Page Twenty Five

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An animalistic smile flashed at the woman's wrinkled face as she's done watching the whole video record, she bit her red lips and deep curiosities being swimming on her crazy mind while still glancing at the pictures. The woman was so interested, she can't believe that for how many years now she could have the very accurate subject! She was so overwhelmed, all of her life she did nothing but to experiment, research, experiment. She got bored until the subject that she's dying to find is now here.

The crazy scientists started giggling, touching the screen like it was a real face of what she called her perfect subject.

"I wonder what's your name, my dear" she mumbled with deep intentions on her emerald eyes. She's indeed gorgeous and attractive yet deadly.

A knock on her door intrudes her dreaming and she let out a groan. She never like that she's been interrupted. "Come in" she said while mimicking the sweetest voice she could summon. The door creaked open and vomited another crazy scientists, he was tall and bald with glasses, a deep black eyebags under his eyes and stern face is enough to send you warnings to shut up. He was holding some papers and looking at her straight at the eyes. She smiled sweetly at him and seductively crossed her slender legs.

"Why are you here?" She asked, putting her chin at the back of her hands.

"Patient 109 is damn missing!" He gritted his teeth in frustration and his tired eyes seems on fire. He never have the chance to sleep, relax for even the shortest tick of the time as this patient 109 always a pain on his ass. The woman on his front made another sweet smile even the fact that she's obviously wanted to flip the table and let to smack it on his uselessness.

"Calm down Mr Tamehara, why don't you go and find him? And give his reward for breaking another one of the most rules you made" she said, pointing the open door telling that he may leave and try to use his useless head.

He didn't do anything but to leave with anger on his face. All he wanted is to sleep but nobody letting him to! And now this patient is missing which means, it's completely impossible to have a sleep if he needs to find him first or else....!

"Hide carefully motherfucker! I may spared   your life once but I'll never made it twice" he said as his crazy head starting building a great punishment. 


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