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Sake’s pov  

As if my tongue drifted inside of my lungs and i couldn't made a single sounds. My mind blow out but i keep trying to understood, i keep trying to understood everything that puzzled in my eyes and hope i was just dreaming. Did I'm just having a nightmare or I'm truly lossing it? Should be that blood wasn't really there and my eyes just seeing it because I'm crazy?

I blinked back my tears as Ryu suddenly spoke, "I have something for you, Sake" he said and he turn around to look at me while smiling perfectly wide on his face. I didn't said anything and I just look at his eyes, it was now so cold and different—im really trying not to cry. We keep walking and I know this that were chasing the path towards my home and Ryu started to hum like he was so joyful and excited, but I wasn't. Something isn't right. I could tell everything is so wrong! Back at the time that I know he was hit by a car that he denied he wasn't and here, he's been dragging me towards my house. My wrist that began to ache as he holds very tight and he louden his hums, I was so worried and when I look into the sky, it looks going to rain.

"But we're going in my house? My Mum and Dad didn't know I'm coming home too early, but seems it's going to rain" I finally said, pretending that everything is just ok as what it must used to be. "Sake, you know I love you right?" Ryu suddenly ask that question made my eyes wide and my heart began to beat fast. I nodded along the redness crept up in my face and I could feel the smirks on him while completely ignoring my first question. We become quite again and we are almost there in my house, I flinched when the loud rattling thunder abruptly cracked up, I assumed Ryu will hug me as what he always did but he just chuckled and kicked the small rock off on the road.

"Your so weak don't you know that, Sake?" It wasn't a compliment and wasn't a question but more on a statement that I'm really like that. That Ryu always know I'm scared to everything, I saw he smiled broadly when we approach the main door of my house. I ignored what he said when I knew the place is dead silence. My Father always loved playing an old songs while my Mum always sing along but now, even a sound of bugs is out. But maybe they just sleeping?

"Why is so quite?" I mumbled and I didn't thought Ryu will heard it.

"Maybe because they just sleeping? Anyway, you'll love my presents for you Sake" Ryu said and I'm thinking about it, I don't know if I'm excited or not after all what happened....I'm still confuse to myself.

I'm still confused to everything.

I stepped and was about to pushed the door but Ryu stopped me as he slapped my hands away the door, I look at him shock and I saw he's mad before he could manage to cover it. He just don't want me to open the door, "R-ryu?" I mumbled holding back my tears.... again.

"Oh! I'm really sorry Sake, I just don't want you to open the door because everything might be ruined! I'll be the one who will open it and you'll see my present lying on the floor.... ...cold" He said and chuckled as he stepped in. My palm's began to sweats and my heart that no longer inside of my chest. What he means about ' lying cold' at the floor?

"You think I will love it?" I cheerfully ask him and Ryu stared at me for a minute, he seems taken aback when i ask that but when he remembered something, he become joyful again and grinned at me. It was unusual but I ignored it. "It's up to you if you will, Sake" he said while mimicking the sweet voice even it was too obvious he wanted to laugh. I have many gifts from him and he always make sure I will love it but this time, seems I won't.

Mix of emotions suddenly collide when he slowly pushed the door that makes a loud creaking noise against the wooden floor, our house is just made by wood's. The door is now fully wide open but it was dark in the inside. I know my Mum doesn't like the darks and she always lit up the whole house to cover it out but now it was as night as dark. There's no sounds or movement, all silence and nothing. I shuddered on my knees when there's the cold winds roam around my skin and my throat started to ache that's always happens when I really wanted to cry but I'm just stopping it.

"I-I'm ....I'm home!..." I said but there's no one answered or even make a sounds. My voice just traveled inside our house like as if it was all an empty space.

"Ryu, why it was so quite?" I ask him and look at his face that I loved.......but he ignored my voice made me wanted to collapse. I....I...saw he even rolled his eyes. W-what's going on?

"Just look Sake! Lights up!" He yelled making me flinch in shock. Ryu never shout at me before. Ryo never go mad at me before.

The bubbles in my eyes turning heavier and heavier, "turn around Sake!" He shouted and I did to turn around. My tears already fallen on as my heart chopped into very tiny pieces from what I saw. I was frozen, couldn't think the right way and pure horror went on me. My breathings is sinking out of my world because it's began to shattered like a broken glass.

"Do you like it? Sake?" He cheerfully ask. Ryu,. What have you done?

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