Page Seventeenth

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He persuade but just gone useless, even how he made his voice in a deep calm manner it wouldn't change the fact that they were all trying to tricks her to death. She wasn't stupid nevertheless, she nod as a sarcasm.

"Then put down the weapon" he ordered, a small growl escaped on her throat and she didn't made a movement.

"We'll shot you if you don't" he threatened calmly. His finger are on the trigger.

The atmosphere is on a deep silence. She couldn't tell how she loved that...

Soon, it was chaos. A miserable chaos. The firing of guns roared and hundreds of bullet's attacked her. The silence has disappeared from the loud noise, even the guns have a silencer, it's still loud.

They keep firing in chorus, giving no chance for her but to their horror. All in her sight was just slow, like the time is too tired to keep going through.  Her movement is unimaginable, she's fast—no! Too fast than how you blink.

She dodge all the blazing bullet's, her katana was strong to block all of them. Her arm's and legs are highly trained, she swing her katana fifteen times in every minutes and not missing just one of their bullet's. Her face remain emotionless, no hint of fear—nothing.

She could watch all the bullet's desiring to dove inside her flesh but her katana suddenly shined like the sun beaming on its flawless blade then blocking or slicing each of them in a quick hit.

All in the gaze was fast, no one's blinking nor breathing.

The sound of metal against metal is clinging on her ears, she really don't want loud noises and she wanted to end this play. What they were doing is just a play for her.

The shooting had stopped when both of them running out of bullet's, the circle mouth of their guns blew out a smoke due to the intense head of its metal.  That's when it's her time to play around. She crooked her head in annoyance, flashing her death glaring eyes and stepped forward, Slowly.

Both of them back away in pure dread. The sudden fear comes in sight on their once fearless eye's.

Just a blink of an eye, she were gone. She wasn't there anymore, one of the butler's realised she's running through the walls in full speed that wasn't belong to human with soul of her weapon is on her hands.

Soon the screams erupted, another chaos. The blood splattered out into the walls and her face were now caked in red. She swung her katana in a swiftly movement, causing a swissssh sound from the thin air. Screams and blood is around the room, and another hit....the sound of cracking bone's is perfectly nice in her ears.

She swiftly raised her hands above her head, then slided his body into two. The blade of her katana run's down to his flesh, soaking with his blood stained down to the floor and pulled out with a sherrk sound. She swung her katana once again and the blood splattered out making a thin line of blood into the floor, her whole body is fully wet and the metallic smell of all is felling her nostrils. She walked towards the blood soaked bed and grab the wooden cover, sliding her weapon inside as the play was done. She quit enjoyed it, for somehow.

The room is just a mess, there's the broken body members everywhere, and the blood——is too good in her sight. She sniffed the smell of air and closed her eyes, for a moment, she opened it as she hated closing her eyes. She hate it, whenever she closed, all she saw is his smiling face walking far away from her. She were scared that If she keep closing her eyes, he might be got too far from her and she couldn't catch him to pay all his mistakes.

She was interrupted from the sound of blood dripping off to the floor from her hair. She watched it  if how it fall in a slow—very slow motion. Then she realised someone had opened the door..

She carelessly look up, her eyes bored in someone with the horror is plastered on her face.

It's indeed Maureen. She were shocked from what she saw. Who couldn't be was? A room filled of chopped fresh, blood puddling like a flood around and a mysterious girl standing like a statue at the corner looking at her noiseless with bored looking eyes. Who wouldn't be scared?

Maureen's tongue seems pulled down as she gulped from the sight of horrifying room. She wrinkled her nose, the smell of flesh along with blood is getting deeply inside her lungs. The image of red dropping from the mysterious hair is making her horrified even more. It's clear that's the statue girl did this to them. She didn't give them mercy.

Even one....she didn't spare.

She's indeed a monster. A frightening monster.

Maureen senses the danger she's facing in front of her. She didn't hesitate to shoot her—she just shoot her. One bullet hit her stomach and she look down to see her dark blood slowly dripping out. She pressed her one hands to feel her blood—her cold dark blood. Her face didn't show any signs of pain, she didn't look she's in state of pain as her stomach didn't stop bleeding.

She look up and bore her eyes on Maureen, she then slowly stepped towards her with her glaring eyes. Maureen trembled in fear and she quickly pointed her gun straight to her head.

"Stop right there! You freak! I said stop!!" She yelled at her but the female didn't stop. She slowly pulled out her katana, like she's threatening Maureen to surrender her gun and toss it away.

She keep stepping, not caring if Maureen dared to pull the trigger. It couldn't kill her anyway.

In every steps she made, her blood keeps dropping off into the floor. Her blood that obviously visible because it was midnight as black while the blood at the floor was red.

She tossed the wooden cover and allow the tip of her katana drew a line on the floor as she slowly dragged it.

Maureen's eyes went wide, with her trembling fingers....she pulled the trigger. Loud bang went on each ears and she quickly swung her katana slicing the bullet's into half, using her free hands that once that pressed on her stomach catched the sliced bullet's and lock it on her blooded palm's.

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