Page Thirty

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And she slid the tip on her katana between the small gap at the door, seems she's threatening them but it just led to chaos. The hundreds of bullet's flew dangerously on her side.

It was chaos, really bad, there was at least 50 low ranked armies at the other side who's firing their guns uselessly at the door who they thought she was there. The wood's and other parts of it went destroyed and tattered off, the walls full of holes by the blasting bullet's. None of them wanted to let her leave alive as what they get the order from him; he wanted her corpse.

They are all armed, but as soon as their bullet's drained out, and they were sure to see her mangled body lying on the floor, sure—they will think that she can't still be alive while the bullet's is raining on her head. The head of command's raised his one arm telling them the victory and made a hand signal at the two men's near on him to come and check her dead body there.

The two nodded and walk casually towards the broken and pitiful door, like their task is already over and there's nothing to be feared off but they are all wrong.

As soon as their feet stepped inside, a sudden flash of shining blade swiftly cut off their head and rolled into the floor. The abrupt swishes of blood shattered messily into the walls and to the floor, the two lifeless body slumped into the floor with a thud causing the head of command's yelled to reload their guns and fire.

His voice was felled of dread only making it rough and she don't like rough, she walk out with no emotion on her eyes, seeing their monotonous struggles to reload their guns didn't pleased here even once.

Her face was dull and pale making the wet blood more brighter, holding her weapon that drooling in blood scared the shits out of their butts and before he could let out a scream for his threatening words, his head flew downwards with a huge open mouth, rolling to face his team's.

The rest of them quickly stopped from what they was about to do and the record of fear was visible on their faces.

She tilted her head and look at them, realizing that they are just doing their jobs which is to follow the commands who sent them here and know nothing about her.

She decided not to kill them, they did nothing harsh  to her so she will" I will spare your life here but once I saw you again, I won't let you go away" she said and walk away. None of them tell a words.

She will make sure the next time they'll meet again, he will beg for his filthy life.


She hop inside the van, closing the car door and sat down at the back seat, eye's was on her and she need to yell at Rico to drive already. Rico immediately speeded the car and listen to the silence, no one is trying to break the noiseless atmosphere but they could feel her bloodlust still on air, she's not bothering herself to hide it.

What was she trying to do?

"Sake-san! You seems so furious?" Then suddenly, Lala look at her in the eyes then to the blood on her skin. She didn't flinch and Sake pierced her eyes on her making Lala shut up and look away.

"What happened there? Sake" Rico mumbled, although he knew that there's nothing good happened inside.

"We were tricked" she said in a very harsh voice, "This is all a trick" she flashed a deadly glare at him as she tilted her head and continued, " I wonder who's the culprit" she muttered in a very serious face, she already knew who it was and she can't wait to slit it's throat.

Rico's eyes widened and shock and Maureen quickly ask, "And you are saying there's a spy here? Is it right, Sake?" She ask, looking at her in disbelief. "And you know who it was, right?" She continued, Maureen can't believe her. There's no way that one of them will spy and tell to him what are they doing.

"Snatch that Sake, there is no spying here" Maureen said confidently on herself, Kira scooted himself closer to Sake and wrap his arms on her, showing that he get a bad feeling at here.

"And how can you say that?" Sake challenged her, making her felt small . "I just know"

"You didn't" after that, Sake rested her head at the window and watched the flashing lights outside, ignoring Maureen who keep saying and her mind went to remember how he fooled her, makes her angry that he let him.


As they was all in the living room, Sake was more furious in this time, her eyes slowly changing.

"Why don't you sit down Sake" Rico said while pointing the seat, she just ignore him and didn't tell a word's. Maureen started to get annoyed at her, they only trying to help her then now she's accusing that someone here is a culprit. She wanted to put this on her mind that there is no a spy here.

"Sake-san?" Kira hold her cold hands and wished she'll stop being like this because it makes him worried.

"He knew the plan because one of here tell the information!" She hissed with a glare, both of them gulped.

"No! Sake, I'm telling you that——"

"There is a spy" Sake cut her off, her voice went razor sharp and her eyes quickly devoured in blood.

"And everyone don't like spy" she suddenly disappeared and next is she was standing behind Lala’s back, wide smile went on her demonic face and her katana was pressed at Lala's neck.

Maureen's eyes went wide and her mouth hang open as she was about to scream to her than what she was doing isn't a good idea, pressing her dangerous weapon at her sisters neck makes her wanted to collapse.

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