Page Nineteenth

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They walk inside the house and lit up all the lights and the darkness just shove out of the place. It's indeed warm and cozy for somehow, in the outside looks perfectly horrible and shattered but here inside is too gorgeous. Gorgeous is enough to identify the place.

She look up to see a big shining chandeliers with crystals pedals of rose that impeccably lit up in light red colours. She's quite mesmerized about it then tilted her head, the boy wrap his arms around her arm's while also looking at her. She frowned her face when he pouted at her and his eyes seems begging for something.

"What" she ask that only made him pouted even more. His quite cute.

"Oneesan, I'm tired. Can I go to sleep?" He asked like his only a six years old.

She raised her eyebrows for a moment then look at the staring Maureen.

Maureen keep noiseless as she don't want her here, that's when Reco spoke and smiled almost hesitated.

"Ahh—sure! C-come and follow me" he gestured his hands and lead the way upstairs. Maureen was about to argue but stopped as she stomp her feet heading into the kitchen to grab some water.

As the two of them followed Reco, he lead them into a big room with slight smile of his face. Though, she don't need any of his help but the boy beside her was tired.

"Feel free to use the bathroom and clothes or anything" he said calmly. The boy smiled at him but she didn't, Reco turn around and quickly went downstairs to speak at Maureen. He figure out something about the mysterious girl and he need to tell this to her.

She and the boy walk inside the room. It was big and warm makes the boy even more drowsy and ready to collapse at any moment. There's a double bed at the other side and he ran forward then jumped on the white fluffy bed with a satisfying moan. He closed his eyes in tiredness and she watched him there, she walked beside the big window and look outside to see the darkness. As she was breathing deeply, her cold breaths hit on the glass making a small circle of fog.

"Aren't you gonna sleep, neesan?" The boy suddenly ask, his eyes was closed already and she look at him. "No" she said.

"My name is Kira. Kira Hisugawa" he mumbled and curled on the blanket. "Night neesan" and then his finally on asleep. His chest slowly pulling up and down as he breathed peacefully.

She quiet jealous about him. He could sleep that peaceful while she couldn't. Everytime she sleeps, the nightmares are always there and not leaving her even once. It's hard to fall asleep indeed.

She walk towards the switch and turned the lights off, now it's fully dark.

At the corner of the darkness, she just stood there motionless. Staring out through the window—staring at the outside which also bound in dark sides.

Her skin was pale and cold, she keep her katana on her hands as she went on the bathroom noiseless to wash her face that caked with blood.

She put her katana on the sink and fumble her hands the find the water taps. The water went out as she find the tap, she washed her dirty face   and feel the cold liquid drip on her face. She brushed her cheeks as the blood is quite hard to remove that already dried out.

She wiggled her hands and grab her weapon with a sigh then she went outside of the bathroom. She sat down and pressed her back against the wall facing the door. Now she realised how tired she really was—and how hungry she is but she ignored it as what she always doing at the past few months.

She let out another deep breath and closed her eyes. All she need is to sleep. She wished she could have a proper one this time.

When she closed her eyes, she saw him—again. She felt the urge to ran and kill him but for some reason she couldn't reach him, his face was zoomed but he was too far away from her and even how many time she run faster, she couldn't reach him.

That's it!

She open her eyes in frustration and hugged her katana around her chest. The night turning cold and her eyes was too tired to keep open.

She once again closed her eyes. Breathed heavily and her nerves started to relax as she couldn't seen him anymore, it was dull and foggy.

Tomorrow, she's going to find out what's they knew about him.

She'll squeeze them if they wouldn't speak.

But now, maybe this is a little nice sleep for somehow.


The bright sunlight gleamed at the room and she peered to adjust from the lights. She stood up noiseless and look around, she saw the boy named Kira still sleeping on the bed with peace on his face. It wasn't nice to see and she glanced at the other side and making her way towards the bathroom.

The rush of the water fell at her palm's and the coldness splattered on her face, she stared at the mirror and her reflection staring back at her. A moment of pause and silence, she saw her face was so dull and pale, her raven eyes held no fright but only range.

She look down as she realised that she's destroying the sink in limbs.

"What are you doing neesan?" Someone suddenly spoke behind her making her grab her katana and pressed to someone's neck with her most dreadful glare.

His eyes pulled wide and his mouth flung open. What his name again?

"Your Kira?" She mumbled in huge confusion. She could feel that she saw him but why she didn't know when? She pressed her katana on his neck more harden. Why she couldn't remember him?

Kira could see that there's something on her, and he was afraid to figure it out.

"Kira?" She ask in a very low voice. Something that had been disappeared, about him. Kira nodded.

"Your my neesan" he muttered, his voice was so broken and he really wanted to hug her.

She back away as the huge flash of memory hammered deeply on her head. She dropped her katana and she keep stepping until her back hit on the sink.

Did she just forget about Kira?

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