Page Twenty Nine

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"Ok, the rest who's not lucky may now leave~!" He ordered and all except her stood up and went out of the doors. She sat still on her seat, seems she was glued there while he keep looking at her. His wavy purple eyes was telling her to stay put....

As the crowds drained out, the doors shut down and locked, the place was filled of unoccupied seat's and his once gentle—charming smile dropped and replace of an animalistic grin, he's gazes went razor sharp and his dark aura filled the whole unoccupied space. He was threatening her through his black aura, and she made her facial expressions cool.

"!~" he purred hideously, assuming it could sent shiver on her face but to his amazement she didn't even blink. She stared at him in so much anger while her right hands creeping to get her sword, "Your name is so cute! I wonder if it's real, Asuka-san!" He said and she jumped high as before he could even blink, the shining blade of her katana flickering on his purple eye's that was captured on shock.

"I've waited for this day!" She charged at him, trying to thrust her katana on his heart but he dodge it on time, even he was in shock he barely managed to dodge it. "I've waited for so long!" Her powers is overflowing causing the chair's flew and slammed into the walls, her eyes was completely devoured in a gorgeous pattern of blood while glaring at him.

Because she was charging on him, and her sword slowly breaking the barrier he barely made on time, he didn't have any choice but to release his bloodlust causing her to flew and scrambled into the floor, messing the whole place but she quickly run towards on him again.

Now his purple eye's went to a narrow mercuric one, she didn't saw it before but only this time.

She raised her hands then swing into the air, forming lines of big claws towards him. Everything on its way easily destroyed and he watched the claws like hurricane that she made in horror, he can't believe it.

He didn't have the chance to escape the 'hurricane' and his back crashed harsh fully at the wall behind him causing a huge damage on it, he slumped into the floor shirtless with blood on his mouth slowly dropping at the face of the floor. He didn't expecting such like this and he wondered what was going on.

"" yet he still purred making her range in size much anger.

"Don't call me like that!!" Sake yelled angrely and next is, she was charging at him again before he could realised it.

He jerked his head right to avoid the tip of her katana and punched her at the stomach making her gagged in blood, kicking her on her face and his own weapon suddenly appeared and smashed against on her. The sound of blade to blade aren't that fascinating right now, and every strike showing neither of them wanted to surrender.

He was quite enjoying the sudden fight but he don't know how crazy she is for how much she wanted to sliced his head off.

"It's been a while" she mumbled with a sadistic smile suddenly appeared on her face, her bloodlust slowly creeping inside of his wounds. She smashed her katana against on his own with her force like a truck hit and destroy the whole building.

She continued the process making him step back forcedly, her powers was getting stronger and stronger that almost towering up on him. This is bad.

"Did you remember me?!" She gritted her teeth only to show her bladed fang's, the question hit his mind and think if he really forgot someone like her.

She don't think if this is the right day to tell her name to him, she could see the confusion behind his cold mercuric eye's.

"My my~ should I miss someone?~" he continue to smile at her while his bare back pressed on the wall, not showing any fear on how she glare at him. The only person on his mind is her; should it be possible? "No~" there's no way that the person he killed before will be this on his front aiming to destroy his life.

He wanted to laugh out loud on how he become crazy. "No~" he licked his lips in excitement, those eye's was belong to crazy predator. He tackled her in a swift attack and slammed her body into the floor, causing a huge crater and now he's on top of her with this maniac face.

"No~why don't ya tell yer name?~" he mocked playfully while stopping her to move, he would like to have some fun before he decides what he want to do to her.

"Your eye's was beautiful~~" he giggled, "I want them to be mine~~" before he could do anything she quickly pressed her katana against his neck making him stop, his smiles dropped and no longer felt things was funny.

"Do you think I'll let you do that?!!" She yelled and didn't hesitate to pulled her weapon against his filthy skin, opening his throat was warming her heart and the joy will explode if she could see the blood streaming out instead of red roses. She back away in shock, and watched how his body slowly shattering in red pedals of roses.

She......she  had fallen on his tricks! Again! What was she doing? She should've been noticed it before and not become like a stupid fighting someone isn't him!

Out of anger, tears perched on her eyes and slipped down to her cheeks as her once furious red suddenly went on her cold raven eyes. She can't believe she let her self tricked again by him! All of this is just a play or a bait, and she show up to give him a scene.

But how will he know she's coming here at the very first place?

She wiped the tears out of her face and marched towards the door, taking off her eye glasses and threw it away then her ID. She wanted to see the person who's eying her and telling information's.

She wanted to see her and slit her throat.

Approaching the door, she felt the eye's behind it waiting for her to open and vomit herself out of the door. He really a wise filthy bastard, and he should get her message that he is nothing against on her.

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