Page Twenty Four

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"W-why? I want to be with you!" The boy trembled as the thought of her leaving him and being alone again. Oh, how could he tell that he's going crazy if he'll be alone again, he was so desperate to be with someone that could treat him like human. "Please..." He cried, begging for her not to leave him here in coldness.

She looks hesitated but maybe she can't bear if something will happen to him. Maybe.

"Why do you want to come?" She ask coldly, and Kira was suddenly brighten in another life of hope. "Because, you are my oneesan!" He cheerfully said, smiling like she just give him a lollipop. As if she will.

She sigh deeply and accept that she can't win in this point. She knelt down and Kira made a frowned look.

"Hurry up" she said. He quickly threw himself at her back and she pulled his feet to insert them at her arms so that he won't fall while she was running.

"Make sure your lungs won't slip" she said without giving a chance for him to speak, she flew up in the night sky with such a speed and force, the wind harshly hitting on his face and seems he forgot how to breathe. He closed his eyes and wanted to scream for dear life but couldn't find where his voice go, she's running through the wind and staring straight on her way. She could hear it, and just making her blood boil in anger.

The star's looks so closed to them but so far if you stretched your arms and try to catch them. Kira at her back, having a crap on his stomach and wanted to vomit all what he eat lately. Thought, he couldn't believe what was he seeing right now but there's no time for him to toss out questions.

If she would've known what she really before, maybe she could save them. Right? She wouldn't fall and believe him, it was all her fault ,didn't she? The memories and the guilt will forever hunt her, she couldn't run for it but killing him can ease the pain in her chest.

She could remember that day as he killed her, shoot her to death and burn her once called house. Kill her parents without her saying last goodbye. That was painful, his face that plastered on her head showing his smiles that she really wanted to cut.

She wondered if he already forgotten her.

"Hold on! We're landing!" She yelled abruptly making him flinch and wrap his arms on her neck more tightly. The crap on his stomach got worsen as he could feel the feeling that like they just jumped out of the plane to death, as if all of his flesh has already flew at the other direction.

She spotted the thing.

As her feet smashed the concrete surface leaving a huge damage, she pulled him out of her back and put him there, trembling in fear and finally remembered how to breathe.

Another roar echoed on her ears, she really wanted to rip it's throat to death! She run once again and jumped as high as her shadow appeared at the corner of the big bright moon. Eyes was deep in red like a blood streaming out, she pulled out her katana in a swift movement. Pure anger flashing on her face and the desire to kill that thing was overflowing on her cold and pale heart.


The subject turn around and meet her piercing eye's,  tried to catch her through its long and glutinous tongue but she dodge it on time and run the sharpness of her katana, cutting it's slimy tongue in a half effortless. The subject let out a blood curdling holler and the thick blood explodes on its face.

She stored her power through her katana and scream. The scream filled with hate and anger as she plunged her katana on its head causing a loud crack, she pushed her weapon inside of its brain much deeply. Her eyes remain crimson, surrounded with black with no any emotions on her face that once again covered in blood. The smell of flesh filling her nostrils, as she was sure that the subject was finally dead, she pulled her katana out of its head.

The huge body of like a lizard slumped into the blooded ground with a loud thud, lifeless and cold. She was standing next to its body and then stared at the two them being cornered at the wall also staring at her in awe.

"How——how did you do that?" Maureen asked with wide eyes, surprisingly that she didn't stuttered even a bit. She didn't said anything or move an inch, she just stared at them like a statue. She remembered this two.

She was snapped out of her thoughts as a pair of familiar hands shook her arm's, she look down with her normal eye's. It was Kira.

"What?" She ask.

"I-i saw ss-someone taking a picture!!" He said nervously while his free hands pointing at the roadway, she look there and caught her face by the sudden flash of camera before fleeing away at the van.

She cursed on her head. Now that she's not a secret anymore. Someone had sent that subject here as a bait for her! Things started going rough but no matter what, Ryu Kaito will gonna die.

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