Page Eighteenth

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Maureen's pov

My jaw dropped from what I saw. It's clear that she just sliced the bullet in one strike and catch it effortless. I gulped when I meet her eyes, a chill run's down my spine when she started stepping again. I starting thinking why was she here, but it's not the matter right now! I tried to shoot but she only dodge it.

I was so frightened from her piercing eye's, those seemed belong to a predator staring for its prey. My mind was so blow out, and I tried once again to pulled the trigger that's when I realised the gun are cutted into half. I didn't have the small chance to kick her when I was already pinned into the wall, with the sharpness of her weapon are pressed firmly on my neck. I didn't dared to move, her eyes was enough to tell that I must keep still.

Our face was inch apart and I could feel her cold breathing that hitting on my skin.

"It's you, again" she mumbled, more on in her voice that she's quite confuse.

"Don't scream, when I slit your throat" she said made me paralyzed—no, I don't want to die. There's someone is waiting for me—and I need to save her before it's too late. A tears crept down my cheeks and my sight becomes blurry, I only shook my head to tell to her that I don't want to die.

She stared for about minutes and I am praying she'll change her mind. I did nothing to her.

"But dying is good, why don't you want it?"

I bit my lips and shook my head again. How could she thinks dying is good? How could she say those words?

"P-please, dont—dont k-kill her! She have a s-sister and—and she needed to s-save her!" That voice, I knew that voice. It was Reco, that son of a bitch finally comes out from his nest! But I was thankful to him, she seemed thinking for what she should do then she released me from her grips and slid inside her katana on its cover. I was relief for the first time.

I realised how I was so nervous that my shoulders are visibly shaking in fear.

She set aside next to the wall and stared at us, no movement at all, just staring at us like a cold statue. I wonder if she could even felt pain? Her blood isn't normal, it's black.

I darted my eyes looking at her and walk to grab Reco’s arm's. I held him closer to me and whispered questions. Like what was she doing here. Reco just shrug her head and said that the data is fine.

We all jumped when she suddenly spoke out of coldness from her voice.

"We must get out of here, someone is coming soon" she said emotionless face and then turn back and started walking. I saw that the boy around twelve years old run towards her and hold the strand of her blood stained clothes then walk along with her.

I frowned, quite confused how did she knew that someone will come? And what's her relationship with that boy.

"I think we should follow her, getting out of here is a good idea Indeed" Reco said  and drag me out of the room. I could feel his hands are still shaking in fear. It was horrible for him that he saw all what happened and how she killed those men's.

We followed then heading into the back door wheres my car is. I was looking in the white floor, her dark blood leaving a small drops into the floor from her wounded stomach——that I cause. I wasn't guilty, why would I? She tried to kill me twice.

Once we reached my car, I rushed to front seat and make the car engine alive. Reco hop beside me and when I glanced at the back seat, I saw her and that boy sat there without a permission. "Hey——!"

"Just let them" I was cut off when Reco interrupt me. I was supposed to argue but rather choose to drive away.

The ride is pretty silence. I was glancing at her as possible as I could, then to her stomach thats not bleeding anymore. The blood isn't visible and she's looking out of the window. I look at the road and find out that our way is into our hideout.

I was in the middle of my hesitation thought if I should let them know the way to our hideout. We don't know her and that boy! We're about there when I stopped the car, Reco look at me in a questioning eye's.

"We couldn't bring them in our place" I firmly said.

"But she's wounded! We couldn't abandoned them!" He stated as he take a quick glance at them sitting at the backseat. I was frustrated, now that I need to argue over him.

"Look! She tried to kill me twice!" I said.

"Twice?" He repeated beyond confuse while looking at me. It's a long story if I tell to him what had happened the first time I meet her.

"No. She's in pain——"

"Pain? Goddammit! Look at her, she's fine!" I raised my voice in annoyance while pointing my fingers on her. She's looking outside then I was literally flinched in my seat as she moved her eyes and stared on me.

"Don't shout at my oneesan!" Now I was stunned when the boy beside her shout at me angrily with his glaring eyes. She looks surprised too even it wasn't really obvious.

"I'm not shouting at her!" I said as I regain my posture. I groan and started to engine and drove the way to our hideout.

I keep looking at her time to time and try to connect what's her business here, and what she really is.

This day is too much. I let out a deep breath as we went inside the gate. The place exactly look abandoned and lifeless. We keep that looks so that no one would suspect that this is a hideout.

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