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"Sake look out!" A boy shouted while running as fast as he ever could towards the girl. Her name is Sake who has been frozen on her knees, her eyes widen when she saw a car not far away from her and she knew what she need to do but her weak legs aren't listening to her. The car has been so fast and seems she aren't visible at the road and the driver couldn't seen her she was there, standing by all fear and her heart that beating so wild inside of her chest. Her breathings had stops when the car is almost distance away from her and she couldn't stand it anymore, little Sake cried in fear to death at her age of twelve. Was this her end? Is she going to die in here being hit by the car?

She don't want to die.

Its been so early to put a period on her story which means it was the end.

"Sakeeeeee!!" And then from the out of the darkness she heard his voice, she turn around and saw that he was after her with his arms are spreads out. She whispered the words "no" because she don't want to, but it was already too late. Just a blink of an eye and she stumbled down into the hard concrete floor out of the road and looks her world began to shaken when she heard the loud screeching noise.....and the loud thud.

Tears rushed out from her eyes and she managed to look back. Why did he pushed her away? That was supposed to her! She don't understand, she don't understand why did he do that. "Ryu?" Sake mumbled and crawl towards her friend whos been lying on the road....blood streaming on his head that soaking his face. Everything is just a dull, all she could see is her friend that on the road with his bright blood circling around his head. The car is no where to be found and there's no other people in the place except the two of them. "R-ryu?" Sake mumbled and couldn't think properly, she crawls until finally reached him. Her tears fallen down on his face. His eyes are closed.

"Your j-just sleeping, right? Ryu? P-please wake up" she said while crying and her snots from her nose dripping down onto her lips while squeezing his hand's. Her shoulder began to trembling when he didn't open his eyes and his hands felt so cold. In her sight that was fogged up by her tears, she still could seen his face starting to become pale grey like how she seen when people are already lifelines. She nervously pinched his cheeks with her trembling hands while mumbling...."no no no no" over and over.

But he never open his eyes, she slowly slapped his face wishing he will wake up and said it was just a joke.


Everything didn't go as what she wanted.

Ryu didn't wake up.

And the blood that running out of his head is too much. Her small hands are now soak in his blood, it was thick around her fingers that making a straight line when its dropping off into the concrete roadway. Sake knew it wasn't good and she put her hands where the blood are coming from and hope it will stop flowing out.

But it didn't.

She's going to lose him if she won't do something for him to save his life. She's blaming herself why she was so reckless, if only she should pay more attention before walking these shouldn't have happened! "Ryuuuu!" She yelled and hug him tight. These is all she can do, she couldn't leave him here--bleeding! But...but there's no help if she just cry here and watch how all his blood streaming out! She should --she should go and find someone to help him! She needed to save him as how he save her. "Just hang in there! I'm coming back, I promise! I'm coming back!" Sake said and stood up. Even how really hard for her to leave him here to find help, she knows it for the better to do. She just going to find help and she's immediately coming back. She will be quick as soon as she could have someone to save him. Sake didn't waste more time and she run, her heart swelling in sadness that crashing against her ribs. She hastily look around to find someone but there's no even shadow at the back of the windows, she couldn't sense any living things around her so Sake run again.

"Anybody can help me! Please!" She shouted but only her own voice replied back at her when her loud voice echoed around the empty place. "Anybody....!"



"Please!" She yelled,


'Please!' And then echo

"Somebody can help me" she mumbled and felt her teats falling down on her eyes and she drop on her knees. Why was no one in here? Why it was so quite? It should be crowed as what she seen everyday, it supposed to be someone here but why she couldn't find them?

She keep looking around through her foggy sight since her eyes are full of tears hoping and wishing she could see someone there, ready to help here. "Somebody?!" She yelled again....


'Somebody?!' And then replied by the echo of her own voice. "No, I can't lose him...." She said to herself and started running again.......Back where she leaves him. Even her knees are also bleeding, she keep running by all her legs can do. With her wide eyes and open mouth to catch breath, she abruptly stopped her tracks as soon as she got there and felt she was frozen in mix of emotions from what she saw next.

The blood. The blood are still there but where is Ryu? Where is he? Sake couldn't move her eyes to look and find her, seems all her nerves were pasted on the road with a bloody footsteps.

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