Page twelve

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All she wants is to find him, kill him from the most painful way. She put back her hoods and covered half of her face and keep walking, roaming the city and her katana hang on her back that wrapped up of coat that somehow she grab it in a shop. She won't risk displaying her weapon in this kind of strictly city.

She walk towards the crowded people how's been busy and occupied day and night and act like one of them. Act like a nobody. Her katana can't be figure out since she wrapped it with coat. She walk pointless, don't know where should she can find a tiny needle and rip it into very limbs to shows how precious it is.

The weather is cozy and a good time to have a breakfast, but how? She don't have even coins. As always, she ignored her stomach grumbling and keep walking even she don't really know where she is. Big part of her life disappeared, and she don't feel alive since that happened. The only thing that makes her keep going is her desires to kill someone who cause this to her.

No matter what will happen, she'll kill him. Thinking his death appearance makes her blood excited.

It's over around 8 in the morning and hit the time of 9, she stopped to have a seat for a few minutes to et least, catch her breath. In this kind of sunny morning is not very nice to wear a thick winter cloak that wrapping the whole of her body.

She gained few of the people's attention when she arrived the bus station, she slightly hesitated to have a ride, thought she don't have money but she stepped in and sat at the very last row which the only unoccupied seat. Beside her, there's a boy around his twelve years old curling on his knees while crying.

Little part of her heart wondered why he's crying....just little part. The bus started moving, and she look at him through her shoulder and she saw a glimpse of money hid on his thigh that's why he's curling to keep it hidden, the boy saw her gaze and he panicked, not knowing the tears slipping on his eyes.

She made a sound shhh then glared at him, she don't like seeing him crying. The boy only nod but obviously trembling.

"Did you steal it?" She ask suddenly making him flinch on his seat's, she ignored it and look at his eyes. He nod again, he couldn't lie it from her piercing raven eyes. He gulped as she didn't do any movement after that, she could tell he's a homeless boy through his dirty and ripped clothes. His face that frustrated and scared.

"P-please, d-dont tell~~"

"I won't" she finished him. She bended her arm's and took her wrapped katana to hug it, he norrowed his eyes hoping he could see what's is it behind the coat and flinched when his eyes dropped on hers.

"Where are we going?"  She nonchalantly said, not bothering to look at him as she only closed her eyes. The boy made a frowned face as he was very confused, "w-why you d-dont know?" He questioned. She open her eyes then closed it again, "I don't know" she said. He wiped his tears and try to get what she mean. "Then why did you ride when you didn't know where is it going? Didn't you know that this bus taking us to the heart of the city?" He asked.

"What heart of the city? What it supposed to mean?" She questioned, the boy made his lips into an 'o' shape as he get that his going to be a smart professor. He cleaned his throat.

"Well, lady, BeVannia is a huge country if you don't know, the corner of it is the main base which called heart of the city.....and don't be offended, if your trying to steal there, pardon but don't even dare" he said while chuckling, lately he seemed so scared to the world and now looks it's already nothing to care about. She look at him and he pressed his body to the wall of the bus, trying to lurk as he thought she's going to do something. But she just give him her tepid nod, good to know she's coming to that main base. Maybe it'll be less hard finding a needle there.

"When we could get there?" She ask, the boy let out a breath as his assumes didn't happen.

"After three hours" he said and she nod once again before closing her eyes. What will happen if she got there? She tried to fall asleep but the memories keep her up too awake. Two nights, it's been two nights she didn't have an enough sleep and don't have food on her belly. Her memories are too strong to keep her awaken, even how hard she tried to escape from it, she couldn't as this is already what she's meant for.

She hugged her katana over the coats that wraps on it and felt how lonely she really is. She have nothing with, all she knew is her plans about killing him. It's been too long ago, she wonder if he still remember her. If he still remember what he did to her to make her like this. She opened her eyes, slowly, and stared the bus floor. The white cold floor reflecting on her eyes, she made a tap through her shoes. It didn't make her some company so she look at the boy beside her, his looking out through the window with a sad face then to the money that now inside of his bag. Maybe she could ask for him paying her bill from the ride?

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