling scream under his breath. How long it was there? Does that scary thing watched him the whole time of his struggling to sleep?!

"The fuck are you screaming!!!" The door loudly slam open as the angry face of Maureen glared at the trembling male who can't able to move an inch on his bed.

When her eyes moved into the huge window, she gasped for air and eyes went wide in horror.

"The fuck is that out of the window?!!" She exclaimed but didn't got a response, the thing was large and glued at the glass like a huge lizard but having a human head. A huge disgusting male head with wide eyes, drooling creepily. The monster started scratching the window glass making a high pitched noise, once Maureen regain her nerves, she pulled out her gun and shoot the damn thing scratching to break off the window.

The bullet didn't do anything from its hard like steel skin, not even leaving a bruises.

She don't want to encounter another one like this, she already have enough while escaping at the forest!

"Pull your ass out of your bed and run!!!" She barked as the glass slowly crashing, Rico at the other side can't really move and Maureen grabbed his arms and drag him out of the room. Big part of her wanted to punch his face being this weak, even his life is between in death he couldn't do anything to protect his own.

They heard the shattering glass being hit on the floor and the frightening roar injected a fear on their blood.

They need to get out of here.


She sniffed the air, Sake, and felt the coldness that hitting on her face. Her hair swayed gently along the wind, she could smell its disgusting scent and she could hear the dryness of its voice.

She grabbed her katana that lying next to her and stood up, staring the nowhere with nothing on her face. Kira slowly opened his eyes and look at her, "You should sleep, neesan" he mumbled while rubbing the sleep out of his tired eyes.

"I need to go" she nonchalantly said, not glancing at him who's now fully awake as he heard what she said. "Go? Can I come?" The glimpse of hope shined on his face but immediately dropped when she said "no"

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