Page thirteenth

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When the bus arrived the station, people rushed to got out after the time that keep running. She waited all the crowds drained and that's for her to step out, as a matter of fact, no one noticed that she didn't pay her ticket before. When she's outside, she quickly walk away before anyone can stop her, she stayed her hidden katana on her hands and not bothering to know wheres she's coming in. She look around, seeking people's passing by and not caring about the place.

She stopped and sigh, then turn around to see that boy following her trail like he's a lost puppy. He smiled awkwardly and played his fingers, too nervous from how her piercing eye's stared into his soul.

"What are you doing?" She ask from unfriendly manner.

He flashed an innocent face and try to look around, "H-huh? I'm do-doin n-nothing" he lied over the fact that he's sweating in embarrassment.

"Then why are you following me?" Still unfriendly,cold appearance and deadly gazes.

The boy swallowed hard and smiled forcedly. "I-i think, ummm, maybe—well~~~"

"Why don't you straight your words? Is that too hard to say?" She forgot her patients so she cut him off.

He look at her terrified, can't she see that he's having a hard time here?

"I decided that, I'll come with you!" He said with hopes in his voice, he look down to the floor and waited for her response. He felt something towards her, he felt safe the time when she said she won't tell that he steal that money to anyone. She become quite for a moment, then raised her eyebrows in confusion.

"You've decided? Go home boy" she retorted and turn of her back, started walking away but the boy didn't stop. He run towards her and begged to let him go with her, but she keep like a stone and ignored his pleases until they found that they were now walking at an alleyway.

She finally stopped and he didn't expect her sudden moved, his face bumped in her back and he wondered what kind of training she did to made her bare back so strong like it's not belong to human. He groans and brushed his nose.

"Would you stop, following me?" She asked without facing him.

The twelve years old boy shook his head back and forth and bit his lips not to let out a tears.

"I'm a-alone and, I w-want you to be m-my oneechan" he said while looking down. Too scared to see her piercing eye's but he wished that she'll take him wherever she's going.

She turn around and tilted her head. "You shouldn't talking to me, your parents probably worried about you then go home" she said firmly, not feeling any sympathy to the boy and that makes his heart shattered. He sobbed from the hopes that began to fall's, "I don't have p-parents" he cried but only she did is to stood there, watching him noiseless and dull.

"C-can I c-come w~~~"

"No" she cut him off. She can't take him with herself. She'll just put his life into dangers and she won't risk for that. She knows what thing are coming for her and he is not included. His eyes widened and his mouth hang open, he look up to see her back walking away without another word's. His hopes not to be lonely again completely faded and no longer to see her there. She disappeared and now he's alone.

He wiped his tears out of his face and slumped his shoulders, turning around to leave the pinch black alley. He remembered how his parents toss him out of their house, and become a thief to have some food.

Not any longer, his heart began to beat fast when there's a three men's walking at the opposite side. He knows from their looks that they were drunk, one of them still holding a bottle of beer and the other's struggling to walk straights.

He slowed his pace when they look at him and grinned. He's feeling so nervous as he can't continue to walk,

"Kid are you lost from Mummy?" Bald men asked as they blocked his way. His two friends laughed crazily from how he made his voice over cared.

The boy stepped back and look for chance to run.

"We can take you back if you come with us" dirty haired men said while taking the cigarette out if his mouth then threw it away.

"And Mummy will be glad to see you" other one said. The boy gulped in acknowledgement from their says, and then run but felt a firm hands pulled him back. Boy jerked her body to get away but someone punched his stomach where could makes him drop and curled in pain. He cried helplessly, the bald one pulled out a pocket knife and the boy felt it's sharpness when he slowly runs it to his face.

"Even you try to scream, boy there's no one can hear you then" he chuckled and pressed the knife onto his skin. The boy trembled in fear as he cried for his numbered life.

"Get away from him!" They all stopped when someone came, walking out of the darkness with furious and piercing eye's. They look if who it is, and the boy felt little hopes shined when she didn't leave.

The bald one stood up with twitching lips and pointed to her his knife. "And who the fuck are you then?"

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