page Seven

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Maureen's pov

"Can it makes to the fall?!" I screamed.

"Yeah! What do we do now?!" My sister shouted back and I said we must arrive to the fall where we needed it for our option. It's only our chance if I don't miss everything. I must don't.

"We're getting closer! What do we do now?!" Jess shouted with a pitch of a trembling voice.

"Get to the edge!" I shouted and pulled the trigger, as I'm struggling to focus on its head because of uneven road, I just hit it's eyes which didn't enough to reach its brain. The thing growled in pain while scratching it's right eye's that streaming out if blood.

"Don't blame me if we crashed!" Jess shouted at me, I saw the glimpse of tears that wanting to drop out on her eyes and my heart that beating in pain as I saw that. She's only twelve years old, brave but she got already put in this kind of situation. We didn't deserve this.

"Trust yourself, Jessica. You won't gonna put us down, do you?" I said, she didn't muttered any words but she nod at me, hesitated but she's brave to drive the car towards the edge of fall with dying engine. I'm so proud to my sister.

"We're gonna do this together!" I said and reload my shotgun, two bullet's left. I could hear the rattling noise of water dropping against water from the high position, and the cold that chilling down my fear. I must shoot once it's head or even the one of its eye's that only working as I shoot the other one before. Right!

"Are we gonna jump?!! You know I can't swim!" She yelled while glancing on me and back to the road. I almost seen the edge, were almost there.


"No!" I positioned my gun on its one eye that only working, "If I said, Right...." I held my breath and focused to the target......

"Right! Jessica, turn right!!" I shout out loud as I shoot where exactly it's eye's.

"Hold tight!" Jess shouted but I didn't get the chance to hold as I already curled down the seats and my head bumped at the car door, it's started to spin and the crap in my stomach become even worse.

Minutes later I managed to sat back and quickly look out the window to see if that thing still chasing after us....

But it's wasn't there anymore. I was relief a little and take a deep exhale to release the air that stock in my lung's. "We're safe, were safe! I can't believe it, huh" I said while smiling. I wanted to laugh but stopped when I heard Jess cracking sobs, I frowned why is she still crying? "Hey, were safe now" I assured but she didn't stop.

Jess keep kicking the brake pedal. I felt my heart dropped into the muds....


"It can't stop! There's no brake!!" She panicked and cried helplessly while slamming her feets onto the pedal. We're taking the path towards the abysms!

"We need to jump! Count in three!!~~"

"No! I can't do that Maureen! I'm ....I'm too scared!" My sister said with full tears in her little eye's. I shook my head and grab her on her waist, she looks drained as she become pale. "No! No! We're gonna die~~!"

"We won't! There's no time ! Hold me tight!" I shouted and Jess hugged my bare, as I opened the door, I hold her and we both toss our body out of the rushing car and scrambled like paper in the ground. I ignored all the pain and I hug my sister around my chest while my arm's trying to claim all the hits and pain. I only have her, I'll protect her from all my breath could takes.

We keep rolling on the ground due to the force and gravity and my back that always hits on something hard and sharp.

I just closed my eyes and prayed everything will be alright as I wake up. I fall unconscious.


I could hear someone talking. I tried to open my eyes but keep closing when my whole body seems burning in pain, then i remembered what happened makes me pulled up in sit with wide eyes. I look around to find my sister but she wasn't here!

"Your awake" he smiled heartedly and I wanted to rip that out of his face. I tried to stand up but seems I broke one of my bone's and its hurt.

"Where is my sister?! Get her back!" I said, I clinch my hands and narrowed my eyes. He's the one why our parents died ! He let them stock inside his laboratory!

"How dare you!" I scrambled down as I tried to stand up. I hissed in pain while I know that my stomach is started bleeding and he only laugh at me, heartedly. I clinch my teeth to hold back my scream, I put my hands at my wounded stomach and applied pressure to stop the blood that streaming out. I breathed heavily and look at him.

"Where's Jessica?! Give her to me!" I said through my clinching teeth.

"Good morning little lamb, how's your dream? Is it funny or gory?" He only ignored my words and I really hate that fake 'pity looks' on his face. Why they are here? Is he responsible about that thing? He seems innocent but there's that disgusting smell hiding inside of him. If I could only stood up, I wanted to kill him and tore all his flesh in piece. He done too much to me and Jess! He killed parents and now what?!

"What do you want?!" I questioned and he knelt down while tilting his head to level our face. He then grab my jaw while caressing with his thumb, I tried to jerk off from his touch but he hold me tight.

"I thought you were a stupid and forgot to ask that Maureen"

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