Page Fourteenth

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She didn't made a word's, she just stared with no emotions into their eye's and then to the boy back to them.

"Are you fucking deaf?!" He barked..

"Dude, maybe she's feeling cold, let's makes her warm then" the other one said while looking at her ass, and smiled disgustingly to his face. He walk towards her and runs his hands on her slender, and cod shoulders. He grinned, "See? She's cold" he said and was about to slam his disgusting mouth on hers but stopped when she spoke over the cold and threatening voice.

"Take off you hands or I'll take it off" she threatened behind the chattering teeth and send glares to him but he never take the cautions. He only chuckled and pulled his head even closer.

"Too late" she mumbled and then grabbed his hands, twisting around a couple times and yank it off. He screamed in pain and wrap his other hands through the bleeding one and cried, trying to stop the blood but it only stream out from the gaps of his fingers. The two of his friends and the boy widened their eyes and horror, they all froze. She carelessly threw the hands away, near beside her feat and look at them in tepid manner then take a two steps forward.

The two has been nailed on the ground, couldn't take their eye's off of her. She didn't made a move, like she's just a statue, somehow, her eyes moving to look at the boy.

"Leave" she said. The three of them didn't waste any moments and they run, with one of them lost one of his hands. Now, she's alone with this boy still lying on the floor and she stared at him through the pupils of his eyes and his also looking at her with terrified face, sweating in fear as his eyes lowered into her hands that stained with blood, think and bold smell of it slowly dropping to the floor.

She noticed how pale he is, and she brushed her blooded hands at her clothes to leave the blood it away on sight and let to dry in her cloths.

She turn around, not caring about the boy as she look up in the sky and sniffed the air. It's going to rain. She began walking slowly, " What are you waiting there boy? Let's go before I'll change ma mind" she said, his eyes lit up in joy as he quickly stood up and run towards her with big bright smile filled of hopes in his face. He look up to see her face, she's looking to the road emotionless with firm gazes. They keep walking, although he didn't know where they are, he wondered if she knew.

"Can you stop smiling?" She asked all of the sudden, breaking the silence between them. "I was just happy" he said, "then don't be" she retorted, little part of her felt guilty when he dropped his warm smile. Just little part.

"Why did you came back?" The boy asked and in return, she didn't tell a word's and growled so he shut his mouth. It appears that she didn't like talkative.

Moments of silence and she wondered why he became quite. She thinks if she made him upset but whatever was the reason he behaves, she don't care.

Almost half of an hour and the rain intrudes their noiseless walk, she stopped and same as him. He watched her face, it's the most cold appearance he ever seen. Cool but quite creepy, her being nonchalant is a mystery. No one could've understand her being like that.

"Hey?! Let's go find some place to stay away from the rain!" He shouted just to makes her made a small move when she blinked her eyes. She give him a nod and started walking, they're still in this alley. The houses and apartments are too high to reach the window. For her, she can stay here outside and let to soak by the rain then waited to stop but for him, sure he couldn't stand in even half of an hour. He sneezed in cold, he's completely wet now and his eyes begging at her to make some move and not just standing there, motionless while staring at him. She look up at one of the high apartment and to him, back to the open window and to him. He shook his head with wide eyes, for somehow, he could understand her through how she act but now seems it's out of the line.

"What're you doing?!" He muttered. She hang her hidden katana on her back and wrapped her slender arm's through his torso. She felt he was stunned from how her cold fingers once touched his unclothed skin. It was just, cold as ice.

"Hold tight and quite" she whispered over the back of his ears. Her cold breaths run's on his bone's, he was about to speak but choose to be quite when the next thing she did is, jumped.

His mouth hang open and his eyes grew even wide. Did she just jumped high enough to reach the open window at the second floor? And sneak inside then put him to the floor??

His head seems become arid for a while and try to get what had happened. When he recovered, he was about to scream in adoration but that's only muffled when she quickly block her hands on his mouth. Keeping his voice lower as she don't want somebody go and call the cops for them.

"Do it and your dead" she whispered, boy trembled as he nod. She slowly let go her grips and he let out a deep breath with wide open mouth that supposed to execute his big scream of horrifying adoration.

She put her finger on her lips and sounded sshh , he nodded and soon he attacked her with his questions while whispers but none of them didn't answered. She's so intractable which makes him curious.

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