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Mauren was packing her things that laid out on her bed, she have the data and she wouldn't wait the two weeks will end until giving this data to him. She can't wait to see her sister and thinking that she's all alone in that place really breaks her heart.


Tomorrow she's going to get Jessica back to her again and won't never ever let someone could stole her sister away.

She's done. All things that she could possibly needed for tomorrow are settled comfortably inside her bag.

The image of her knife making her thrilled, if anything went rough, she'll do all what she can just to spare her sisters life.

She's only I have.

Tomorrow is the day for saving the most important matter on her life, she can't lose another part in her heart. That part was Jessica, also the only one who keeps her to stood up early at the morning and do works to keep going.

She opened her pocket wallet that the only things inside was her credit card that already expired, few little pieces of papers and the picture of her and her sister, smiling happily together.

A small smile appeared in sight, Maureen couldn't take if Jessica will gone. She stared the picture and remember the moments she have with her, but then the smile dropped when the very nasty part of her life suddenly shined on her mind.

She shook her head and put back the picture inside her wallet where seems the very safe place for it and dropped herself into the bed. She stared the ceiling until her eyes finally drop, one last thing she's sure about that tomorrow is the day to have her sister again.


Once she reached the bridge, walking down of it and look around to see that the boy named Kira still sleep while curling on his knees. His head was now perfectly fine, no trace of wounds but the sight of dried crimson caked on him. At least he looked peaceful that way, she realised that bringing him here down the cold bridge isn't really a smart idea at all. Why did she even ran away while carrying him? Oh, because he was wounded that she also made and the only way to save him is to give some little drops of her blood to him. Right.

She sighed and step closer to him, staring at his face as she put down the apples and one bottle of milk next to his head.

She stood up and went at the edge of the river to wash the mess on her. She wanted to take a bath and change her dirty old clothes that soaked in blood with the awfully smell started to erupt.

As she was done washing her face, she felt like someone staring at her back and she look behind her to see the boy watching her.

He's awake.

He look at her quit confuse but he tried to act still cool. He made a small smile, at least he was happy to see his neesan with him. He saw the apples and the milk next to him, then look at her while spreading his smile and wanted to run and hug her knowing that she put them for him.

She ignored him as always, she didn't know why was he happy. Just because she bought him some food that she stole from that poor human? Anyway she don't care, she sat behind him and put her katana at her side.

Kira grabbed the apples and milk then sat next to her, then he offered his one apple to her but all she did is that she just stared and ignored. Kira giggled and take a big bite, enjoying the sweetness. He was thankful that she cared enough for him to bought him some food, he could say that this is the happiest moment of his life. He wasn't alone, for the first time there is someone could put a blanket on him .

"Aren't you mad?" She suddenly ask making him snap out of his thoughts. She wanted to hear his curses words and tell how he hate her for hurting him.

Kira quickly shook his head, "No, why should I?" He show his big bright smile when he faced her that seems a cold statue staring him. Small lines at her eyes moved just for once then didn't happen again. She was confuse, he should be mad at her and not smiling here like there's nothing happens. She was wondering why he was happy, why hes not scared at her after what she did.

"Then you should be" she coldly said, staring the river, then watching those small dragonflies flew up in the air above the water, hovering around reflecting their image through the clear water. It was nice to see until Kira ask something that she don't know if she'll be glad or not.

"What are you?" He ask, finishing the last bite and look at her full of curiosity in his cristals eye's.

"You don't have to know" she said sternly.

He nodded in disappointment but there's always a good time to ask her again. Maybe it was just hard for her or she's keeping it for only a secret.

"Then what's your name? That's the last question I know" he said, picking a small rocks and threw it while watching where it will stop. Silence for a moment until she sigh.

"Sake" she muttered, there's no any emotions on her eyes as she tell those word's. He wondered if she's not happy about her name, for him it was beautiful as he remembered his father always drinking sake.

"It's a great name! Sake-chan!" He exclaimed happily. She gasped when Kira suddenly pulled her arm's to give a hug, she was stunned that he really not afraid at her.

"Let go of me" she ordered, trying to calm her self. Kira didn't let go her arm's, she stopped struggling when she saw how happy he really is, his eyes was closed while smiling and the fact that he started purring.

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