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When i knew I can't stand it anymore, that the tremendous pain stabbed my heart and made me so so small when I slumped onto the floor. I can't.....I can't take it. No....its not true. "Please tell me it wasn't true...." I pleaded along the tears that soaking in my face and.....wish this is all a lie. I'm begging for him this is just one of his tricks that I won't never like, "Ryu....tell me~~"

"No Sake! Its true, look it Sake, it's beautiful right?" He cut me off and then Ryu started laughing, I don't know if he just facking it or not. Why I was crying? Because when the lights flickered on, I saw my parents sprawled on the floor with bloods all around and their guts has been scattered awkwardly. My mother's head laid on her stomach while facing me and her bright beautiful green eyes were now pale and lifeless—staring at me with no emotions. I always loved my father's voice when he tried to sing along with my Mum but now I couldn't hear their voices anymore, my dad's body  chopped into big pieces and placed back again like how it looks before—lifeless and cold. I couldn't....I couldn't take it that they are gone.'s so painful....

"Go on, Sake. Don't you want to hug them? Your parents is waiting for you..." Those voice; a warm and smooth voice that I adores, that I want, that tells me too many stories of his past now become a sharp poisoned knife killing me slowly. I look at him in purely hatred and anger, I saw how he made a wide line of smile on his face, I saw how he was so happy seeing my suffers looks he even wanted to claps his hands at any moment. Ryu.

"W-why?...." I ask him beyond my chattering teeth while standing up into my knees but there's a shadow lurking at his back that poring at me.

"Why? Do you want to know why Sake?" He cheerfully ask me and I nodded, he chuckled and stepped towards while grabbing my arm's. I yelled when Ryu twisted my arm's strong enough to crack my bone's that sliced my skin and lifted out, my blood sizzled and the pain caused me to pee on my pants but he didn't even felt sorry about the pain he made. About all he done to me. My screams muffled by his laugh and I managed to kick him down causing to let me go, I tried to attack him but he grabs my arm's again and gripped it until my blood oozed out through the gaps of his hands. I hollered from the wrathful pain I felt and my tears doesn't enough to tell how I was so dying. "You know Sake? I don't want to do this but you made me like this! When I knew the reason why our path has been cross, it means I meant to kill you Sake. I don't want it but that's your fate, your meant to die into my hands that's why I pushed you from that damn car coz I don't want that's would be the one who could put the end in your shitty life!" Ryu said at me and i finally understand. I finally understand why he did that because he want me to die from his own hands. It wasn't a dream or hallucination because it was true. I felt my entire body go numb and I couldn't feel the pain in my arms anymore, my face become motionless and blank eyes looking at him. I realised how he made me fallen on his lies, how I made everything go difficult and turn like this. I realised I'm the reason why they were gone, I find out who he really was. "Y-your a Zylòx ? H-how could it b-be?" I ask him and he chuckled once again while tossing me inside of my house where my parents lying on. I stumbled but I didn't scream when my wounded arm's hit on the floor. I just find out how I was so stupid. My parents doesn't like Ryu as my friends and they tried to explain about the Zylòx but I never listen.....I never take the cautions and now it's all my fault why. Why everything happened! I should've known him first before playing with his tricks! But it's too late where I couldn't fix everything again....

I.... couldn't...

"And the Zylòx meant to kill the last Dark blood, Sake" he said while mimicking the warm voice he used to made me believe his a friend....

Ryu just playing around at the very first time we meet in that park.

"Any last word for me Sake?" Ryu asked while pulling out a gun that hid on his back. I don't know but, I'm so numb to feel scared now. I searched for a better words and I glared at him. There's a one thing he doesn't know about me and that's the very big mistake he messed with. "I'll see you again, Ryu" I said and wave my hands while flashing a crooked smile that held the chattering teeth. He seemed surprise for a minute before he could manage to hide it, but then he laughed and pointed the gun straight on my forehead.

"Again? Sake we will never meet again because this is the last time we'll see each other..."

(Narrators pov)

"Again? Sake we will never meet again because this is the last time we'll see each other..." He said while looking at her like she's having a mental problem. Sake didn't tell anything and she just lock her eyes on his one, those wavy purple eyes that already printed on her mind and his face that dead pasted on her memory that she'll make sure she won't never ever forgot. Minutes of silence flickered and the last tear's falling down from her eyes. "Goodbye Sake" he mumbled heartedly and he finally pulled the trigger, next is the loud bang exited and the rushing bullet thrown on her forehead. Just a blink of an eye and Sake’s back hit on the floor beside her parents, her eyes are still open and Ryu stepped and knelt down to close them. He throws the gun and the tears that he held back of his eyes finally free to fall down, after all, he have a good memories at her and he truly love her... ...he just don't want to die..... because she's the last Dark blood that meant to kill him and he's a Zylòx that meant to kill her. Sake didn't know he's a Zylòx and he used that opportunity to made the first move and kill her. Even it was too painful for him.

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