Page Twenty Seven

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The joy overflowing right now at Maureen, her arm's was wrapped on Lala’s belly, her giggles was so nice like a soft melody but it was exactly opposite on Sake’s hearing; it was rough and irritating, she wanted to yell to stop giggling but couldn't because she knew Maureen would get mad .

Kira at the other hand, started yawning and he move closer to her and rest his head on her shoulder. Sake didn't mind it, she felt little comfortable so she let him.

"When we come home, we'll having a fest!!" Maureen said and her voice full of joy.

Sake could simply saw Lala staring at her through the rear view mirror. She would like to sliced her eyes out.

"Sake-chan! Why are you so quiet?" Lala cheerfully ask and next she flashed a fake worried face. Sake ignored her which made her pout.

"Dear, tell me. What else did they do to you" Lala stared at her sister for a moment and then trembled in fear. Maureen regretted asking a stupid questions and she scooted her a hug. Lala sobbed on her chest, "They t-tell me they ww-were going t-to kill you" she barely manage to said those word's.

"Hushhhh, that wouldn't happen" he assured and pinched her nose. Lala only giggled behind her sobs and closed her eyes. Maureen was wondering why everything seems so easy, she even brought some weapons for thing that go rough but they just give her sister in peace, not that she don't want it but the back of her mind yelling that there's something wrong. There's something that she need to figure out but how?

For once she shrug it off and tell that she's just getting paranoid which will never be good. She should be thankful that now she have her sister back, she could breathe in without pain. Right.

"We're here!" Rico said as he parked and storm out of the van. He open the door with a slight smile on his face, hiding the shame cuz he knew he did nothing but to curl in fear. Sake and Kira stepped out of the van silently following them. Sake could feel something, she only couldn't know what is it.

"Sake-san! Why are you so quiet?" Lala cheerfully asked, stopping her tracks and turn around to look at her straight to the eye's that piercing on her soul. Lala surprisingly didn't flinch or react that she was scared but then she sweetly smiled at her which Sake only seen it as a fake. She don't like me here.

"Don't mind her, she's always like that" Maureen said while smiling. Lala pouted. I only want to hear her voice.

As the time being, they went to eat and celebrate for Lala. Getting her back is the most important thing in Maureen's life.


Kira layed his back at the bed and watched her standing next to the window, how her mind's dive into the very deep ocean of her thoughts yet her face remain dull and silence.

"Oh....nee....san" Kira rolled over at the bed when she ignored him and try to think what way could he get her attention, then his mind shined with a brilliant idea, he immediately made a huge smile and sat straight on the bed.

" Lala don't like you, neesan" he said solemnly making her finally look at him and he wanted to celebrate his victory. Then his smile dropped and his once cheerful face turned into serious and dull, eyes was empty just like on her. She was shocked, "Don't worry Sake-san! I didn't like her too!" He said. He really did a good job copying her always expression that he had a hard time for completing it. He saw how Sake get stunned and he burst out laughing on her front, Kira really needs to celebrate as well, besides, he truly don't like Lala, he could feel that she's hiding something behind all of eyes around her but he'll crept like assassin to figure it out.

He stopped laughing and run towards Sake, he wrap his hands on her waist and give her a warm hug. Sake really don't know what he was thinking, but the hug was so good.

"You should sleep now" she said, Kira nodded and went on the bed. "Aren't you sleeping?" He asked while covering his body with the blanket, Sake only shook her head and waited for him to close his eyes and fall asleep before sliding her back at the wall till her butt dropped at the floor and keep her eyes open the whole darkness of the night.

"Maybe someone's watching her" .....


It's been a week and Rico reserved an information about Kaito, he stormed out of his room and went on the living area to tell what's the good news he just found minutes ago. He had a big smile on his face and Maureen wouldn't think he already lost his mind, if he drop that animalistic smile plastered on his face.

The first one he wanted to see is Sake, who's just sitting at the window while looking out of space.

"Kico- kun!" Lala approach him and give a morning hug, she had a bright smile and her short hair was a bit mess, she's wearing her favourite dress which is red like a blood streaming out of her if Sake would stop thinking like that.

"Where's your sister?" He ask and Lala tell that Maureen went out to grocery, they're almost running out of stock and Rico nodded and didn't hesitate to walk closer to Sake.

Her piercing eye's could easily tell how nervous he is. If he keep like that, he can't stay in this cruel world any longer now that they are connected to her. She look at him and Rico will tell it wasn't just a look but glare. He gulped and his hands that currently gripping his laptop was obviously trembling, all she did was to stare at him made him look like he wanted to collapse.

"What do you want?" She coldly ask, refusing to stare at him any longer because it might be the cause of his death. At her peripheral vision, she could see Lala was watching them intensively and yet her attention was focused on the tv.

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