page Eight

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Maureen's pov

We both stare each other until I spitted on his face. My thick saliva stained his cheek and he groan in disgust with seems 'nonchalant' remark wiping it off. He stared at me and then slapped by the back of his hands, my head bumped into the ground.

"Such a bad you are, if you keep like that, you will never seen your loveable sister again. Her name is Jessica, right?" My eyes widened when I heard my sister's name. In my heart that beating wild inside my rib is too scared that maybe I couldn't seen her again. Would I let that happened? Would I?

"P-please, please don't take her away from me....she's only I have!" I pleaded.

"You killed our parents! Don't ever do this again! Where's Jessica!"

"I'll give her back to you only if you answer just few of my little questions" he said and continued, "Lies aren't available, do it and you'll get your rewards"

"And what is it?! Huh, will you ask me how my parents died inside of your Ekka laboratory? Or how you ask someone to plant the bomb on and lock them there?!"

"Nah Nah, you know? Every time i remember that, I really felt so sad.....I really felt so sad about the money I spend there" he said and  he put one of his hands over his clothed chest and acted like he's so sad. I wanted to scream in anger and prove to him how bastard he is!

"Tell me where your parents hid the experimental data" he ordered. I frowned what the hell is he talking about. I don't even know that did they experiment, why would he thinks I know where my parents hide that damn data?!

"I don't know what are you talking about!" I yelled.

"Are you sure?——your sister will die if~~"

"No! I don't really know where is it! How could they tell me if you let them die!" I shout in madness. Is he a nuts? People know him as gods angels that sent here down to take people out of their misery but what they didn't know is, he's a bastards devil who only cared about power.

"Very well, then, your sister will die"

"No! Please, I told you I don't know! I don't know!" I cried helplessly looking at him. He only shrug his shoulder and turn his back face on me, I burst out crying and crawls after him. Why won't he believes me that I don't really know?!

"I'm telling you the truth, I don't know! I don't know wheres the data!" I said while chocking me by my tears, I'm having a hard time to see anything clear as my eyes was covered of tears.

"I'll give you two weeks to find it. From the end of two weeks, you must give it back to me and will return of your sister" he said without glancing at me. I paused as he continued, "Do well your job and you'll get your sister back, lose it and she'll die" he said firmly and finally glance at me. He seen how's he made me so helpless, he felt happy by that.

"Don't hurt her, I will find your data and give it back to you and you'll give her back to me" I said, he tilt his head and look on his wrist watch. He then turn his back again on me. I thought he will leave no words to say but....I was wrong.

"Did you met your father? He called you a while ago" he said and started walking, I was frozen.

"Wha——what d-do you mean?" I cried.

"Don't be stupid, you know exactly what I mean" and he disappeared, leaving me speechless from what he said. I tried to think what he really mean by that but I only got is pain in my head. I have too much, I don't think if I could take it but as I remember my sister that all alone in his place. I can't lose her.

I lay in frustration and pain, letting my whole body go numb and breathed the air of my suffers as I stared the old, grey sky. It's seems going to rain at any moment which not good at my situation. I need to find some place to stay away from cold, it's getting darker and soon the night will falls on.

At least, fortunately, my stomach stopped bleeding or else I'll die in blood lost.

I look around using the remaining source of light from the sky and try to find something can help me to walk, I can't find any so I got no choice but to crawl my hands towards the big pine tree. I can't walk, can't go to somewhere else so maybe I'll just pass the night here. 

I sat and my back against the frame of tree, I breathed heavily and I'm visibly shivering in cold as I wrap my arms around me. I lost an amount of blood and the blood inside me is not enough to keep me warm. I'll freeze to death here if I can't make some fire.

"Please...." I whispered. My breathings turns into a visible gas due to the blood freezing cold.


Once my hands bumped on something in my pocket, I grab it out and realised it was a lighter.

I move and bended my hands to grab some dead twigs around me and piled those near in my front, then  lighten it up with dead leaf's. I felt warm when the fire started to grow, I'm grateful that I have a lighter after all. 

I only wish that there's nothing any deadly, wild animals will come over and take the shit out of me! I keep the fire alive and the place was now in the darkness, it's too fast, right?

I checked my wounded stomach to see that it's not really bad at all, I need to treat this before it got infected. Maybe tomorrow? I have too many problems, first, where the hell I can find that damn data?! I don't even have a clue! My sister, I'm so worried about her and if he tried to trick me..... again! I wish to hell, but I know that there's someone could give back to him what all the pain he made.

Fortunately, the rain didn't dropped and my eyes began to heavy.

Someday, he'll met the real hell and only he got is to run away from it. He'll feel what I feel right now or even worsen. If that day came? I beg he'll suffers enough to break his bone!

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