Page Thirty One

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"what the hell are you doing?!" She yelled taking a few steps closer making Sake shook her head and put her other finger on her lips telling she must be quite for a little while with a sadistic smile greatly sketched on her face.

She's turning like a hell.

"S-Sake, please... please put down your weapon" Maureen pleaded as the bunch of tears collapsed on her cheeks but that face didn't amused her.

"Why should I? This filthy isn't your sister anymore..." She said, tilting her head and watched hows Lala trembled in fear. She's also crying that Sake knew it was an act.

"No! Put down your weapon and let go of my sister! Sake, this isn't funny!" Maureen yelled at her with anger on her voice,

"This isn't a joke so it's obviously not funny" she said mockingly, pressing the blade at Lala's neck even once making Maureen and Rico flinched in fear, Maureen's heart started to beat wild like a lion wanted to escape on its cage and Sake could count the beatings of her fear.

It makes her quite satisfied, but...."She's not Jessica anymore" she said. "They made her as a spy, and she tell the informations that's why they knew——"

"Bullshit! Bullshit! She is not a spy! Let her go!" Maureen cried out, Kira at the other side, he ran behind her and hide his own from danger. He could feel that Sake was somehow telling the truth.

"I said. Let her. Go!" Another steps she made, closer making Sake to step back while dragging her at the hair. Lala cried in pain and her eyes was soaked in tears, she was trembling in fear that in a one wrong move might slit her throat open.

"Sake.... please"

"Why can't you just believe me? This is not Jessica anymore, this is just a puppet and your sister is already dead!" Sake was now losing her patients, and she slowly pulled her katana against on Lala's neck.

"No! No!"

"Ma-chan! Help me!!" Lala cried out loud and Maureen quickly run to get her before it's too late but then suddenly, a one black tentacle went out of her back that ripped her cloths and sprung towards Maureen, the tentacle seems have its own mind to wrap her and lifted up while stopping her to move.

"Hmm? Can't you see, this is just a puppet and we all don't like puppets, right?" She look at her as if she was waiting for her answer but Maureen only flashed a hateful glare on her, "They killed your sister before you got the data" she said.

"No! You know nothing Sake! You know nothing! Let my sister go!" Maureen was trying her best to escape her black tentacle but to her strength was impossible to break. She cried helplessly, all she can do is to plead and beg.

"Sake, she's all I have.... please don't be like them and take her away from me——"

She stopped...

"They already take her away from you before you know——Stay right there Rico or you'll end up as a corpse!" She yelled abruptly and Rico seems nailed on his fee. He cried while looking at Maureen who just glared at him, "You're so coward!! Why don't you try to hit her in the face?!!" She yelled, Rico slowly look away with tears, knowing that he can't do any to help her because he can't even help his own. The fear quietly killing him inside.

"I....I can't.... Gomennasai" he mumbled.

"Enough with this drama, shall we? I was about to kill this filthy shit" and then the blood splattered on her face and then to her cloths as she didn't hesitate to slit Lala’s throat, her blood streamed out and the life slowly draining on her eyes as Lala gagged her blood. There's no hint of guilt on her eyes while watching how Jessica desperately put her hands around her open throat, soon she slumped off into the floor with a thud.

"Jessica!!!" Maureen yelled out, her face turned pale from the sight of the dead body of her beloved sister. Her eyes filled in sadness, hatred and anger.

"What. Have. You. Done!!" She wanted to cut off her head if only she can escape on her tentacle, she wanted to kill her as what she did to her sister. What she don't want to do is, believing that Jessica is truly gone.... forever.

No , i can't believe that lie. It was just a lie!

"No no no no....."

She continue to mumbled, like she was lossing out her mind and all her hopes suddenly shattered in a very very tiny pieces that whatever she do, it can't put it back together.

Her tentacle quickly go back inside of her back, and she take the freedom to attack her even tho she knew she's nothing against on Sake. But she still tried, "I will kill you!" She said, her voice was filled of pain and anger, the cheerful Maureen will no longer Maureen.

Sake made her to be like this.

Sake killed the hope on her heart.

Sake stole the only lights on her that makes her away from the dark.

And now, Sake shove her from the place seems so lonely and that's only makes her crazy.

Sake cut the only rope towards her future without heart.

"You'll regret the day we meet, Sake-san! I will always behind you, but I won't tell when I will kill you" she chuckled and she look back for once again, " You killed me Sake, and that's your biggest mistake" and her shadow collided on the darkness making her out of sight.

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