Page Thirty Two

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As the night falls on, the rain dropped to wet the dreading land and the darkness devoured the world that filled of sadness.

Her mind was blank, pointless while staring at the end of nowhere and all she wanted is to end up all of the this. The cause of her suffers and pain. She wanted to end this as fast as possible but how, she don't even knew where he was hiding, she don't have any informations and now that Maureen is also one of her enemy ,

What she said is all true, her sister isn't Jessica anymore, she could tell it by the smell of formalin all over her blood. Jessica was dead and she doesn't know how he make it possible to keep her looks alive, he really doesn't have mercy to do it on her.

Maureen who thought she could have a happy life around her sister was gone, shattering into a very little piece like a glass that makes her out of her mind, Jessica is all she have but now it won't coming back. She thought everything will be ok now that they have Sake on their sides, but she's indeed wrong. Maureen was so tired thinking everything was just a fake, she wanted to pull back the time where she could able to get her sister and run away from the monster.

She can't believe because she don't want to believe. There's a tears rolling down on her cheeks and her eyes was painted red, she can't stop crying. Another tears rolled down and she slowly wipe it out but that tears followed by another one, and she's tired wiping it out.

It won't stop anyway

Anger eating the very core of her heart and all in her mind is how will she get her revenge.

She's nothing against her and tossing a knife on Sake’s head can't kill her right away.

She's a mystery that hard to solve...

She keep walking down the empty high way and her shoulders was slumped in tiredness, her hair was mess and the moon gives the light to see the road and someone standing in front of her. She had enough to bother herself to look at the person as she walk past with him, her shoulder bumped on him making her to stop for no enough reason.

The scent. It was the same scent from the one person she hated, she seems nailed on her feet but her eyes remain dull. She was simply waiting for him to speak and throw an insulating praises to her.

"Reen-chan! Is that you?" His voice full of fake worried poisoning her soul and she clenched her fist and ready to threw it on his disgusting face. She slowly turn around, looking up to meet his innocent gaze and a fake warm smile plastered on his face.

He acted like he was so surprised to see her here even tho he knew for sure she's here, he laugh a little more stunned because of her cold stares and the atmosphere went dramatically intense.

"How dare you to show up with me" she said, nonchalant yet casual and she learned how to hide the venom of her anger behind that voice. It was new and he expected it.

"I'm just wandering around, Reen-chan" Dedo gives her a crazy chuckles as he shared his umbrella, Maureen greeted her teeth all together and eyes was burning in madness. "Don't call me like that" she said like she was just saying it on a friend. Her eyes was dull as she gripped his collar with such a force and pulled him up. He only smirked while titling his head to stared at her eyes, he loved watching her like this; so shattered and hopeless. He wanted to laugh out loud. "Did you have a good time with your sister?"

Sister ? Sister??


Maureen seems frozen. Right! She should have a good time with her sister! She smiled happily but then couldn't hide the sadness on her tears that once again fall down.

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