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Ryu's pov

How I wish she's not the last Dark blood. How I wish I never be a Zylòx and I couldn't done this way to her. Last night, I've been asking myself why it should be her, why it can't be to someone else until I decided. I did. I felt sad but happy at the same way, I just need to ignore this crap on my chest and soon I'll be liven in this world highest from all the highest just like what I really wanted. Sake is something to me but she's not worth to fell my desires to rule the world. If only, if only she's not a dark blooded shit, this things wouldn't happen. But after all, I miss her so much. I killed her, oh Sake how I wished you aren't reckless and take the cautions in playing around me. I've been a good friend to her, we've been so happy each time were together.......I enjoyed it. But it's already over where I'm the reason why her time stopped, and now I'm burning her along with her parents. She always didn't like the fire's, she always said it's dangerous. Yes, it is but why she didn't seen me as a flame?

Why she's always nice? I didn't like it very much, there's something warm on her smiles but I ruined it just because she's my enemy, that I never thought. My old man teach me that I meant to kill the last Dark blood that also meant to kill me but I moved first. I didn't spare her otherwise she will put my ending whenever she'll find out I'm a Zylòx, that's why before she knew.....I already killed her.

I look up in the old, grey sky and felt the cold wind blew on my face with the smell of burning flesh. The sounds of fire consuming the house that once held the memories are so fascinating but soon the rain fell on the land and wet the dusk, the flames become weak when it felt cold. I let my self soak by the rain and hope all my mistakes will washed away, as I closed my eyes to feel the cold chills on my bone I saw her face. I saw her face that furiously looking at me, her eyes that crying in blood while scratching her arm's but we're too far away. We are been miles and miles away from each other and she started to run, later I realised I already slumped on the wet ground with this stinging pain thrusting in my chest.......and I don't.....want it. I look into the muds on my fingers and closed my hands, my vision comes blurry but I blinked to pulled back the tears and started punching the wet soil, wishing all this pain will go away.... because I don't wanna feel it.


Everything seems so fast that you'll imagine it happens only yesterday, the wind is cold yet calm where the breeze of sea are nice to see and the cheerful songs of birds making the day more bright. Once in a place where been as like a happy melody was now slumped into nothing and stained of dusk, there's no movement or even buzz of's just like as a dead silence.

There's no living things could be seen and even how cozy the day is if there's something silhouette of pain could turn everything into ice, the place where once held the memories are now covered of curses and the dark hallow's are making the land more arid and poisoned.

However,The sun rose up in the sky and the morning light's shined to cuddle the dusk of the darkness while people's keep rushing after the time passed by, minding all their businesses or whatever may was while talking to the phone without caring about the surrounding. All they knew is they need to buy something and pay something just because it's the reason.....way how people makes their days. It's been too fast, theres no record of dreads because it was hidden back at their eye's we're they seemed blinds why they couldn't  see. The big city of BeVannia is just a great puppet who only know how to follow the roles and command's from the top, BeVannia only works because of the power, glory and the name of money..... without it, it look exactly like a broken machine.

The top from the tops controlled it and keep spinning under its fingers, there's the strong nylons wrap around the people's body where they couldn't seen that the thing was there while they doing whatever what supposed to do as a puppet. Back of the glory, there's a nasty shadow that keeps digging for more power, to tell who's the best from the best and rule the world without sweat of effort while doing it.

"Great residents of BeVannia, the Rossen’s Murai is now launched! To Great residents of BeVannia, the Rossen’s Murai is now launched! Mr Kaito Hibàrrà wanted to tells have a great day"  everyday only like that, from the heart of the city of BeVannia are full of towering building that serves as a high barrier from the truth that couldn't able to pull out. Whenever nasty things happened, the government will just produce another lies to cover it up. If there's no someone could be brave to stop it, BeVannia will still as a puppet.

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