Page Twenty One

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"So? We'll see tomo——"



"The hell——"


She drag them at the very dim area of the parking lot with her hands at their each pairs of feets, dragging them like a stick and not caring about the trail of blood leaving visible at the white floor. She needed to be quick before anyone could interrupt her eating.

It's very easy to find some food but not all day is fortunate. She piled them down and started eating them. Using her long nails like knife, she sliced the man's stomach and dove her hands inside, touching the organs and pulling them out with disgusting sounds.

She yanked the other mans arm off and take a big bite, his skin was softer than the other one but still the same as good. She threw the arms at her back as she's done with it and take their hearts out, her blood soaked face didn't shown any emotions or didn't try to pity for them. They are just human's, and human means nothing but food. She thought while biting heartily into the heart, the blood splattered all-over the floor and her tongue was mix with tattered parts of her food's.

She made a deep gulps and could feel the heart running down at her throat and her stomach ready to digest them.

Using her hands, she ripped their body into wide open showing the whole inside of their truly which she already ruined in such a brutal way, then pulling out their remaining organs and piled up all into one place at the floor. She didn't know what she was doing, she's under in such a demonic mind that hated human's .

Her teeth was painted in a deep red liquid that gently dripping down and no longer to feel the pain in her stomach. She look around before exciting her tattered leftovers, it wasn't easy to run away because of the cameras and she need to be extra careful.

Footsteps started echoing on her ears and could even eavesdrop what are they saying but she don't really pay any attention, she open someone's car and hid inside the backseat hands on her katana and ready to drew the blade on someone's flesh.

She waited for them to come in sight, she peered at the window and saw how their face becomes pale with wide eyes as they saw the trail of blood wetly obvious at the floor.

He's alone.

It was human male around his 30s wearing a business suits, tall and have a good posture holding a briefcase. He started following the trail of blood while calling to someone at the phone.

Hes calling another food.

He wrinkled his nose and the blood on the floor inviting his curiosity to find out what's next of it at the dim area.

As what she thought, stupidly always there at human's sometimes the reason why ending their lives.

She got out and followed his back without making any noise to alert him and turn around.

"Hello, I need backup here, hurry!" He said through the phone. He stopped as he open his stupid briefcase and grab his gun, then raise  up his guard and started walking again reaching the very end of the trail of blood he found out the horrifying sights.

He felt a chill run's down his nerves as he back away. Base of what he saw, it wasn't human can do such horrible thing's.

He keep stepping and started regretting his stupidness, then his back consciously bumped at something hard behind him. He was frozen and couldn't find the guts to turn around and look. All he need is to turn around and look.

The human trembled when cold—very cold hands snaked at his mouth and he also felt something sharp crawled and pressed at his neck.

He dropped the gun weakly when she gripped his mouth shut. He tried to struggle but it wasn't used from her, he was weak.

Crunchhhh! He wanted to scream when she thrusted her two fingers causing to break his jaw. It felt like she just poking a kind of cheese, his blood dripped down onto her hands, he cried when she added another one.


She slowly pulled her katana making a sherrrrk sound. She slit his throat from the most slothful way, he tried to stop her but too late when his blood streaming out and he gagged. She let him go and he quickly pressed his hands at his neck wishing he could stop the blood. She watched him in amusement trying to save his own pitiful life, the colour of his eyes drifted away turning into pale and lifeless one.

She didn't wait for his dead body to rot as she run through the dim area, not caring if she caught by the camera's anyway. With her supper speed, she ran way out without someone could saw the glimpse of her face and the blood.

She need to have another meal tonight but for now, she's going to the place where she leaves the boy unconscious and give him some food's too. Now that she's full, memories started playing on her head—back again when she woke up and meet different human's.

When she's hungry enough to lose control, she'll forgot everything except her needs for meals and when she's full, she will remember all the day she's been through.

It was horrible for her, if someone close to her heart will disappeared in her mind because she was hungry and maybe she could hurt them without realising what she was doing.

She increased her pace and running around the full speed like a vampire, her image completely gone drifting along with the wind. Somehow she passed away a small stall of fruits at the road, the owner is just sitting on a chair waiting for costumers but she simply grab two piece of red apples and one bottle of milk without noticing her presence.

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