Page Sixteenth

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Maureen's pov

3 minutes....

4 minutes....

5 minutes!

"Fuck!!" I hissed and slammed my hands through the steering wheel in frustration. Where is that fucking bastards? The time is running and why the hell he wasn't here yet? 

Should I go and check it out? But what if I go then they came? Shit! He really takes so long?! The damn data is on his fucking briefcase for God knows why! I breathed heavily and grab my gun, checking it first if it's fully loaded and run out of the car. I'm going to murder this time, I have enough. That fuck didn't said he had some fucking opponent and who's wanted to have that data, too! I have only one and a half weeks, and the data is almost comes to my hands and I won't , ever allowed fuckers to take that over me!

Reco’s pov

"Who are they?" The boy suddenly ask me and due to my raising paranoia I couldn't give him a good answer as I just shake in fear. All I knew is, I'm dead. And they are too, sure if those men's outside will seen them.

"Open up! Open or we'll take it to the hard way!" Another one spoke through his sternly voice. It was over in my ears and couldn't help but to makes me even worsen! I look around, highly desperate to escape but the only way out is that window and if I am planning to jump in that high, I only making my funeral.

"What they want from you?" A cold suddenly went on my spine, I am feeling cold now but her voice seems cold as ice as she ask me. My mind is so miserable to think fast, I don't know who is this people and I'm not aware what they want. As good as I did, I keep my mouth shut.

"Hide" she said made me look at her. My eyes that so wide in nervousness that I can't even blink. In confusion, me and this boy beside me stood motionless while staring at her. She glance at me for a moment and muttered the words hide with blazing eye's, as if our body just find itself a place to hide. From her eyes that too frightening to look at. Me and the boy crawls under my bed, leaving her there.

I felt worried about her, just then we heard the door creaked and soon followed by footsteps. My heart beats wild. Did she just take those butler's inside my room!?


She let them come inside with her always not caring look. Her piercing eye's is stock boring into their face that surprisingly, they didn't flinch. Six men's look around, surveying the room to find the person which the reason why they were here.

The female keeps her hands on her clothed katana and look at them.

"What are you doing here?" Tall Butler asked her, he had a strong jawline and firm gazes that interrogating her up and down. She didn't made a single move, or daring to look away from his brown eyes. She stood almost like statue, not blinking for about minutes until another one had spoken. He walk circling her, slowly while his eyes are smoothly fix in her hands. Caring to think what's on behind the coat why would she want to hide it.

"What are you looking at?" She finally made a move, only to whirl her head to look at him behind her. He rose his eyebrows, "We are here for Mr Reco Takame. Are you connected to him?" He asked like his a professional manipulative by putting some fake emotions on his face. His gaze dropped on her hands, again, that'sj when the coat unfortunately slipped down showing the small glimpse of the handle with odd design embroidered on it.

The Butler narrowed his eyes, then he look up to meet her gaze. Silence flickered when they both shared gazes, her eyes piercing in him.

"Tell me who are you and you can leave" he said solemnly but she could barely feel the exact opposite of it hiding behind his fraudulent voice. She glanced down, following each movement of his naughty hands that decently shoving inside his tuxedo. Maybe taking his gun? Sure.

"Are you planning to answer?" He mumbled, smile flashed on his face but he give a quick as possible glance at the others, making them fully alert that as if she didn't noticed.

She's aware that all of them was now around her, simply blocking all the possible way out here. She look down, there's a shining vase next to the wall and she saw through the reflection of a men behind her pulling out a gun. It's a kind of a gun that have a silencer so that the impact of noise will be less louder.

She look back at him—who still wearing a smile—hands still inside his tuxedo.

Then another silence roamed the place. It's quite uncomfortable but nonetheless, she quickly duck, spreading one of her legs and blocked his feet and when he stumbled off, she jumps right before they could catch her one of her hair and kicked someone's head.

In a swiftly movement, the image of katana is on her hands. The shining blade mirroring their face and the wooden cover threw at the bed. Her long black as midnight hair slumped straight at her back but some is on her face. Her eyes were sharp as like her katana, held no fear or any emotion.

All of them quickly pulled out the same gun, with silencer—pointiong right to her head or in her heart—she don't care.

She stared each of them from the most cold manner. Her hands that itching through the handle, irritating to cut their head off.

Another silence, she loves hearing silence.

The only one who broke it is that man, that good in manipulation.

"Lady, your causing so much trouble. Put down your weapon and this is all be easy"

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