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A/N; I hope you there, don't mind my grammars and others flaws. I loved reading your comments! Hey, you there! Thanks for reading, can you tap that star below and follow me? Can you leave me a comment? If you can, well, I'm so thankful!! Enjoy 🙂


The atmosphere become motionless as they paused to stared each other. She breathed their idiotic want's and read their sickening thoughts.

"I can kill, I'm giving no mercy..." She said emotionless face, cold and hard voice. She look up to meet their gaze, each of then aren't scared, showing no fear Because they thought they were enough....

"Who do you think you are? We're five, and your alone little cat" Fat ass mocked. She nodded tepidly making him groan in annoyance.

"Your a bitch! You think you can beat us?! We'll show you hows the man beats a cat!" He said and took out a knife from his back, then followed by others. They were now holding weapons that the sharpness are shining in each eye's. Fat ass marched to give her a stab in the stomach, he aimed the knife perfectly fit on her but she simply dodge it. He's too slow like an old snails. She pitied for that shameful fate.

He swing the knife but no use, she dont have the time to play here, she has something more to do and not playing here. Part of her, just a little part of her wanted to have fun. She Wanted to see how's it feels.

"Die bitch!" He yelled angrely as he abruptly swing the knife aiming to her face but she pulled out her katana and smashed on his fleshy arm's, cutting it out and dropped like nothing into the floor. He hollered from the unforgiving blast of pain, he scrambled down as he cried out loud. His blood was all over his face, his cutted arm's spilling out his bones. She just stared at his pathetic reaction.

"That wasn't painful, but he seems going to die?" She thought. To her, a cutted arm's wasn't painful. His blood wets the dusk on the floor and he even peed on his pants over the pain that beating alive,

"Kill! K-kill herrrr!!" He cried, she stood there motionless, flashing her most tepid face while holding her katana that now stained in blood.....thats not belong to her. Four Mans, around 50s sprung to her with the desires to cut her head out of her neck.

They attack her in unions. The two is on her back and the other two is on her front, she simply dodge all of them. No one even touch her skin, no one even cause a cut on her. She blocked her katana against their weapons, then she kicked the first one who got near on her and the sudden outburst of blood rained on her face as she run her katana on his head down to the stomach and twisted it out, almost cutting his body into two. His guts dropped off along with his lifeless body, stumbling through the bloody floor with a thud. The metallic smell of blood capturing on her nose, the sight of dead bodies is painted on her head. She pulled off her hood, to get a clear look and watched his mangled, bloody shameful body soak by his own blood on the floor.

"It's nice..." She said to herself as the redness is mirroring on her eyes. They frozen in what they saw, eyes were wide in shock and their jaw hang open as the horror run on their spines. Fear suddenly crawls at their veins as they saw how she simply cut him off to death, she just nonchalantly killed him. Thickness of blood dripping off from her katana, she made a single move and the three of them stepped back from the fear that she'll kill them.

The fat man, glared at the three who seemed lost in thoughts. He's turning pale and his blood didn't stop streaming out, if he can't stop it, then he'll die in blood lost.

"Open the door, and I'll leave..." She said, pointing the door through her katana while staring at them. None of them made a move, she waited patiently until someone did. She stepped out and didn't look back, she just leave and walk into the darkness without care into the world. She put back her katana and hold it, tightly on her hand. She remembered, she didn't have a place to stay and have no money to buy some food. She didn't eat almost two days.

She walk passed away those houses down the road, reaching a small village and she climbed inside. Not bothering how high the gate is, she went in a small house which she knows no one in there. Its easy to know, it's fully quite and lonely.

The house is a mess, she don't care. Her stomach began to grumbling but she just ignored it. She don't feel like she wanted to eat and she sat down next the wall. It's already night and there's no lights to keep the dark away, besides, she likes the darkness.

She placed her katana over her chest and wrap her hands on it. She breathed slowly until her eyes finally closed. She don't mind those blood's on her face, on her clothes as she have nothing to feel.

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