Page Nine

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Two days later.....

The sun wasn't in the sky and the weather wasn't in the mood. The wind is mad, taking the dusk and papers that strayed somewhere and allows to dance in the air.

Elsewhere, a wanderer walk inside the merchandise with strange ambiance. People got quiet from being talkative and the laugher went paused as they watched the wanderer walk straight to the counter. The place seemed like a bar or something like a food place but there's in the corner, have all the winter clothes displayed, some wines, odd stuff's like horns and dirty jars. Then at the other side, a small room lighten up with an oil lamps hanging above the small wooden table, at the walls, there's many kinds of swords put on line by line.

The Wanderer look for a minute, then look at the old man in front of her with eyes running up and down on her clothes. She has a look of nonchalant and the man started caressing his haired, dirty jaw.

The place was quite, just waiting for someone to break it. She just the only female inside and the strange note in her made the old male's quite.

"A stranger caught in my place, very different. Why you seems~~"

"I need katana..." She cut him off. He was surprised not from what she did but from her voice; her voice that so cold and hard, there's no emotion on her eyes as she stared on his old, slumping fat eyes. She's wearing an old style of clothes with big hood which almost covering the half of her face.

He cleared his throat. "Katana? Why do you want that?" He ask suspiciously, he bended his fat body and tilted his head while flashing his big smile where all of his dirty, yellowish teeth are shown up. She become quite for a minute and then pointed her fingers wherein there's what she need.

"I need, the strong, one..." She said, ignoring his questions.

But again, "I said, why?" He ask, it's a rare thing that out of nowhere someone will come and ask for strong katana. She didn't speak.

"Are you planning to kill someone?" Then she stopped even she wasn't doing something, she just stopped from thinking as she heard the words kill. She want to kill someone .

"None of your business. Act like a seller and not like a questionnaire" she remarked, making the old, fat man paused and think. He simply glance at the others and nod while hands on his jawline. He thought she didn't seen it because she's looking down on her fingers but he's wrong. She could seen everything they move.

"Alright, you choose which here. Come" he said and turn on his back, he got out from the counter and went on the room of weapons. She followed his way, she seen other man locked the door way out.

"This is bladed, anyway, where did you from? I saw you just today" he said but she wasn't listening. He narrowed his fat, slumping eyes on her from ignoring his company.

"Each of this can kill in just one hit if you know where~~"

"I know..." She cut him again. As if she already knows what he would say next of it. It seemed she hated people's talk so much and he hated being cut when he speaks.

But she don't care. Why would she care? Who did he think he is? The Wanderer keep looking for a good and perfect one that suit for her, until her eyes stopped from one of a kind and she gently took it, her cold fingers run's at the wooden cover and drifted on the handle that wrapped off of knots. She then slowly pulled and to see the shinning blade, her raven eyes mirrored through the clear, sharpness of katana.

It was perfect.

He raised his eyebrows along with his lips, and made a couple of nods. "You choose very good!" He said. She didn't said anything and turn her back and started walking holding the katana.

"Hey! Where's your money?!" He yelled, and she stopped but didn't bother to glance on his fat appearance.

"Money?" She questioned. The four others man's laughed as they began standing up.

"What the hell? Are you a nuts?! You can't take that if you don't pay it!" He said and laughed. His fleshy, plumping cheeks bounced in joy as he keeps laughing. She look down on her hands that holding her katana. She likes it, means it's her now.

"But I don't have money" she nonchalantly said making all of them laughed even hard. "You--you wasn't kidding, right?" Other man asked while laughing. She stared at him and didn't made a noise, she hate when they laugh so she walk again towards the door.

"Hey! If your not paying it, then give it back!" Fat yelled at her making her stopped again. She sigh and look at him. "I'll pay you if I have money, but now~~"

"No, no, no. Give it back. You such someone here asking for that! Then you have nothing? Do you think how much is that in your hands? It's about $3590!" He said with his fleshy skin move along, he eat too much everytime which he just coming near to his grave.

"$3590? I don't even have a coins, I'll pay you when I have" she said again while her hands slowly snaked into the handle. She continued, "All you need to do, is to believe me..." She mumbled, the dark presence on her go even wild and darker, their faces become hard and unforgiven.

The fat started clicking his tongue and the other four took out something on their backs, they stepped forward but the wanderer still put on her feet.

"You better give it back before I'll take it along with your life" he threatened but she didn't even flinch. Flinch? What does means to her is stupidness.

They started coming close to her.

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